1、四年级英语手抄报【小学四年级英语手抄报资料】学生做英语手抄报是提高英语语言实践能力的重要手段。精心收集了小学四年级英语手抄报资料,供大家欣赏学习!小学四年级英语手抄报图片(5)1) Please the eye and plague the heart.贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。2) Pleasure es through toil.苦尽甘来。3) Pour water into a sieve.竹篮子打水一场空。4) Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。5) Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。6) Praise makes good men
2、better, and bad men worse.好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。7) The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。8) Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。9) Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。10) Pride goes before , and shamees after. 骄傲使人落后。Monkey went to the hospital on a lark, and entered thedoctor s room. At that moment,
3、the doctor wasnt in, and he d left his doctors clothes in the room.Monkey thought this would be fun, so he put on the doctor s clothes, that white lab coat we see so often. Just then a little bear came to the hospital to see the doctor. This wasthe little bears first time at the hospital, and he did
4、nt know what hospitalswere likelit:didntknow the hospitalsituation.Allhe knew was thatdoctorswear white lab coats.The little bear had shown up at the hospital carrying abasket of peaches (this was the payment he had prepared to give to the doctor), and he happened to walk into the room whereMonkey w
5、as. Little Bear didn t know Monkey, but he recognized the white lab coat, so he asked Monkey to examine him.Monkey originally just intended to have a bit of fun,but when he saw Little Bears basket, he coveted it fiercely. So Monkey put on a big show of examining Little Bear, and aepted his well-earn
6、ed basket of peaches. As to whether or not Monkey actually cured Little Bear, we will never know.However, after Monkey tasted that sweetness, he oftenstole into the hospital, taking advantage of the doctor absence, and examined patients. Later, Monkey simply made himself one of those kind of white l
7、ab coats.s猴子去医院玩耍 , 进了大夫的房间。正好大夫不在 , 衣服也落在了房间内。猴子觉得好玩 , 就穿上了大夫的衣服 , 也就是我们常见的那种白大褂子。这时候有一只小熊来医院看病。小熊是第一次上医院 , 并不了解医院的情况。它所知道的 , 就是大夫们都穿着白大褂子。小熊提着一篮桃子 ( 这是它准备送给大夫的酬金 ) 来到医院 , 正好走进猴子所在的房间。 小熊不认识猴子 , 但是它认识那件白大褂子 , 于是就请猴子给它看病。猴子本来只是玩耍 , 并不会看病 , 但是它看到小熊的篮子后 , 就起了贪念。于是猴子便装模作样地给小熊看了病 , 并且理所应当地收下了那篮桃子。至于小熊的病是否给猴子看好了 , 这一点不得而知。但是猴子却尝到了甜头 , 以后常常潜入医院 , 趁大夫不在的时候 , 穿上大夫的衣服 , 给病人看病。到后来 , 猴子干脆给自己也做了一身那样的白大褂子。推荐其他主题的手抄报资料和图片作为参考:1. 小学四年级英语手抄报内容2. 关于人教版四年级上册的英语手抄报内容资料3. 小学生英语手抄报内容4. 小学生四年级英语手抄报内容资料5. 四年级英语上册手抄报内容内容仅供参考