1、曼昆经济学原理复习资料整理.作者 :日期 :1QWhysouolicymakertik aboutinentie?Polcmaers ned to thinaoutictives sohy canudrstandhoweple will resond to e polcis thy put in plac e ets empleoseatblts swta pol cyacos cahaveuiteuintnd conqee If nceiesmater a lo, t y mayleadtverydiffernt tye of oli;for example,someconomistshav
2、sgeteputtng knivesin steeincolums tht epleil ve muchmorcareful! While thisuggestionsiisy, it highligtstmprtace f netis.Q6hat doee insibe hand of the marketplcedo?Theinvisibl hofh marketlce repesens theideatat even thoughindsd firmarell actingn theirownself-intet, pricesandthe mktlacgudetem o do hat
3、isood forociey as awhle.Q1Ho s enocs lke ascce?Eoomicsis lie a ciece bcausecnmistusthe sieniic metod hey devisheres,coldaa, ad he anayzhese data inanempta toeiy orrefuetheireoris abouthowte word wrks. Econoistsuseoy andobsrvatin likeothr scientis, but thearimited ineirt abilitto runnolledxpeints. ns
4、ted, hemusrn natral expeimens.QUse apducion posblitiesronte tderibe the ideaof “efficiecy”?Te ideaofefiiny isthataucisefficint if theeconomyisgettingal it canfrmthesarce resoesit asavaiable temsof the produio posibilitiefroer, a efciet poins a poon th frontr, scaspint in Figure. A ointinsdte fronter
5、, suc s pointB,isineficen incemooogould bep oduwthut edng therodction of anoher god.Q7Wha is the difence beteen a positiveanda nomatie stment?Given exampl tat.ostive statementsareesiptiv anakea abouthowe orld is, whle normative statemetse pesriptie ad ka claim abouthhe wld ought tobeHere is axapl. P
6、ositive:rapd roh rte f mony s the case of inflationNorma.ive: Thegvenmet ouldkeegrowtrte of money. lo 3Q1 Explain howaoluteaantagand comparatiedange differ.bsolue dvantageflctsa marisonof hepodctivityone prson,firm,natoo that of nthe,wilecoparatdatagis sedote relativeoportunitystcof the person,fi,r
7、natios. Whileerson,fir,or natn my hvea absoluadvtageiproducineey od,theycne comprtie advantae in evey good.Q4Will a natitend toeprt ormprt gos tstion2.nion wil eptgodfr whicht as a comparaivedvanag baue t haa mler pportuncst of rodcg thosegoodsAs. a rlt, itizens ofal ntins areetcnsuqunttis of godtt
8、areoutsid hepodctiopossibiities fronti.Q5Propeyesincomeelines,ndasrsl, hebuyoe sinach.Is spinac if rior or a normaloods?What happns to Popeyesemacure fospinac?Sine opeyebuy morepiacwhehs inomefll, spiachisa ieior oodfr hi. Snce he buysrempiach,bthpriceo spinah is unchnged, hiseandure fo sinachists o
9、u as arsult ofth decaseihiiome.Q8 Do e ach nge i roducer techn oglead toa mo eme t along th s pp y rve?Doe a change in pricele o ovemen ong hesupply ur e o ashif in the uppl c r e?Achange in prod cerstech ology l d a shift n the upp c rve.A ch nge i pri ele ds o a moveent along the supp y curve.Q9 e
10、finethe qui ibr u of a mark t Descr e th rces t a movea mark t wardsit equilibrium.The eq ilibrium of market isth p n at hich the quant ty emanded qu l to utitysuppli d. I th pr i above heeq i ibrium p i e, ellers wa t s o ethan bu ers want to bu , so hers asurpls. Se t y o inc as thesalesby cuttin
11、prices. at c nt nu s nil th y reach t e equi ib iumpr c I t e ri e s b w the qui ibr um price,uyrs want buy more han sele s wa t l,so there i a hortage. el erscanrais theirpr ce it ou l sing cu ome sThat ntinues until hey reach the eq ilibriumprice.Q esc ibe the ro e of r ces in m reco omies.Pr c s
12、pay a vit l r lein mar et economiesbec use he brin ma s to eq libr um. fthe pri e s iffe en from its equilibrium level, u ntity supplied nd quantity deman eare oe ual resu t g s rplus orshor e leads s p ie s to adj st tpric u til equil bri m res d. r ces thus serves g al th t uide e o oic ecisi ns a
13、ndal oc te s arce e our s5Q2 L nd expl in fo r de e inants fthe pr c e a icity odema di u sed in h apter.The eter in nt of t e r ce l t t of dem nd i c ude wa ail bl os subs tutes are, wh the the go d i a ec ssity ora luxu y, ho road y defined the marke is, and the ti horizon.Luxury goods hae great
14、r price elas ic ti shanne e s ies, g o wit close s bsttu have gr ater lastic ties, goods in mo e narrow efi ed a ketsh ve g ate elastic ties, and he ela i ity demand s he th l nger the imehoriz .Q4 On a supp y-an -dema d d a ram, show q ilibriump ice, equil br um uan i , an h to a evenu recei d by r
15、oducers.Fig r1 prese t a u ly-a -demand diag a , showi e ilibrium ce, equilibrium qu nti y,and the otal r v n e received b prod ers. o l revenu e u l h uil briu pr ce tim s t q ili ium qu ntit , hic is te a a of the r tangle hown nthe fi ure.Fi ure16Q2Which causes a hor ago a good a pr c lin r apce
16、floo ? Which c us ssurplus? sotageof agd arseshen therea bnng priceceing. A rls of gd rises whenthea idnpicelooQowoea taxon a oodffe te icpid uyers,ah quntity sol? taxn oodriethe prce buyers,paloes e priceselsreeive,and reducestheuatity sld.Q7hat deteines how thebrn of a tax dividetween buyersad sel
17、lers?hy?Th udenof taxidividedbtwebyersandselersendngonelaticity of demandandsly Elicityepesentthewilings obuyeor sllrtoleae themarket,hih in urndepndson hei aenaties. hena oodis ax,he side ofthmarketth ewer goodteaives caot aily lve thmaants bes mre o te burde o he tax.7Q1Elainhw byersilingnes to pa
18、y,consumerurlus,anthdeaurv re related.uyerswilngnes to pay,scoer surlu, an tdemandurveae alclslreated. The heiht othe dema curve repesents thewiingness paytof thebuyersCons.rrpisthe ara belw the ddcre andaovthe prce, hcequaleacbyrs ilingss to ple te prce oe god.Q2 Eplin how slescss, oucer surplu, n
19、te supplyvere r atedelers cos, prodcer suplus, ande tsupy cure arlcsey rte. The heig t of theuply curverereetthcostsof tellers. Proder surpus is tharea be ow theiceandaov the uply ure,whichequls hepicemiuechsellersss.igure 413Q2Givean eampl anopportuitcst a ccountaight ncot as a ost. Whould theacoun
20、tat ine cost?Anacountat wounotoun the owneopporsunityostof alternativeemlyents accouningcos. Aeamle s ivin thetet in ichelrunsa oke bsines, bu sheold inseadk aa cmpterogrmme. Becase shesworking heroifacto,se givs uptpprtunitytear$10 pr ours a computr prograer. Theacounant inorethisoportty cosbeaeflo
21、wcurs Bt thecosts revantHeeeciin to ruthe cookietofay.Q3Whaimrginl prodt, an wht doesiten t s dimishing?Mrinal productistincreseoutut tat arsesfran addtionunitof ipt. Diinshin margial prout meantat tharginalrodut ofn inut delines tquantty of he inputnrea8Defid conomiesof calean elain whythightarie.
22、neieonoisof scal andepn then migharise.Economes ofsle exst wen g-ruaveagettal ost fals ashe uaty f out ut ncreaes, whicoccus becaus o speciliain angwrkers iseconomesof saliswhennl-un aege totaostises aste quaniy of oupuincreases,ichccrs beausof corioprobleinheent in agla oranzaion.14Q2Draw the costc
23、urvfoa ypicr. Fo a gin pie, explainotheirm chse theevef utut thmaximizesroit. Figure2 showtheost uvesfora typicl fir. or a gienr(ucha P*), hlevel ofutputhat mimizes profiis t e oput where marginalstecus ie (* ), as lonas price isgreater thanaveravariablcostt that poit(ithehrt run), ogretehanavege to
24、tal cost(n thongun).iure 2QDoesa firmrqua arginl cot in hertrun,n heog u, orboth?Expain.Thefims pce equalhe miniuo aerage totaost onlyin e gru.n heshortrun,iceay bgeatr than averagetocost,n whih casthefim ismakingprots, r priceay beles an avergoal cs, in hchasethfir s maing osst hesatin idiffere in
25、te log un. If rmsaremakingpis,oerfrmswilltehe industry,whichwill oer hepicf thegood.I fimsare makingloses,they willexit te idustry,hih irisee ricef thegood.Enry or ext cone ul fmsae makg neitherprofitsnorlosses At thatpoint, prie eqaaveragtotl o.3Wy is mpolistmargnareeuelssthathe ricef itoos?Camargi
26、nlevene be negativ?Eplain.A monopolistsargnaleenis lesshanhe pce ofts prduct because:()is dandurv is the markedemd urve,so (2) toicesthe amounsol, thmonoimst wer thepriceof is goodfevruni it sels. (3) hicut in pricesreduesrevnuothe unts it as aleadselng.A monplitmarinl revnuecbe ngive becuse to getc
27、puses touy anaionl unit ofet good,thefm mut redue it ce oalluis ofte god T at that it selgrquatitncreasreenu, tthe declnin r ce resrevne. Th overallefc deendon thelasicity ofet emncuve. If th deman cuve isiatic,rinal revenuewll bnev.4 Drw theend,marginal-enre,andmargia-cot rver a onopoist.owhe proft
28、-maimiing levl of oputShw hprofitmaximizg pic.igure1 sowstdemand, marginale-eue,d maginal-costuesfoa monopoli The intersctionothe mrginarvee ad mrgnl-cot curvesdeerminethe prof t-maimiingleve of ouut, . Thedmandrvenshw the of-axmiz ng p ice, Pm.Fi e 16Q I agroup of el s c ld rm a cartel, wh t qua t
29、ty andprice wouldth t to et?Ifagrou o s l r coulf rm r , they ul trytos tq tit anprice li a on list. hey ould t q ant ty at t p int ere arg nal rev n eq als ma ginal cost,and t ri e at the corre ponding p int onthede and cu veQ What s the r n rsd l ma a wha e iha e o o i oligopo y? he p i on rsdile
30、ma i agamebetween p ple o irms t at i ustrates why t s f i ultor p on n s to operate eve w en c oper t o wou makethemall b tter o f.Each pe sor i has a geat ince i e toc ea on a y ooerat ve ar em nt to ma eimselfri selbetter off. 7Q Drawa d agra of the lon -r n qilibrium n amo op list c lly co pet t
31、 v mar e . How is ice e t veraget al cos ?Ho is pri e rel t d to marg l os ? n Fig e 2 , airm has emand cu eD1 and margina -revenue cu ve M1. The fi m imak ngp o itsbe ause atq antity , ric (P1) i bo e average tot l c t( C)Tos rofits duce h r f r s to e er the dustry, ausi g he dem nd cu ve t hito2
32、n themarginal-re enue u ve os if to R Th resultis ade li i q2 nt tyt , t wh c pointthe pr c (P2) q ls a er get alcost (ATC), so pr iare n wzer .F g re 2Q1E plain w an eco omy s inco e ust e ual ts expenditur A econo y in ome m s qual it exp nditu , ince very trans ct n has a buye a d selle s, xpenditu e y buye s m st q al inc e b s llr .Q2 Des ribe t e t r e pr le that aketh onsumer r ce ind x an mperfect m asureof the st of li ng.The thre p obl msin the con u er pr ce ind s me sure f the cost o living ar :() bsitut on bias,w i arises