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1、第三届药食同源化学与药效基础及保健品药品开发国际研讨会第三届药食同源化学与药效基础及保健品药品开发国际研讨会定于2014年10月18日在广东工业大学隆重召开。本届会议由广东工业大学轻化学院、美国 Rutgers 大学药学院、广东药学会制药工程专业委员会主办,美国新泽西肿瘤中心、广东省药食同源天然资源综合利用工程技术研究中心、Allan H. Conney 抗癌药物研究实验室协办。大会将邀请一批中美著名学者和国内产业界人士出席会议并作演讲,就药食同源物、保健品开发及新药创制相关学科领域的新成就和新趋势进行广泛、深入的交流。会议期间还将开展中美产学研合作、广东药学会制药工程专业委员会药食同源学术同

2、盟(专题) 、纪念 Allan H.Conney 院士、广东工业大学制药平台发展规划等活动。我们热诚邀请和欢迎医药及健康保健行业相关学术与企业界的同仁踊跃参加本次研讨会。现将有关事宜通知如下:一、会议主题药食同源与疾病预防的基础研究、营养保健、新药发现及相关产业标准。二、征文内容1药食同源生物活性物质发现2. 疾病预防热点领域(肿瘤、糖尿病、老年痴呆、心血管疾病等)3. 药食同源资源利用加工新方法与新工艺4. 营养保健品研发5. 基于药食同源相关新药发现6. 药食同源资源及相关产业标准三、大会组织机构大会主席:Bernard Meunier 院士学术委员会:主席: Bernard Meunie

3、r 院士副主席:张 焜(广东工业大学五邑大学)、余 林(广东工业大学)、杜志云( 广东工业大学)、郑希(美国 Rutgers 大学) 、王霆(广东省药学会)委 员(按姓氏拼音排序):陈汉坤、陈迁、陈庆生、丁丽君、丁金龙、 杜志云、方继辉、方岩雄、郭清泉、顾琼、郭新东、何燕、黄宝华、黄华容、黄锐升、江晓逢、李晨悦、李冬利、李子安、刘光荣、刘艳、刘忠、娄文勇、卢宇靖、倪庆桂、沈玉栋、谭伟、唐健、王华倩、王霆、吴克刚、余林、叶勇、曾宪刚、张翠仙、张焜、郑杰、郑俊霞、赵肃清、周春晖、周代营、 周丽华。组织委员会:主席:张 力 副校长 副主席:余 林、杜志云、郑希、王霆秘书长:王华倩, 刘艳秘书处成员:

4、郑杰、郑俊霞、郭亮、何燕、马燕燕、赵登高、王刚、月圆、林卫萍,陈宣四、学术交流形式本次会议除大会邀请报告、专题邀请报告、口头报告和墙报等形式。大会拟邀请专家(国外): 1. Prof. Benard Meuier,法国科学院院士,广东省 2012 年领军人才,广东工业大学“百人计划”教授,老年痴呆防治新药著名专家。 2. Prof. Christopher J. Molloy, PhD,Rutgers 大学副校长,药理毒理领域专家。3. Prof. Susan Goodin,Pharm.D., FCCP, BCOP. 新泽西肿瘤研究中心执行主任,肿瘤药学专家。4. Prof. Renping

5、Zhou, PhD,Rutgers 大学药学院系主任,神经系统相关疾病诊断及预防专家。5. Prof. Chung S. Yang, PhD,Rutgers 大学药学院前任系主任,肿瘤预防专家。6. Prof. Changjiang Guo,Rutgers 大学药学院,一氧化氮(NO )与疾病研究专家。7. Prof. Xi Zheng. Rutgers 大学药学院教授,广东省 2011 年领军人才 Allan H. Conney 院士继任负责人,广东工业大学“百人计划”教授, 肿瘤预防专家。8.赵军研究员, 美国 NatureUS 生物技术公司, 药物化学专家。大会拟邀请专家(中国): 1.

6、 姜志宏教授,澳门科技大学协理副校长,杰青,澳门科技大学澳门药物及健康应用研究院院长,天然药物化学专家 2. 古练权教授, 中山大学药学院教授,药物化学专家。 3. 张翺教授,中科院上海药物所,杰青,药物化学专家。 4. 汪舰教授, 清华大学医学院, 青年千人, 手性催化与药物化学专家 5. 刘中秋教授,广州中医药大学医学临床转化所所长,肿瘤预防专家。 6. 吕晔教授,中国科学院南京植物研究所,国家保健食品审批委员会委员。7. 张焜教授,五邑大学及广东工业大学天然药物研究所教授,天然药物化学专家。 8. 杜志云教授,广东工业大学天然药物研究所,药物化学专家。 五、征文要求1. 已在国内外学术刊

7、物上公开发表或在国际国内学术会议上报告过的论文不予受理。2. 论文一律用 Word2003编辑,文件存为 DOC 格式,论文摘要用 A4版面,上下分别留出2.5cm,左右分别留出2.0cm,每篇摘要限1页,中文或英文均可接受(建议用英文) 。排版请参照中国新药杂志杂志投稿须知要求进行,稿件应包括题目(三号黑体居中) ,作者(四号仿宋居中) ,作者单位(小五号宋体居中,含单位、城市名和邮政编码并用空格分开) 、正文(10号宋体) 、参考文献(小五号宋体)单倍行距。英文摘要一律用相应大小的 Times New Roman 字体打印。结构式、反应式请用 ChemDraw 绘制。文中化合物代号用阿拉伯

8、数字并加粗。3. 请使用会议电子邮件系统投稿(),投稿日期2014年8月25日2014年10月10日。4 投稿时务请注明论文所属征文内容子项。不接受纸质稿件。六、会议赞助金牌赞助商:五万元以上,会场做15-20分钟报告介绍,在会议上发宣传资料,论文集主要位置刊登一页广告和相关推广资料;赞助: 一万元以上,可在会议上发宣传资料,并在论文集刊登一页广告。七、会议地址广州市番禺区大学城外环西路100号圆弧报告厅 会务联系人:杜志云教授: E-mail:王华倩博士: E-mail:通讯地址: 广州市番禺区大学城外环西路100号工学4-705;邮编:5100092014年第三届药食同源研究与保健品开发及

9、新药创制国际研讨组委会广东工业大学 轻化学院2014年8月20日主办:广东工业大学轻化学院广东省药学会制药工程专业委员会美国新泽西州立大学(Rutgers)药学院协办:美国新泽西洲肿瘤中心广东省药食同源天然资源综合利用工程技术研究中心Allan H. Conney 抗癌药物研究实验室等赞助:完美(中国) 有限公司法国贝瑞滋生物科技有限公司The 3rd International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmacodynamic Basis of Homology of Medicine and Food and Development of Health

10、Care Products(The third notice)The 3rd International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmacodynamic basis of homology of medicine and food and development of health care products will be held on Oct.18, 2014 in Guangdong University of Technology. The Symposium will be co-hosted by Department of Chemical

11、 Engineering and Light Industry, Guangdong University of Technology; School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University (USA) and Guangdong Committee of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association. Invited speakers from China, Macau and America, will deliver their lectures and share their a

12、chievements and findings on the homology of medicine and food, new drug discovery and the development of health care products.Sponsers: New Jersey Cancer Center (USA); Guangdong Natural Products Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Research Center and Allan H. Coneys Laboratory for Anticancer Resea

13、rch.Activities during the symposium: Establishing cooperation with USA on Industry-Academy-Research; In memory of prof. Allan H. Coney; Development planning of pharmaceutical platform of Guangdong University of Technology etc. We sincerely invite and warmly welcome academic and business colleagues r

14、elated to the pharmaceutical and health care industries attend this symposium. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows:1. ThemeBasic research on homology of medicine and food an disease prevention, nutrition health care, medicinal chemistry, drug discovery and related industry standards2.

15、 Topics for papers1) Bioactive components discovery of homology of medicine and food2) Hot topics on disease prevention (Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimers disease, Cardiovascular disease etc.)3) New methods and techniques for utilization of homology of medicine and food resources4) Development of nutriti

16、onal Distinguished talent of Guangdong province, 2012; Professor of Hundred talents program of Guangdong University of Technology, famous expert in Alzheimers disease prevention)2) Prof. PHD. Christopher J. Molloy (Vice president of Rutgers University, expert in Pharmacology and Toxicology)3) Prof.

17、Susan Goodin (Executive director of New Jersey Cancer Center, expert in cancer research)4) Prof. PhD. Renping Zhou (Director of School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, expert in diagnosis and prevention of diseases related to neural system)5) Prof. PhD. Chung S. Yang (Former director of school of Sc

18、hool of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, expert in cancer prevention)6) Assis Prof. Chang Jiang Guo (Rutgers University, expert in the relation of NO and disease)7) Prof. Xi Zheng (professor of Rutgers University and Hundred talents program of Guangdong University of Technology, expert in cancer preven

19、tion)8) Jun Zhao (NatureUS biotech Co., expert in medicinal chemistry)Invited experts (Domestic experts):1) Prof. Kun Zhang (Wuyi University/Guangdong University of Technology, expert in natural medicinal chemistry)2) Prof. Lianquan Gu (School of Pharmaceutical science, Sun Yat-Sen University, exper

20、t in medicinal chemistry)3) Prof. Zhihong Jiang (Vice president of Macau University of Science and Technology, Dean of Macao medicine and Health Research Institute, expert in natural medicinal chemistry)4) Prof. Ao Zhang (Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, winners of National Science Fund for Out

21、standing Young Scholars, expert in Medicinal chemistry)5) Prof. Jian Wang (School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, expert in asymmetric catalysis and medicinal chemistry)6) Prof. Zhongqiu Liu (Dean of international Institute for Translational ChineseMedicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicin

22、e, expert in cancer prevention)7) Prof. Ye Lv (Institute of Botany Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, member of committee for examination and approval of health food)8) Prof. Zhiyun Du (Institute of Natural Medicine and Green Chemistry, Guangdong University of Technology, expert in me

23、dicinal chemistry)5. Requirements for papers1) Papers have been published in domestic and foreign academic journals or reported in conference will not be accepted.2) The text should be given using MS Word 2003 formats, save as .doc format file. The abstract should not occupy more than one full A4 pa

24、ge (margins: top and bottom, 2.5 cm, left and right 2 cm), either in English or Chinese (better in English). Typesetting refers to requirement of the journal of Chinese Journal of New Drugs, for Chinese manuscript, it should include the title (blackbody, 15.75 pt, centered), author (imitated Sung, 1

25、4 pt, centered), author unit (Simsun, 9 pt, center, including unit, city and zip code and separated by spaces), text (Simsun, 10 pt), reference (Simsun, 9 pt), 1.0 line spacing; for English abstract, Times New Roman fonts should be used. Chemical structure and reaction should be drawn by ChemDraw.3)

26、 Manuscripts should be submitted to during the period of Augest 25,2014- October 1, 2014.4) Please indicate essay topic according to section 2 when submit a manuscript.6. Conference sponsorshipThe companies donate more than 50,000.00, will be allowed to give a report for 15-20 minutes in the meetin

27、g, displaying promotional materials and insert advertisement in one page. The companies provide more than 10,000.00, will be allowed to display promotional materials and insert advertisement in one page.7. AddressThe lecture hall of Guangdong University of Technology, 100 waihuan west road. Guangzho

28、u Mega Center, Panyu district, Guagnzhou, China.ContactsProf. Zhiyun Du: Dr. Huaqian Wang: Address: Room 705, No 4 Engineering building, 100 waihuan west road. Guangzhou Mega Center, Panyu district, Guagnzhou, China.The committee of the 3rd International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmacodynamic ba

29、sis of homology of medicine and food and development of Health care productsFaculty of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, Guangdong University of Technology2014.8.20Host:Department of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, Guangdong University of TechnologyCommittee of Pharmaceutical Enginee

30、ring, Guangdong Pharmaceutical AssociationSchool of PharmacyRutgers University (USA)Sponsors:New Jersey Cancer Center (USA)Guangdong Natural Products Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Research Center Allan H. Coney Laboratory for Anticancer ResearchPERFECT (china) Co., Ltd.BERRIS (France) Co., Ltd.


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