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硕士研究生学位论文 英语专业学生听力学习动机减退因素研究.doc

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1、分类号: 密级: 硕 士 研 究 生 学 位 论 文英语专业学生听力学习动机减退因素研究分类号: 密级: 硕 士 研 究 生 学 位 论 文英语专业学生听力学习动机减退因素研究A Study of the Factors Influencing English Majors Listening Learning DemotivationMajor:English for Science and TechnologyI摘 要听是一项重要的语言技能。众所周知,人类首先是通过听来接触和学习语言的。不仅如此,在语言习得的整个过程中,听既是一项需要独力训练的语言技能,同时也是学习语言的必要途径。听力能力

2、的培养在英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用,听力能力的水平直接影响语言能力的全面提高。然而,在目前的大学英语教学中,听力一直是相对薄弱的环节。相当一部分学生在听力学习过程中的积极性不高,甚至出现降低的情况,从而严重地影响了英语语言的学习。随着外语学习研究的不断发展,国内外许多研究表明,动机是外语学习成功的关键性因素。因此,动机在外语教学和学习中发挥着重要作用。进行外语学习动机研究,可以帮助我们探索激发外语学习动机的策略,提高学生的外语学习动机。那么动机与听力学习应该是密切相关的,自然研究听力学习动机对听力能力的培养就很有意义了。 目前国内学者在动机领域的研究中吸取了国外大量的研究成果,对中国学生英语


4、。第二章是文献回顾。综述了英语听力、动机和外语学习动机,及动机减退的相关概念、重要理论和研究背景,为本研究提供了理论基础。第三章是本研究实验方法的设计,其中包括问题提出、实验对象、使用工具、数据的采集步骤和分析方法,及对实验结果的分析与讨论。本研究结合了问卷调查和访谈的方法对长江大学一年级英语专业学生进行了有关听力学习动机现状调查。首先参考了专家的有关学习动机的问卷,设计了英语听力学习动机调查问卷,对长江大学 120 名英语专业一年级学生在两个不同学期的听力学习动机进行了两次调查。从而了解了学生的听力学习动机的变化情况,并找出在这一段学习期间动机减退的学生 38 人,从中随机抽取 18 名学生

5、分成两组,然后利用“访谈提纲”分别对这两组学生进行访谈。根据学生访谈的结果,从而归纳了六个方面的影响因素,为英语专业英语听力学习动机减退因素问卷的设计提供了前提。接着通过关于英语听力学习动机减退因素问卷,对听力学习动机减退的 38 名学生进行调查,以期找到相关的影响因素。最后对 4 名英语听力老师进行访谈,访谈结果作为对问卷调查的补充。随后,将这两种方法所得数据信息进行有机结合,收集到的数据由统计软件 SPSS13.0 进行分析,使用了描述性分析、皮尔森相关系数分析、频数分析等方法全面深刻地分析了目前英语专业学生英语听力学习动机的现状,并深入调查学生的听力学习动机减退的影响因素。研究的主要结果

6、有:1)通过对英语专业一年级 120 名学生两个学期的英语听力学习动机的调查并经过描II述性统计分析,发现在此段学习期间,总体上动机强度略有降低但无明显变化,但是有 38 名(占总数 31.67%)学生听力学习动机呈现减退状态。2)通过与学生的访谈发现影响学生英语听力学习动机减退的因素有很多,经总结归纳共有 6 个主要因素,它们分别是老师、学生、教材、同学的态度、对待英语和英语国家的态度以及个人发展。3)通过对英语专业英语听力学习动机减退的 38 名学生调查并经过皮尔森相关系数分析,发现在 6 个因素当中,有 3 个因素显著性相关。它们分别是老师、学生和教材。其它 3 个因素如:同学的态度、对

7、待英语及讲英语的国家的态度和个人发展对听力学习动机的减退影响并不相关。基于此原因,仅对显著性相关的 3 个因素的子因素进行进一步的皮尔森相关系数分析,发现与这些动机减退的学生显著性相关的子因素分别是:与老师相关的因素中,老师的教学方法、能力;与学生的相关因素中,学生的自信程度、努力程度、目标或计划的指定;与教材相关的因素中,教材的内容和难度。4)通过描述性统计频数分析发现不同的学生个体,其动机减退的影响因素不同,其中有 73.6%的学生认为老师的教学方法最易影响学生听力学习动机减退。第四章提出教学启示。在听力教学中要提高教师的专业水平和教学方法;增强学生的自信,确立学习目标,加强自我激励;使用

8、有趣的、真实的并适合学生水平的听力材料;建设融洽的课堂环境和改革现代教育教学模式。第五章是结论部分。总结了本论文的研究内容,指出了本研究的局限性并对今后的研究提出了一些建议。基于以上研究结果,本论文指出有关动机的问题非常复杂,但肯定的是,每个学生的学习动机都具有灵活性而不是固定不变的。所以要想增强学生的英语听力学习动机,首先要对学生的动机变化过程有一个全面的了解,所以教师在进行教学时要充分关注动机减退的同学,只有找到减退的具体原因才能有的放矢的找出相对应的解决问题的方法,做到行之有效。关键词:英语专业学生,听力学习,动机减退,相关因素IIIAbstract Listening is an im

9、portant language skill. As we all know, human beings come into contact with language and learn it first through listening. Further, listening is not only a language skill which needs separate training, but it is also a necessary way to learn language. However, in the current English language teachin

10、g practice, listening is always a relatively weak link. It is easy to find that quite a few students are learning English listening with low motivation. Even some students become demotivated. A lot of researches abroad and at home have shown that motivation is a key factor in the success of language

11、 learning. Students with strong motivation can always achieve greater success. Therefore, motivation plays a vital role in foreign language learning. Motivation research can help us to explore some strategies to motivate students in their foreign language learning. It is natural and necessary to do

12、research on listening learning motivations effect on cultivating listening proficiency since the relationship is so close between them.The Chinese researchers have assimilated the beneficial theories and researches abroad and done more researches for motivation of Chinese students in learning Englis

13、h. However, these studies mainly focus on domain-general motivation while domain-specific motivation is little involved, especially listening learning motivation. Though some researchers have conducted some studies on the factors influencing demotivation, the research is too general. So it is import

14、ant and valuable to investigate and find the factors that decrease the listening learning motivation to solve the demotivation problem in English learning. Based on the previous research, the present study makes research on the present situation of English majors listening learning motivation in ord

15、er to explore the relationship between English majors listening learning demotivation and relative influencing factors, which will provide theoretical and statistical evidence and make some tentative suggestions for finding and solving the crucial problems between teaching and learning in listening.

16、The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction to the present study, including the background, purpose, significance and the overview of the thesis. Chapter two is the literature review which deals with the general theoretical background and the previous researches of listenin

17、g, motivation, foreign language learning motivation and demotivation research both at home and abroad. Chapter three describes the research design including the research questions, IVparticipants, data collection instruments, data collection procedures, data analysis methods, data discussions and th

18、e findings and results of the present study. The questionnaires and the interviews are both used in the present research in order to make a detailed inquiry about the listening learning motivation of English majors of Yangtze University. Based on the motivation questionnaire designed by the expert,

19、English Majors Listening Learning Motivation Questionnaire was made by the author and used to measure the 120 English majors motivation intensity twice in two terms when they were freshmen in order to find out the demotivated students and the result showed 38 (31.67%) students had experienced demoti

20、vation and then 18 randomly chosen among them were divided into two groups and interviewed according to the interview outline. According to the analysis of the factors suggested by the interview of the 18 students, six factors were concluded by the author and also developed for The Factors Influenci

21、ng English Majors Listening Demotivation Questionnaire which 38 students attended. Then four English teachers were interviewed according to the interview outline. The contents and results of teachers interview were served as the supplement for the quantitative research. All the data were computerize

22、d and analyzed with the software SPSS 13.0. The present situation of students listening learning motivation and the factors influencing demotivation were clearly shown and understood by applying methods of descriptive statistics analysis, pearson correlation analysis and frequency analysis in the pr

23、esent study. Based on the research results and discussions, conclusions are drawn as follows:1) Results of descriptive statistics analyses of English majors motivation intensity show the students have relatively high listening learning motivation. The data of motivation intensity in the two terms de

24、scribe the students listening learning motivation slightly become lower in the second term. Nearly 31.67% have demotivation problems even they know the importance of English listening learning. As we can see, demotivation is not at all infrequent in English learning.2) Results of students interview

25、show different students with demotivation are affected by different factors. Main factors mentioned by the students are concluded as the teacher, student, material, attitudes of group members, attitude towards English language and community and personal development. 3) Pearson correlation analyses i

26、ndicate that the correlative and significant factors which have negatively influences on the students listening learning motivation among the six factors. According to the influence degree of the factors, the sequence is teacher, student, listening material. The other three factors they have no sign

27、ificant correlative Vrelation to the demotivation in listening. So the author just analyzed the sub-factors of the first three factors to do further research by using the pearson correlation analyses. The teacher plays the most important role in listening process. From the result of analysis, the te

28、achers method, competence, the students effort, self-confidence and study plan or goal and the listening materials content, difficulty show high correlation with the students demotivation in English listening learning.4) Results of frequency analyses illustrate the teaching method is regarded as the

29、 most significant reason by 73.6% of demotivated students. At the same time, the author finds the result that different demotivated learners are affected by different factors is proved according to the data.Chapter four provides some tentative pedagogical implications for teachers, learners and rese

30、archers. The teacher should improve their teaching ability and methods. The students should develop self-confidence and make realistic goal to pay effort in listening learning. The interesting, real and suitable materials should be provided for students and the cooperative learning atmosphere is ver

31、y helpful for them. The new education mode will bring new life for the students.The last chapter is conclusions which conclude the findings briefly, point out the limitations of the present study and make recommendation for the further research.The thesis shows motivation is complex, but it is clear

32、 that every persons motivation to learn is flexible rather than fixed. As teachers, we can directly influence and promote the demotivated students motivation, but the important thing is to have a general view of the progress of motivation change and find the specific factors, just because of that th

33、e teachers can find the practical and effective ways to solve the demotivation problems.Key words: English majors, listening learning, demotivation, related factor VIContentsAbstract in Chinese.IAbstract in English .IIIChapter One Introduction.11.1 Background of the Research .11.2 Research Purpose a

34、nd Significance.21.3 Overview of the Thesis.3Chapter Two Literature Review.42.1 Research on Listening.42.2 Research on Motivation.72.3 Research on Foreign Language Learning Motivation.92.4 Research on Demotivation .16Chapter Three Research Design About the Factors Influencing the Listening Learning

35、Demotivation.233.1 Research and Methods .233.2 Data Discussion .283.3 Findings and Results.40Chapter Four Implications for Promoting Students Motivation in Listening learning.454.1 Implications for Teachers.454.2 Implications for Students .474.3 Implications for Listening Materials.504.4 Implication

36、s for Learning Atmosphere .534.5 Implications for Reforming the Teaching Mode of Current Education .53Chapter Five Conclusions.555.1 Findings of the Present Study .555.2 Limitations for the Present Study .565.3 Suggestions for the Further Research.56Acknowledgements.57Bibliography .58Appendix I.63VIIAppendix II .64Appendix III .65Appendix IV.66Appendix V .67个人简介 .68


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