1、,Lesson Three At War with the Planet -Barry Commoner,Class :1106 Group :2 Names:Date: 4.11.2014,Para1: This part tells us two worlds people live in and people hold different attitudes towards them.,not for what occurs in the natural world,we accept responsibilityfor events of our own world,acts of G
2、od,Para 2 : Now,on a planetary scale, this division has been breached.,Natural phenomena,. a continent-sized hole in the Earths protective ozone layer. . global warming . droughts . floods . heat waves,reason:,become unwitting acts of man,para 3: The protending global events change the relationship
3、between the planet Earth and its star,the sun.,fixes the planets path around the sun.,bathes the Earths surface fluctuating from day to night and season to season.,expression,Solar energy fuels the energy -requiring processes of life.,creats the planets climate,governs the gradual evolution and the current behavior.,Para 3,Solar Radiation,Earth Five,Thank You!,