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1、2003 Southwestern Publishing Company,1,The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, and Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis,Michael A. HittR. Duane IrelandRobert E. Hoskisson,Chapter 2,2,Strategy Implementation,Chapter 13StrategicEntrepreneurship,Chapter 11OrganizationalStructure and

2、Controls,Chapter 10CorporateGovernance,Chapter 12StrategicLeadership,Strategy Formulation,Chapter 6Corporate-Level Strategy,Chapter 9CooperativeStrategy,Chapter 5Competitive Rivalryand CompetitiveDynamics,Chapter 8InternationalStrategy,Chapter 4Business-LevelStrategy,Chapter 7Acquisition andRestruct

3、uringStrategies,StrategicCompetitivenessAbove-AverageReturns,Strategic IntentStrategic Mission,Chapter 2The ExternalEnvironment,Chapter 3The InternalEnvironment,The Strategic Management Process,Feedback,Strategic Inputs,Strategic Actions,Strategic Outcomes,3,General,Environment,General,Environment,G

4、eneral,Environment,The External Environment,IndustryEnvironmentThreat of new entrantsPower of suppliersPower of buyersProduct substitutesIntensity of rivalry,CompetitorEnvironment,總體環境產業環境競爭者環境,4,External Environmental Analysis,A continuous process which includes,Scanning 掃瞄: Identifying early signa

5、ls of environmental changes and trendsMonitoring 監測: Detecting meaning through ongoing observations of environmental changes and trendsForecasting 預測: Developing projections of anticipated outcomes based on monitored changes and trendsAssessing 評價: Determining the timing and importance of environmen

6、tal changes and trends for firms strategies and their management,5,External Environmental Analysis,Strategic IntentStrategic Mission,The ExternalEnvironment,Analysis of general environment,Analysis of industry environment,Analysis of competitor environment,The ExternalEnvironment,6,General Environme

7、nt,Sociocultural segment 社會文化面,Women in the workplaceWorkforce diversity 勞動力多元化Attitudes about quality of worklife 工作生活素質Concerns about environmentShifts in work and career preferencesShifts in product and service preferences,7,Economic segment 經濟面,General Environment,Inflation ratesInterest ratesTr

8、ade deficits or surplusesBudget deficits or surplusesPersonal savings rateBusiness savings ratesGross domestic product,8,General Environment,Political/Legal Segment 政治/法律面,Antitrust laws (公平交易法)Taxation lawsDeregulation philosophies 管制解除(鬆綁)理念Labor training lawsEducational philosophies and policies,

9、9,General Environment,Technological Segment 科技面,Product innovationsApplications of knowledgeFocus of private and government-supported R&D expendituresNew communication technologies,10,General Environment,Global Segment 全球面,Important political eventsCritical global marketsNewly industrialize countrie

10、sDifferent cultural and institutional attributes,11,General Environment,Demographic Segment 人口統計面,Population sizeAge structureGeographic distributionEthnic mixIncome distribution,12,Industry Environment,A set of factors that directly influences a company and its competitive actions and responses.Int

11、eraction among these factors determine an industrys profit potential.,Threat of new entrantsPower of suppliersPower of buyersProduct substitutesIntensity of rivalry,13,Five Forces Model of Competition,Identify current and potential competitors and determine which firms serve them.Conduct competitive

12、 analysis.Recognize that suppliers and buyers can become competitors.Recognize that producers of potential substitutes may become competitors.,14,Threat of New Entrants,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,Bargaining Power of Buyers,Threat of Substitute Products,Rivalry Among Competing Firms,Five Forces Mo

13、del of Competition,Five Forces ofCompetition,15,Threat of New Entrants,Barriers to entry,Economies of scaleProduct differentiationCapital requirementsSwitching costs轉換成本Access to distribution channelsCost disadvantages independent of scale無關規模之成本優勢Government policyExpected retaliation預期的報復行動,16,產業生命

14、週期與進入障礙,進入障礙 萌芽期 成長期 成長消退期 成熟期 衰退期科技 高至中 中至低 低 低 低規模經濟 低 低至中 中至高 中至高 中至高品牌忠誠 低 低至中 中至高 中至高 中至高,產業生命週期,進入障礙來源,需求高度成長,需求成長緩慢與停滯,需求衰退,17,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,A supplier group is powerful when:,it is dominated by a few large companiessatisfactory substitute products are not available to industr

15、y firmsindustry firms are not a significant customer for the supplier groupsuppliers goods are critical to buyers marketplace successeffectiveness of suppliers products has created high switching costssuppliers are a credible threat to integrate forward into the buyers industry向前(向下)整合,18,Bargaining

16、 Power of Buyers,Buyers (customers) are powerful when:,they purchase a large portion of an industrys total outputthe sales of the product being purchased account for a significant portion of the sellers annual revenuesthey could easily switch to another productthe industrys products are undifferenti

17、ated or standardized, and buyers pose a credible threat if they were to integrate backward into the sellers industry向後(向上)整合,19,Threat of Substitute Products,Product substitutes are strong threat when:,customers face few switching costssubstitute products price is lower(廠商的財力)substitute products qua

18、lity and performance capabilities are equal to or greater than those of the competing product,20,Intensity of Rivalry,Intensity of rivalry is stronger when competitors:,are numerous or equally balancedexperience slow industry growth(產業生命週期)have high fixed costs or high storage costslack differentiat

19、ion or low switching costsexperience high strategic stakes策略利害關係have high exit barriers,21,產業結構連續帶,分散型產業中企業家數眾多並無相對較大且足以主導市場的企業進入障礙低產品不易差異化價格戰容易形成產業繁榮與衰退時期不斷更替,結合型企業家數甚少(寡占)或只有一家(獨占)每一家企業都有主宰市場的力量企業間高度相互依存常出現價格領導行為進行非價格戰爭謹慎採取價格戰,企業家數眾多,只有一家企業,22,同業競爭程度越大平均獲利越低,廠商間的合作可以使大家獲得超額利潤合作關係的破壞-個別企業在產業合作下有暗中定

20、價的機會市場的廠商家數越少,勾結(合作)可能性越高集中度(concentration ratio)產業內廠商的數目與相對權力CR4產業中最大四家廠商銷售額或僱用員工人數佔全部產業的比率競爭廠商規模愈平均,敵對關係愈激烈(但是競爭行動與反應越謹慎)如果市場上三家廠商的市場站業率分別為0.5,0.25,0.25規模分配指數為10000x(0. 5x0.5+0.25x0.25+0.25x0.25)=3750指數愈大廠商間愈能合作,23,同業競爭程度越大平均獲利越低,廠商的同質性-在其他條件不變下,廠商同質性愈高愈能合作資產特定性(專屬性)愈高時增加退出市場的障礙,使產業敵對狀態升高,24,現有敵對狀

21、態與產業生命週期演化,競爭態勢 萌芽期 成長期 成長消退期 成熟期 衰退期價格競爭 低 低 高 低至高 高品牌忠誠 低 低 中至高 高 高整體 低 低 高 中至高 高,產業生命週期,競爭焦點,25,High Exit Barriers,Common exit barriers include:,specialized assets (assets with values linked to a particular business or location)fixed costs of exit such as labor agreementsstrategic interrelationsh

22、ips (relationships of mutual dependence between one business and other parts of a companys operation, such as shared facilities and access to financial markets)emotional barriers (career concerns, loyalty to employees, etc.)government and social restrictions,26,進入障礙與退出障礙對企業獲利的影響,高而具風險的獲利,退出障礙,高,低,高,

23、低,低而穩定的獲利,高而穩定的獲利,低而具風險的獲利,進入障礙,27,需求狀況與退出障礙對企業獲利的影響,出現價格領導有機會提高價格與擴大市場,需求狀況,低,高,需求成長,需求降低,產能過剩高度價格戰的威脅,產能過剩價格戰中度威脅,出現價格領導擴大市場規模,退出障礙,28,Strategic Groups策略性群組,Strategic group: a group of firms in an industry following the same or similar strategy along the same strategic dimensions.The strategy foll

24、owed by a strategic group differs from strategies being implemented by other companies in the industry.,29,策略性群體分析,產業中最主要的競爭對象擁有相同資產且採取向同策略的廠商群組產業中何時會出現策略性群體?不同群組具有 不同的競爭態勢同一群組內者為 直接競爭者移動障礙分析進入障礙退出障礙,高品質,低品質,低價位,高價位,退出障礙,進入障礙,30,組織間策略差異的肇因,產業萌芽初期,環境充滿不確定性消費者不知自己的需求與偏好廠商根據自己對未來趨勢的判斷,嘗試各種不同的生產模式組織間逐漸出

25、現策略的差異性認為顧客需求多樣化者積極開發多元化產品強調規模經濟者,集中大量生產一種產品企業在產業形成初期的投資,成為後期選擇策略的資產產業景況惡化會加大企業間的策略差異,31,Competitor Environment,Competitor intelligence is the ethical gathering of needed information and data about competitors objectives, strategies, assumptions, and capabilities,what drives the competitor as shown

26、by its future objectiveswhat the competitor is doing and can do as revealed by its current strategyWhat the competitor believes about itself and the industry, as shown by its assumptionsWhat the the competitor may be able to do, as shown by its capabilities,32,Competitor Analysis,Future Objectives:,

27、How do our goals compare with our competitors goals?Where will the emphasis be placed in the future?What is the attitude toward risk?,33,Competitor Analysis,Current Strategy:,How are we currently competing?Does this strategy support changes in the competitive structure?,34,Competitor Analysis,Assump

28、tions:,Do we assume the future will be volatile?Are we operating under a status quo?What assumptions do our competitors hold about the industry and themselves?,35,Competitor Analysis,Capabilities:,What are our strengths and weaknesses?How do we rate compared to our competitors?,36,Competitor Analysi

29、s,Response:,What will our competitors do in the future?Where do we hold an advantage over our competitors?How will this change our relationship with our competitors?,37,有關競爭者的問題,顧客競爭者的顧客在何處?誰是競爭者主要顧客?行銷採用何種定價/產品或行銷策略?配銷如何配銷產品?,銷售銷售人力的規模有多大?銷售條件與狀況為何?廣告在何處廣告?廣告支出水準?財務獲利狀況?固定成本有多高?,38,有關競爭者的問題,生產與作業生產

30、規模/地點與產能?產品生產效率水準?組織組織結構型態?管理分權/集權程度?由誰制定重大決策?,研究與發展擁有哪些專利與商標?正著手開發哪些新產品?研發預算支出水準?策略性計畫短/長期計畫?將專注於核心事業或有計畫擴充其他市場?是否企圖收購其他事業?,39,有關競爭者的問題,主要競爭者的優勢?主要競爭者的劣勢?主要競爭者的目標與策略?主要競爭者對當前總體與產業環境因素最可能如何回應?我們的策略對主要競爭者的傷害程度?,相對於主要競爭者, 我們的產品與服務如何定位?新企業進入與離開產業的難易程度?在產業中造成彼此目前競爭地位的關鍵性因素為何?主要競爭者近來銷售地位與獲利水準的變化與原因?,40,外

31、部因素評估矩陣,External factor evaluation matrix,EFE 步驟1: 列出外部稽核所確認的主要因素10-20個,先列機會後列威脅步驟2 :為每個因素分派權數權數代表因素對成功的重要程度,通常機會的權數高於威脅,最高1.0表示非常重要,最低0.0表示非常不重要步驟3:評定企業回應每個因素的能力分數最高4表示回應能力強,最低表示回應能力弱評分對象是企業與企業策略的有效性,41,外部因素評估矩陣,步驟4 計算加權分數權數X評分步驟5 加總每個因素的加權分數最高為4,表示企業對外部的機會與威脅回應能力強,最低為1表示企業回應能力差,中數為2.5,42,外部因素評估矩陣範

32、例-無煙煙草製造公司,機會 權重 評分 加權分數全球市場尚未打開 0.15 1 0.15因公開禁煙而增加的需求 0.05 3 0.15龐大網路廣告的增加 0.05 1 0.05prinkerton 在折扣香煙市場的領先 0.15 4 0.60 更多禁煙的壓力 0.10 3 0.30,威脅 權重 評分 加權分數反對香煙產業的法令規定 0.10 2 0.20生產上限 0.05 3 0.15無煙香煙市場集中於美國西南 0.05 2 0.10來自FDA的不良曝光 0.10 2 0.20Clinton 政府的管制增加 0.20 1 0.20,總和 1.00 2.10,43,競爭態勢矩陣,Competit

33、ive Profile Matrix,CPM辨識企業主要競爭者,與相對於特定廠商策略的定位 ,優劣勢與內部策略性資訊的比較CPM與EFE所得的加權分數有相同的意義不同之處為CPM所列關鍵因素較廣泛且集中於內部課題,44,競爭態勢矩陣,步驟與EFE類似權重分數依重要性評定由0.0至1.0,總權重為1.0評分最高為4,表示主要的優勢,最低為1表示主要的劣勢加總加權分數後判定誰是最強的競爭者,45,競爭態勢矩陣範例,關鍵成功因素 Avon Loreal P&G 權重 評分加權分數 評分加權分數 評分加權分數廣告 0.02 1 0.20 產品競爭 0.10 4 0.40 價格競爭 0.10 3 0.30管理 0.10 4 0.40財務狀況 0.15 4 0.60顧客忠誠度 0.10 4 0.40全球擴張 0.20 4 0.80市場佔有率 0.05 1 0.20 總和 1.00 3.15 3.25 2.80,省略,省略,誰是最強的競爭者?,


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