1、EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYPlush toys lionManufacturer/Importer certifies that the following designated productTest standard informationEN71 Part1:2011-Mechanical and Physical PropertiesEN71 Part2:2011-FlammabilityEN71 Part3:2013-Migration Of Certain ElementsIs in conformity with the standard(s)Dir
2、ective Name / NumberSafety of Toys / 2009 / 48 / ECUnder the Council DirectiveThe designated product was subject to sample testing for which BST issued test report number:(SHBST2014061019YRR-4)The declaration is sole responsibility of the manufacturer/importerName of manufacturer/importerYangzhou D King Toys & Gifts Co., ltd. / ORMA toysSignature: Yangzhou D King Toys & Gifts Co., ltd.Date: Jun.9, 2014