1、A.1APPENDIX AThe Figures A.1, A.2, and A.3 below illustrate the block diagrams for the supply and load modules. Figure A.1 depicts the supply and load both connected to the hot and neutral AC line. The dashed lines between the modules indicate the branch of the circuit where a faulty line may exist.
2、 Figures A.2 and A.3 show the subcomponents of each module. Figure A.1 Block Diagram of Supply and Load ModuleFigure A.2 Block Diagram of Supply ModuleSupplyModuleLoadModuleHotNeutralVoltage Divider / RectifierWireless Transmitter ModuleFrom MainsPICAnalog to Digital ConverterA.2Figure A.3 Block Dia
3、gram of Load ModulePICAnalog to Digital ConverterWireless Transceiver ModuleLEDFrom High Resistance CircuitVoltage Divider / RectifierRelay Unit To homeapplianceA.3APPENDIX BThe following diagrams depict the schematics for the various components in the modules.Figure B.1 Voltage Measurement Circuit1
4、5Vdc0-15Vdc01.5k1.5k33.2k+3-2V+7V-4OUT 6OS1 1OS2 5LM741300k15kFREQ = 60HzVAMPL = 120VOFF = 0V0REF3VDIG28AGND12BYTE23AGND25D8 13D9 12D10 11D11 10D7 15D0 22D1 21D2 20D3 19D4 18D5 17D6 16CAP4R/C24CS25VIN1BUSY 26VANA27D12 9D13 8D14 7D15 6U3AD9762002.2uF2.2uFD1N4003D1N4003D1N4003 D1N40035Vdc047uF0A.4Figu
5、re B.2 ADC and PIC schematic for the panel moduleFigure B.3 ADC and PIC schematic for the load moduleANAIN1AGND12REF3 CAP4AGND25GND14BUSY26+VCC27 VCC28D0 22D1 21D2 20D3 19D4 18D5 17D6 16D7 15D8 13D9 12D10 11D11 10D12 9D13 8D14 7D15 6BYTE23R/C 24CS25U1 AD976RA0/AN0 2RA1/AN13RA2/AN2/VREF- 4RA3/AN3/VRE
7、1/PSP120RD2/PSP221 RD3/PSP322RD4/PSP427 RD5/PSP528RD6/PSP629 RD7/PSP730U2 PIC16F877R61.5kohmPANEL MODULE SIDER1200ohmR233.2kohmC12.2uFC22.2uFR36.2kohm R42kohmR52kohm5V12SW1RESETCLKANALOG INPUTTRANSMITTED SIGNALANAIN1AGND12REF3 CAP4AGND25GND14BUSY26+VCC27 VCC28D0 22D1 21D2 20D3 19D4 18D5 17D6 16D7 15
8、D8 13D9 12D10 11D11 10D12 9D13 8D14 7D15 6BYTE23R/C 24CS25U1 AD976RA0/AN0 2RA1/AN1 3RA2/AN2/VREF- 4RA3/AN3/VREF+ 5RA4/T0CKI 6RA5/SS/AN4 7VSS31OSC1/CLKIN13OSC2/CLKOUT 14RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI 15RC1/T1OSI/CCP2 16RC2/CCP117RC3/SCK/SCL 18RC4/SDI/SDA 23RC5/SDO 24RC6/TX/CK 25RC7/RX/DT 26VSS12VDD11RB0/INT33 RB134
9、RB235 RB3/PGM36RB437 RB538RB6/PGC39 RB7/PGD40MCLK/VPP1 RE0/RD/AN58VDD32RE1/WR/AN6 9RE2/CS/AN7 10RD0/PSP019 RD1/PSP120RD2/PSP221 RD3/PSP322RD4/PSP427 RD5/PSP528RD6/PSP629 RD7/PSP730U2PIC16F877R61.5kohmLOAD MODULE SIDER1200ohmR233.2kohmC12.2uFC22.2uFR36.2kohm R46.2kohmR56.2kohm5V12SW1RESETANALOG INPUT
10、CLKRECEIVED SIGNALD1 RED LEDD2YELLOW LEDR7150ohm R8150ohm4312RL1RELAYHOTTO LOADA.5APPENDIX CThe following waveforms are simulated waveforms that show the sinusoidal output from the unity gain op-amp and dc output signal from the rectifier. In ideal conditions, these would be the values obtained.Figu
11、re C.1 Output waveforms with a 120V input (Output = 5.3324V)Time0s 0.5s 1.0s 1.5s 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s 3.5s 4.0s 4.5s 5.0sV(U2:+) V(D4:2)-10V0V10V V(D4:2)-4.0V0V4.0V8.0VSEL(1.5088,5.1007)Figure C.2 Output waveforms with a 115V Input (Output = 5.1007)Time0s 0.5s 1.0s 1.5s 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s 3.5s 4.0s 4.5s 5.0s
12、V(U2:+)-10V0V10V V(D4:2)-4.0V0V4.0V8.0VSEL(1.5000,5.3324)A.6Figure C.3 Output waveforms with 97V Input (Output = 4.2451V)Time0s 0.5s 1.0s 1.5s 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s 3.5s 4.0s 4.5s 5.0sV(U2:+) V(D4:2)-5.0V0V5.0V V(D4:2)-5.0V0V5.0VSEL(1.4606,4.2451)A.7APPENDIX DThe following tables describe the pin assignmen
13、ts for the AD976 analog-to-digital converter, the PIC16F877 microcontroller and the XBee/XBee Pro wireless transceiver modules. These tables have been acquired from the datasheets.Table D.1 Pin Functions of the AD976 Analog-to-Digital ConverterA.8Table D.2 Pin Functions of the PIC16F877 MicrocontrollerA.9Table D.2 Pin functions of the PIC16F877 Microcontroller (continued)A.10Table D.3 Pin functions of the XBee/XBee Pro Wireless Transceiver Module