1、怎样着手处理问题 问:你的专业技巧和其他技巧结合起来如何能提高工作效率? 答:良好的经济学知识和电脑销售经验,为我提供了综合的技能并使我能在电脑行业方面从事金融调查工作。我的大部分熟人和他们的兴趣都与高新科技有关,因此很自然我有好奇心,而这有助我与行业的变革同步前进。这个问题给你一次推销你自己的机会,即为何你独特的复合技能奏效?举出一两个例子说明你常被要求去处理的事项。Q:How do your technical skills,combined with other skills,add to youreffectiveness on the job?A:My strong economic
2、s background,along with my computer salesexperience,provide a balanced set of skills to perform financial researchon the computer industry.Most of my contacts and hobbies are also related to high tech,so Ioffer a natural curiosity that helps me stay abreast of changes in theindustry. 问:你怎样着手处理问题?答:当
3、要处理问题的时候,我通常会尽可能把所想到问题的原因写下来。然后找出原因之间的关系,以此来归纳主要问题的共同特征。通常,研究完这些问题后,真正的原因就显而易见了。面试官除了想知道你取得的成果外,还想知道你解决问题所用的逻辑。你办事果断吗?你如何缩小选择范围来作出抉择?别人如何评价你的推理技巧?他们会用什么样的例子来说明你具备有效的决策方式呢?Q:How do you usually go about solving a problem?A:When I need to solve a problem,I generally start by writing downas many ideas as I can think of about possible causes.Next I look forrelationships among causes so I can group together symptoms of biggerproblems.Usually,after I study these groups of problems,the real causebecomes readily apparent.第 3 页 共 3 页免责声明:图文来源于网络搜集,版权归原作者所以若侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者与本上传人联系,我们将及时更正删除。