1、第八章:语篇翻译,1. 何为语篇?,通常情况下是指句或小句以上的语言结构,有独立的交际功能.,句群SENTENCEGROUP,段落PARAGRAPH,篇章TEXT,2. 语篇意识,1)在翻译研究或实践中始终强调篇章在交际过程中的完整性和一体性2)强调每一个层级的翻译操作都要在其上一层级作为思维背景的情况下进行,4.语篇翻译中的策略技巧,句子之间的逻辑连接,信息的解析、组合、译文句子的构建,搭配,一、段落翻译,With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China ow
2、es its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international communitys support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the worlds people place on
3、Chinas future development.,段落(paragraph) 段落是小于语篇的语义单位,是一个在概念上比句子更大的翻译分析单位。它可能是几个句群,也可能是一个句群,还可能只是一个句子,甚至是一个词。以段落为单位对原语进行分析,较之以句子为单位的分析更有利于译者对原文作者意向及原文逻辑关联的把握。从翻译实践出发,这里所讲的是至少有一个句群组成的段落。先谈英汉对比,后说英语语段的译法。 (一) 英汉段落比较 段落是具有明确的始末标记的、语义相对完整、交际功能相对独立的语篇单位。英语段落的构成大致可分两类:一类是典型的主题句-阐述句-总结句结构,另一类则有点象汉语的以某一中心思想
5、能说它们是同中有异、异中有同,异略大于同。,Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever.
6、 For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold i
7、s in astronauts suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty, but also for its utility.,自1840年鸦片战争使中国蒙受历史性屈辱以来,从林则徐、魏源、龚自珍到孙中山,历代志士仁人曾为中国的救亡和发展,前仆后继,英勇奋斗,但由于缺少科学理论的指导而饮恨九泉。实践告诉我们,在一个半殖民地半封建的中国,改良封建专制制度,
8、不是出路;实行资本主义,亦非良策。在历史的比较中我们认识到,唯有马克思列宁主义,才能救中国。马克思列宁主义一经传入中国,中国人民就在精神上由被动转入主动,中国共产党才在马克思列宁主义和中国工人运动的结合中诞生并成为中国革命的领导力量,中国人民的民族解放和民族振兴才找到了正确的方向。从此,开始了马克思列宁主义在中国的实践和发展历程。,该汉语段落的中心思想就是:历史告诉我们,只有马克思列宁主义才能救中国。但这一主题的阐发方式却明显不同于英语论说文段落模式,它形散神聚,词句的随意自然流动、重文气(气韵)而轻文理(理则)、乃至断句不严等特点,均可在其中找到。,It may be that I am a
9、 pessimist, for spring it is, not autumn, that makes me sad. Spring has always rightly been identified with youth, and the sorrows of youth are poignant and bitter. The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to
10、 remind us of the inevitable ravages of time. The world is urgent with bursting life, with the wild exciting beauty of youth, but it is an impetuous beauty of scenes racing impatiently in to the florid and surfeited luxury of summer. Here is no comfort and fulfillment, only passionate creation of tr
11、ansitory delight.,我也许是一个悲观主义者,因为使我伤感的季节,是春天而非秋天。人们总是把青春比作春天,这自然无可厚非,但青春逝去的哀伤却是苦不堪言的。那笑傲三月狂风的水仙花,很快枯萎一片,花残叶败,紧锁的愁眉向人们诉说着天道的无情。蓬勃的生命和狂热激奋的青春美丽催动着春天万物,良辰美景来去匆匆,转眼又是俗艳奢华的夏天了。春天没有安然自得, 没有任何结果,有的只是激情涌动和转瞬即逝的快乐。,It was Sunday and the weather was fine. Mrs Smith said, Lets go for a picnic.Oh, yes!said Mary
12、and John, her two children. Mr Smith said, Yes, lets go to the woods and have our picnic there.They drove along small roads and came to the woods. Mary put the blanket on the ground, John took the food out of the car, father made a fire, and mother made tea.Its very beautiful here, said mother.Its v
13、ery quiet and green.John had a kite, and soon he was running across the grass with it.Be careful!said mother, but it was too late! John fell over the basket of food, and everything fell out.Look!cried Mary.There are ants in the food!Yes, there were. There were lots of them. The blanket was on an ant
14、s nest.,那是个星期天天气很好。史密斯女士说“让我们出去野餐吧?”“哦 太好了”她两个孩子玛丽和乔恩说。史密斯先生说“好,让我们去森林里野餐”他们演着小路开着车然后到了森林。玛丽把篮子放在地上,乔恩把食物从车里拿出来,爸爸生气了火,妈妈烧茶。“这里很漂亮,”妈妈说,“这里很干净,而且都是绿色”乔恩有一只风筝,很快地他就拿着风筝穿越草地了。“小心!”妈妈说,但太迟了。乔恩摔在了装食物的篮子上,所有的东西都倒了出来。“看,”妈妈叫道,“食物里有蚂蚁了!”“是的,那里有,有很多蚂蚁,篮子放在蚂蚁窝上”,With a long civilization, China favors interna
15、tional exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international communitys support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression
16、to the expectations the worlds people place on Chinas future development.,中国具有悠久的文明历史,热衷于国际交流与热爱世界和平.中国成功申办了2010年的世界博览会,得到了国际社会的支持和信任。在改革开放和经济发展的今天,中国的这届博览会将成为发展中国家的首例,它体现了人们对中国未来发展的期望。,2. 篇章翻译,2.1 广告文本的翻译2.1.1 广告文本的主要功能:信息、美感、表情、呼唤功能2.2.2 广告文本的翻译:商标的翻译;口号的翻译;正文的翻译,一、商标的翻译,直译法:直接翻译出意义。例如:皇冠;自由鸟;自然美;
17、音译法:按照发音翻译。例如:海天;红塔;太极;长虹;格力,音意结合法:发音和意义结合翻译,最理想的方法,可谓形意结合。例如:黛丝(洗发水);方太;白沙;海信;乐百氏;雅戈尔(服饰); 四通(电脑); 乔士 (服饰); 乐凯(胶卷); 乐福(补品) Daisy, Fountain, Beshiny, HiSense, Robust, Youngor, Stone;Choose, Lucky; Life,转译法:舍弃原商标的意义和发音重新设计一个在译语中有良好传播效果的商标。例如;联想;统一;洁婷;Legend (现改为 Lenovo), President, Ladycare,二、广告口号的翻译
18、,直译法: 例如:一切皆有可能(李宁服饰); 拥有完美肌肤的秘诀(丁家宜化妆品)Anything is possible.The secret for perfect skin.,转译法:摘取口号原文中最有表情和呼唤功能的部分加以引申、发挥后表达出来。比如;国酒茅台,相伴辉煌 (茅台酒);鹤舞白沙,我心飞扬 (白沙集团) ;运动休闲,我行我速(运动休闲系列) Good and vigorous spirit. Fly higher. Go my own way.,仿译法:套用译语中与产品所宣扬的理念相近的名言警句。比如: 爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) 一册在手 纵览全球(环球杂志) 随身携带,有
19、备无患;随身携带,有惊无险(速效救心丸) Love me tender, love me true. The Globe brings you the world in a single copy. A friend in need is a friend indeed.,三、广告正文的翻译,原则:简洁明了,避免大话、空话,力求行文通顺流畅,符合译文广告的语言特色 例如:酱香突出,优雅细腻,酒体醇厚,回味悠长,空杯留香持久,历届国家名酒评比之冠,尊为国酒 (茅台酒广告),Carefully Brewed Pure and Mellow With a Long-Lasting Aroma (Ch
20、ina Pictorial, Oct. 2002),100% COTTON GENTLE AND SOFT enough for a babys skin. A NATURAL WAY to remove makeup and cleanser, nail polish, lotion, cream, etc. PERFECT for any use where a soft absorbent applicator is needed.,本品采用100%天然棉层精梳制成,品质柔软贴切,适合化妆使用。经过特殊化学高温杀菌、脱脂处理,品质清洁,卫生可靠。棉质柔软细致,能彻底清除油垢残妆,让你的肌肤更具健康活力。最适用于上妆、卸妆;拭除面霜、唇膏、指甲油;清洁贵重物品。,* * 润肤露质地柔和,富含滋润成分,香味馥郁持久,具独特的护肤作用,可帮助肌肤保持其珍贵的天然水分,防止干燥,令肌肤触感柔软,细滑。 * * body lotion. A superb aid to dry skin. With a lasting moisturizing effect and lingering touch of fragrance, it keeps your skin soft, gentle and smooth.,