1、莲子中的钙、磷和钾含量非常丰富,每公斤莲子中含有蛋白质 81.3 克,脂肪 9.8 克,糖 304 毫克,钙 436 毫克,磷 1.397 毫克,铁 31.4 毫克,还含有其他多种维生素、微量元素、 荷叶碱、金丝草甙 莲子等物质,除可以构成骨骼和牙齿的成分外,还有促进凝血,使某些酶活化,维持神 经传导性, 镇静神经, 维持肌肉的伸缩性和心跳的节律等作用。莲子有防癌抗癌、降压、强心安神等功效,是老少皆宜的滋补品。我今天用莲子搭配红豆和山药做的这款甜品,添加了红豆,补血功能增强,而山药的滋阴补肾功能和莲子的滋补功能相得益彰,是一款营养美味的饭后甜品。主料:莲子50克 山药200克辅料: 蜜红豆适量
2、 玫瑰酱适量做法:1、干莲子提前半天用清水浸泡,把莲子泡涨,这样容易煮烂,泡好的莲子入锅煮,小火煮大约20 分钟。煮好的莲子很绵软,捞出备用。2、选了淮山药,也叫铁棍山药。上笼蒸熟,蒸熟的山药去皮碾压成泥。3、山药泥铺在模具下面,周围摆上一圈莲子,中间先铺一层玫瑰酱。这个酱是我自己做的,非常香甜上面再铺上一层蜜红豆,蜜红豆也是自己做的啦,放入盘中脱模。4、稍加装饰即可上桌。Lotus seed of calcium, phosphorus and potassium content is very rich, lotus seeds contain protein 81.3 grams per
3、 kg, 9.8 grams of fat, sugar 304 mg, 436 mg calcium, phosphorus,http:/ mg, 31.4 mg of iron, also contains a variety of other vitamins, trace elements and lotus leaf alkaloid glucoside, golden grass materials such as lotus seeds, besides can constitutes the bones and teeth, and promote blood clotting
4、, make certain enzyme activation, maintain god by conductivity, calm nerves, to maintain the action such as muscle scalability and the rhythm of the heartbeat. Lotus seeds have anti-cancer anti-cancer effect and so on, step-down, strong mind, is the tonic for young and old. Today I made of lotus see
5、d with red bean and yam this dessert, add the red bean, blood enhancements, and yam ziyin kidney function and lotus seed nourishing function complement each other, is a nutrition and tasty dessert. Main ingredient: lotus seed, 50 grams of yam 200 grams Accessories: honey red bean moderate rose sauce
6、 Practice: 1, the dry lotus seed soaking in advance half a day with water, put the lotus seed sacks, such easy to cook, bubble good lotus seeds into the pot boiled, small heat for about 20 minutes. Cooked lotus seed is very soft, remove and set aside. 2, chose Chinese yam rhizome, also called iron y
7、am. Steamed steamed steamed yam, peeled rolling into mud. 3, yam mud below the mold,http:/ lotus seed, place a circle in the middle to lay a layer of paste rose. This sauce is I made it myself, very sweet again above spread on a layer of sweet red bean, sweet red bean is yourself, into the plate mold release. 4, with a little decoration on the table.