1、Unit3 READING AND UNDERSTANDING1.Whydidthewritersfatherkeephisoldbattlejacket?A.ToshowhowdangeroushisroleinD-Dayhadbeen.B.Todemonstratehisloyaltytohisoldregiment.C.Toexplainthathemighthavedied,andtherewouldhavebeennofamily.D.Toremindhimselfthathedbeenverylucky.2.Doesthewriterthinkwestilldressexclusi
3、avoiddrawingattentiontothemselves.B.Tobeabletofeelcomfortableintheeveningsoratweekends.C.Tomakeothersseetheminapositiveway.D.Todrawattentiontotheirextravaganttastesinclothes.4.Whymightyoukeepcertainclothestodaywhichyouwore in thepast?A.Becauseweassociatethemwithaspecialpastoccasion.B.Becausetheycans
4、tillfit.C.Becausetheyareexpensive.D.Forfunctionalreasons.5.Areourclothessimplysomethingwewear?A.Yes,evenclotheswhichareinappropriate.B.No,theyalsoshowoursocialstatus.C.Yes,buttheyhaveadecorativefunction.D.No, they represent all aspects of who we are.1. Now and then I dress formally, but usually I we
5、ar casual clothes.Answer: _2. If the bullet had been a few centimetres to the left, my father would have received a deadly wound.Answer: _3. Is it really true that wearing dark colours shows a lack of interest in clothes?Answer: _4. Although my father wasnt killed, he didnt manage to move quickly en
6、ough to avoid the bullet.Answer: _5. Fashionistas often think that mixing different colours creates a good look.Answer: _6. The 1) suggestion of the saying, Theres no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing is that we cant change the climate, we just need to dress 2) appropriately.Answer:
7、 1) _ 2) _7. People always make choices about what to wear, so Im not convinced when they say theyre not interested in clothes.Answer: _1. Obining6.implication7.accordingly8.dubiousa-45 b-23 c-5 d-3 e-4 f-1What kind of clothes do you like to wear, comfortable and 1)low-maintenanceitems like jeans an
8、d T-shirts, which you can relax in and are easy to clean, or some 2)exquisite and beautifully made high-fashion items? In fact, most of us 3)gaugethe social circumstances first, which will then 4)dictate the clothes we finally choose to wear. We usually wish to give a(n) 5)favourable impression of o
9、urselves, so this usually suggests a dark suit and a(n) 6)crispwhite shirt, or a(n) 7)modestsweater and skirt for interviews, and fashionable but not 8)extravagant clothes when seeing your friends.1. Aninvasionislikelytobeanoccasionwhen_.A.onearmyenterstheterritoryofanotherarmyB.onearmywinsawarovera
10、notherarmy2.Somethingsuperficial_.A.goesdeeplyintosomethingelseB.affectsonlythesurfaceofsomethingelse3.Ifsomethinggrazesyourskin,itinjuresyou_.A.severelyB.lightly4.Ifsomeonespeaksinatactfulway,they_.A.talkinanexplicitwayB.in a way which avoids upsetting5.Fabulousclothesare_.A.expensiveandofthehighestqualityB.ordinaryandeveryday6. Ifyoudisguiseyourself,youwishto_.A.showyouridentityB. hide your identity