1、Huazhong University of Science and Technology 中华人民共和国 湖 北 武 汉Wuhan,430074,P.R.ChinaTel: (027)87542623Fax:(027)87547969在读证明胡晓姮,女, 1992年 4月 23日出生,学号:U201014737,于 2010年 9月通过全国普通高等学校入学考试,录取进入我校建筑与城市规划学院建筑学专业学习,学制五年,现为本科四年级学生。如果修完教学计划规定的全部课程,且成绩合格,预计 2016年 6月毕业。华中科技大学教务处2016年 9月 9日Huazhong University of
2、Science and Technology 中华人民共和国 湖 北 武 汉Wuhan,430074,P.R.ChinaTel: (027)87542623Fax:(027)87547969CertificateHu Xiaoheng, female, born on April 23, 1992, Student ID:U201014737,having passed the National College Entrance Examination ,was enrolled in School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong Un
3、iversity of Science and Technology in September, 2010,majoring in Architecture. The length of schooling is five years. Now she is a senior. If she passes all the examinations and thesis required by the undergraduate program, she is expected to graduate in June,2016. Academic Affairs OfficeHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyDate of Certificate: September 9, 2016