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1、2018考研英语必背词汇(三)21 Instead of testing a candidate who might have appealed to the M5S, he opted for a deal with Mr Berlusconi to elect a former Christian Democrat and trade unionist, Franco Marini.他没有尝试找出一个可能会吸引“五星运动党”的候选人,而是选择与贝卢斯科尼达成协议,选出了一位前基督教民主党党员、工会会员弗兰科马里尼。appeal v. 对有吸引力;呼吁;上诉【构词】ap+peal(=driv

2、e/push,驱动,推)【派生】appealer n. 上诉人【词组】appeal to 向呼吁;引起的兴趣 opt v. 选择,挑选【近】cull v. 精选;采集【词组】opt in 决定参加 elect v. 选举;推选【构词】e+lect(=choose/gather,选择,收集)【派生】electable a. 有候选资格的【近】vote v. 投票;选举 Christian a. 信基督教的 n. 基督徒(Italys new prime minister/Apr 24, 2013)22 The university contends that the states “compel

3、ling interest” in having a diverse student body justifies taking race, among many other factors, into account when judging applications.该大学主张,美国“高度重视”保持其学生群体的多样性,这证明他们在判断申请人时,在诸多因素中考虑种族因素是合理的。contend v. 主张;对付;竞争【构词】con+tend(=stretch,伸展,趋向)【派生】contender n. 竞争者【 词组】contend for 争取 contend with 对付 compe

4、lling a. 引人注目的;令人信服的【构词】com+pel(=drive/push,驱动,推)+ling【派生】compellingly ad. 咄咄逼人地【反】boring a. 无聊的,令人厌烦的 justify v. 证明有理;对作出解释;使齐行【构词】just(=swear/law,发誓,法律,正确,正直)+ify【派生】justification n. 理由;认为有理【近】rationalize v. 使合理化 judge v. 判断;评定 n. 裁判员;法官【派生】judgeship n. 法官的地位【近】decide v. 决定;判决【词组】judging by/from 根

5、据来判断 (Unequal protection/Apr 27, 2013)23 But the rancour aroused by the coal-export proposal has become as toxic as a fourchimney belcher.但因煤碳出口提议而引发的积怨已经像从烟囱排放的大量烟雾一样毒害着城市。rancour n. 积怨;冤仇【派生】rancorous a. 怀恶意的;深恨的【 近】hatred n. 憎恨arouse v. 引发;唤醒;激励【构词】a+rous(升起,唤起)+e【派生】arousal n. 觉醒;激励 coal n. 煤;木炭

6、 v. 给加煤【派生】coaly a. 多煤的;煤状的【词组】call over the coals 谴责,申斥;责备 export n. 出口,输口 v. 出口【构词】ex+port(=carry,拿,运)【派生】exportable a. 可出口的【反】import n. 进口;输入 toxic a. 有毒的;中毒的 n. 毒物 【构词】tox(=poison,毒)+ic【派生】toxicity n. 毒物【近】poisonous a. 有毒的belcher n. 蓝白花围巾;彩色围巾 (Dirty war/Apr 20, 2013)24 Mr Obama looks guilty of

7、overconfidence, and of arrogantly believing that by being cleverer than Mr Bush he could avoid traps that plagued him.奥巴马的罪过在于过度自信,他傲慢地认为只要比布什表现得更聪明,他就能避免困扰他的陷阱。guilty a. 有罪的;内疚的【构词】guilt+y(形容词,加在名词后,的) 【派生】guiltiness n. 有罪;自觉有罪【词组】be guilty of 犯有罪,对感到内疚 arrogant a. 傲慢的,自大的【构词】ar+rog(=ask,要求,问)+ant【

8、派生】arrogantly ad. 傲慢地;自大地【近】overbearing a. 傲慢的;压倒一切的 trap n. 陷阱;圈套 v. 诱骗,使上当【近】hook n. 铁钩;陷阱 plague v. 使苦恼 n. 灾祸;瘟疫【派生】plaguesome a. 麻烦的;讨厌的【近】harass v. 使困扰 (Dithering over Syria/May 4, 2013)25 The trick, he told the assembled worthies of Oslo, is to avoid a clash between the narrow pursuit of inter

9、ests and an endless campaign to impose American values around the world.他告诉挪威首都奥斯陆的那群精英说,这其中的诀窍就是避免单纯地追求国家利益和向全世界输出美国价值观这场无止境的运动之间的冲突。trick n. 诀窍;把戏 v. 哄骗【派生】trickish a. 狡猾的,欺骗的【词组】play a trick on sb. 诈骗某人;开某人玩笑 assemble v. 集合;收集;装配(assembled为形容词形式,意为“组合的,集中的” )【构词】as+sembl(=alike/same,相类似,一样)+e【反】d

10、isperse v. 使分散;分开 worthy n. 杰出人物a. 值得的【构词】worth(值得)+y【派生】worthily ad. 可敬地;正当地【近】notable n. 名人;显要人士【词组】worthy of 值得的 narrow a. 狭窄的(原文引申为“单纯的”);勉强的 v. 变窄【派生】narrowish a. 有些狭窄的【近】limited a. 有限的【词组】narrow down 减小;限制;变窄 (Dithering over Syria/May 4, 2013)26 A 2012 study by the Pew Centre on the States fou

11、nd that (only) 13 states rigorously assessed their economic-development incentives, and used the results of those assessments to inform policy decisions (see map). 美国皮尤研究中心(独立民调机构)2012年的一项研究显示,只有13个州严格评估了他们经济发展的激励措施,并且应用这些评估结果形成决策(如图)。rigorous a. 严格的;严密的【构词】rigor+ous(形容词,的)【派生】rigorously ad. 严厉地;残酷地

12、【近】severe a. 严峻的,严厉的 assess v. 评估;对(财产、收入等)进行估价【派生】assessable a. 可估价的;可征收的【近】weigh v. 权衡;考虑incentive n. 激励;诱因 a. 刺激性的【构词】in(向内,成为,进入,使)+centive【近】motive n. 动机,目的 inform v. 形成;通知,告知;渗透于【近】notify v. 通告,通知【词组】be informed of 听说,接到的通知 (Sweet land of subsidy/Apr 27, 2013)27 Inside St Pauls Cathedralas vie

13、wed from the eyrie to which your columnist had been assignedthe British genius for public ceremony went some way to dampening the squabbling that has erupted over the Tory prime ministers legacy since her death on April 8th. 在圣保罗大教堂里正如指派的专栏作家从高山的城堡里所见到的英国人凭借他们在公众礼仪方面的天赋,从一定程度上抑制了4月8日保守党首相辞世后所产生的权力纷争

14、。Cathedral n. 大教堂,总教堂 a. 权威的【派生】cathedratic a. 有权威的;可信的【近】church n. 教堂;礼拜 eyrie n. 高山住屋(或城堡);(鹰等的)巢【近】nest n. 巢;安乐窝assign v. 分派;分配;委派【构词】as+sign(=mark,记号,信号,标志)【派生】assignable a. 可分配的;可指定的【近】appoint v. 任命;指定 genius n. 天赋;天才【反】idiot n. 笨蛋;白痴 ceremony n. 礼仪;仪式;客气【近】formality n. 礼节;仪式【词组】stand on ceremo

15、ny 讲究礼节dampening v. 抑制;减弱(情感、反应等)squabble n. 争吵,口角【近】spat n. 口角;掌击 (A final farewell/Apr 20, 2013)28 Although more hands are idle, and thus available for forcing locks and breaking windows, people are also buying less, so there is comparatively little for thieves to lay their hands on. 虽然越来越多的人无所事事,

16、从而会有更多的人参与强行撬锁或打碎窗户入室盗窃,然而人们的购买力也在下降,因此小偷能下手偷窃的东西相对很少。idle a. 空闲的;懒惰的 v. 虚度【派生】idleness n. 闲散;失业【反】diligent a. 勤勉的,用功的【词组】idle away 浪费光阴 available a. 可用的;能找到的;可会见的【构词】a+vail(=value,价值)+able【派生】availability n. 可用性;有效性【反】unavailable a. 难以获得的【词组】available for 能参加的;对有效的 comparative a. 相对的;比较的;比较级的【构词】co

17、m+par(=come in sight,看见,出现)+ative 【派 生】comparatively ad. 比较地;相当地【近】relative a. 相对的;有关系的 lay v. 放置;产卵;铺放【近】set v. 放置【词组】lay aside 抛弃,放弃(Down these not-so-mean streets/Apr 20, 2013)29 Though Mr Obama gave military help to Libyan rebels against Muammar Qaddafi, averting threatened massacres, scars were

18、 left by the murder of Americas ambassador and three aides, and reports of loose weapons flooding the wider region.尽管奥巴马向利比亚叛军提供军事援助以对抗穆阿迈尔卡扎菲,从而避免了骇人的大屠杀,然而带来的创伤却是美国驻利比亚大使与其三名助理被谋杀,以及武器流散到更广阔的地区。avert v. 避免;转移;防止【构词】a+vert(=turn,转)【派生】avertable a. 可避开的;可防止的【近】prevent v. 预防;阻止 threaten v. 恐吓;危及;预示凶兆

19、(threatened为其形容词形式,意为“受到威胁的”)【近】terrorize v. 使恐怖 massacre n. 大屠杀,残杀 v. 屠杀【近】slaughter n. 屠杀,屠宰scar n. 创伤;伤痕 v. 使留下伤痕【派生】scarless a. 无疤的,不留疤的【近】wound n. 创伤,伤口 (Dithering over Syria/May 4, 2013)30 The official history of Mumbai attributes the citys rise to its natural harbour and textile industry.孟买的官

20、方历史将该城市的崛起归因于其天然的海港和纺织工业。official a. 官方的;公务的 n. 行政官员【 派生 】officialism n. 官僚作风;文牍主义【近】legal a. 法律的;合法的attribute v. 把归于;认为是 n. (人或物的)特征【构词】at+tribut(=give,给予)+e【派生】attribution n. 归因;归属【近】ascribe v. 归因于,归咎于 harbour n. 海港;港湾;避难所 v. 藏有;怀有【构词】har(=arm,臂)+bour(隐蔽处)【派生】harbourless a. 无避难所的 harbouage n. 停泊处,避难所【近】landing n. 码头【词组】to enter/leave harbor 进入/离开港口 textile n. 纺织品;纺织业【构词】text(=weave,编织)+ileindustry n. 工业;产业【构词】indu+str(=build,建立)+y(书评:醉生梦死的人/2013-1-26)


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