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1、 单台仪表的校准和试验方案 1、编制说明: 1.1、单台仪表的校准和试验传统称为一次调校,即仪表安装前的校验,它是在规定条件下,为确定测量仪器仪表或测量系统的示值、实物量具或标准物质所代表的值与相对应的由参考标准确定的量值之间关系的一组操作。其目的是:检查计分表在运输途中有无损伤;核对仪表的规格型号及功能是否符合设计文件的要求;仪表的精密度是否符合制造厂技术文件的规定。因此,它是一项技术含量高,工作要求细,范围比较广的工作。这一工作质量的好坏,将直接影响系统试验和装置的产品质量及运行安全,对评价仪表工程的施工质量具重大影响。为了保证单台仪表的校准和试验质量,特编制此方案。1.2、由于工业自动化


3、要技术参数、主要实物工程量、工期要求及投资等)。3.2、工程量。(见下表)仪表设备分类统计表(样表)序号仪表设备名称单位数量备注1温度仪表 包括:、双金属温度计支、压力式温度计支、热电偶支、热电阻支、温度变送器台、盘装温度仪表台2压力仪表 包括:、3流量仪表 包括:、4物位仪表 包括:、5成份仪表 包括:、6调节仪表 包括:、7旋转机械量仪表8执行器4、仪表校准、试验的程序:(见程序图)General Procedures for Single Instrumentation Calibration and Testing(refer to the following programs):单台

4、仪表校准、试验程序图核对仪表选型是否满足工艺要求核对设备汇总表与明细表是否吻合配置合格的计量器具设置合格的计量器具室设置合格的校准间编制必要的仪表搬运、贮存方案仪表设备出库开箱验收熟悉制造厂技术文件入现场设备库(建帐、标位号)编制单台仪表校准试验方案技术交底单台仪表校准作原始状态和调整过程记录填写校验成绩单通知供货方退 货制造厂现场服务标识、隔离质管员验收资料员存档熟 悉 图 纸贴“产品合格”标识防 护 N Y N Y N YNYTo verify whether the sum equipment list meet sub drawingsDeploy qualified metering

5、 devicesDeploy qualified metering rooms Deploy qualified calibration rooms rooms Prepare instrument handling and storage schemesTo take out instrumentation from the warehouseO.B.I.Familiar with vendors doc.Entering jobsite equipment warehouse(Account creation and label marking)To prepare Inst. Calib

6、. SchemeTechnical inductionCalib. TestingTo record original & adjusting process statusTo fill in calibration record sheet To inform thevendors at onceTo re-supplyVendors jobsite serviceMarking & SegregationQC controller acceptanceArchives creation by documenterTo stick “Product Qualified” labelInstr

7、uments protection measureNYYNTo verify whether the designed instrument meet the process requirements要求Familiar with construction drawings5、校准、试验方法及质量要求:Calibration and Testing Methodology and the Quality Requirement:5.1、一般规定:General Regulations and Requirements:5.1.1、试验环境条件:Conditions:仪表的校准和试验(不含执行器

8、)应在试验室内进行。试验室应具备下列条件:The calibration and testing works for instrumentations(excluding actuating devices) shall be executed in the designated clean laboratory rooms. The laboratory rooms shall meet following conditions:a、 室内清洁、安静,光线充足,无振动,无对仪表及线路的电磁场干扰。The laboratory rooms shall be clean, quite, sunl

9、ight abundant, without vibration, without electronic and magnetic interference for instrument.b、 室内温度保持在1035。The ambient temperature shall be around 1035.c、 电源电压稳定,交流电源及60V以上的直流电源电压波动不应超过10%。60V以下的直流电源电压波动不应超过5%。The power supply should be stable, the voltage waves for alternative current power and d

10、irect current power above 60 volts should not more than 10%, for direct current power below 60 volts should not more than 5%.d、气源应清洁、干燥,露点比最低环境温度低10以上,气源压力稳定,调压设施完备。Air source should be clean, dry, with stable air pressure and well established regulators. The dew point should be lower 10 than the lo

11、west ambient temperature.5.1.2、仪表校准和试验用的标准仪器仪表,应具备有效的计量检定合格证明,其基本误差的绝对值不宜超过被校准仪表基本误差绝对值的1/3。The standard instruments and meters for instrumentation calibration and testing shall have effective metering certificate of conformance. The absolute value for basic errors should not be more than one-third

12、of the absolute values for basic errors of the calibrated instrumentations5.1.3、仪表校准和试验的条件、项目、方法应符合制造厂技术文件的规定和设计文件要求,并应使用制造厂已提供的专用工具和试验设备。The conditions, items, methods for instrumentation calibration and testing shall fully meet the technical regulations of vendors and the design documentations, an

13、d the special tools and testing devices provided by vendors shall be utilized5.1.4、从事校准和试验工作的人员,应具备相应的资质和省级以上化工主管部门颁发的检定证件,并能熟练地掌握试验项目的操作技能,正确使用、维护所用计量器具。The staffs and personnel for instrumentation calibration and testing shall be qualified with corresponding certification, have calibration and tes

14、ting certificate issued by provincial government department in charge of petro-chemical industry, be proficient in operation skills for testing items, properly use and maintain the metering devices5.1.5、单台仪表校准点应在全量程范围内均匀选取,一般不应少于5点。The calibration points shall be evenly selected within full range sc

15、ope, generally the selected points shall not be less than five points5.1.6、仪表校准和试验前应对仪表进行外观检查,其内容应包括:Appearance inspection for all instrumentations shall be executed before calibration and testinga、 仪表的型号、规格、材质、防爆级别等应符合设计文件要求。Type, specification, material and explode-proof class should be accorded w

16、ith design requirement.b、 无变形、损伤、油漆脱落、零件丢失等缺陷,外形主要尺寸、连接螺纹符合设计要求。Without disfigurement such as shape damage, painting coat damage, accessories be lose etc. Main size of shape and connecting screw thread should be accorded with design requirement.c、 铭牌标志、附件、备件齐全。Nameplate, accessories and spare part a

17、re whole.d、 产品技术文件和质量证明书齐全。Techno-file and quantity certificate are whole.5.1.7仪表经校准和试验后,应达到下列要求:The instrumentations after calibration and testing shall meet the following requirements:a、 基本误差、回差应符合仪表的允许误差Basic errors, return errors shall within the allowance errors of instrumentations.b、 仪表零位正确,偏差

18、值不超过允许误差的1/2。Zero point of instruments shall be accurate. The discrepancy values shall not exceed one-second of the allowable errors.c、 报警、联锁设定偏差不超过仪表允许误差,其设定值符合设计文件要求。The deviation values for alarm and interlock setting values shall not exceed the allowable errors. The related setting values shall

19、meet the design documentations.d、 指针在整个行程中无抖动、摩擦和跳动现象。During all meter range the pointers of instrumentation should be stable without vibration, friction and jumping.e、 可调部件应留有再调整的余地。The adjustable components shall have some adjustable area and space.f、 数字显示仪表无闪烁现象。No flashing appearance for digital

20、 indication instruments shall occur.g、 记录仪表划线或打字应清晰,记录纸移动正常。记录误差符合仪表精度要求The lineation records or typing should be clear and readable, the movements for papers of recorders shall be in normal conditions. All of the errors of recorded values shall meet the accuracy requirements of instrument.5.1.8、仪表校

21、准试验后,应及时填写校验记录,并要求数据真实、项目齐全、字迹清晰、签字完备,并在表体明显位置贴上“产品合格”标识和标注位号。The calibration records shall be filled in on time after calibration and testing. The recorded data should be genuine, with full items, explicit handwritings, completed signatures. After testing, the “product eligible” labels shall be stu

22、ck on the instrument bodies, and tag numbers also shall be marked5.1.9、校准合格的仪表应按公司物质贮存程序的有关要求妥善保管。经调整不合格的仪表应通报设备计划员和工号工程师会同监理、业主等有关人员检查、确认后,退库处理。The qualified instruments shall be well stored and protected as per ELECOs Material & Equipment Storage Procedure. Unqualified instruments shall be reporte

23、d to equipment planner, field engineer, management superviser, and client, after their inspection and confirmation the instruments shall be sent back to warehouse and be properly dealed with.5.2、温度仪表:Temperature Instrumentation:5.2.1、双金属温度计、压力式温度计应进行示值校准,一般校验点不少于两点。The bimetal and pressure type ther

24、mometers shall be calibrated as per displayed values, generally the testing points shall not be less than two points如被校仪表已指示环境温度,可将环境温度当作一个校准点,另取一个点即可。在二个校准点中,若有一点不合格,则应判被校表不合格。该试验的操作要点是将温包或双金属温度计的感温元件与标准水银温度计的感温液置于同一环境温度中,注意控制被测介质温度的变化缓慢而均匀。If the testing instrument shows the ambient temperature, t

25、he ambient temperature shall be selected as one calibration point, then another temperature point can be selected at your ease. For the two selected points, if any one of them can not meet the accuracy requirements, this instrument shall be judged unqualified. The operation essentials for this calib

26、ration are to maintain the thermo bulbs or the temperature elements and the standard merculy thermometer at the same environmental temperature. Be care of to keep the testing media temperature change slowly and evenly.如多支双金属温度计或压力式温度计同时校准,应按正、反顺序检测两次,取其平均值。If several bimetal or pressure type thermom

27、eters are calibrated simultaneously, calibration process shall be twice as per positive and negative sequences, the average values could be procured.5.2.2、热电偶、热电阻应作导通和绝缘检查,并应进行常温下mv、电阻测试,一般不再进行热电性能试验。Conductive continuity and insulation tests shall be undertaken and mv-potential and resistance testi

28、ng at ambient temperature shall be done. Generally, thermo-electrical characteristic testing will not be executed for thermometers themselves. 如业主坚持对装置中主要检测点和有特殊要求的检测点的热电偶、热电阻进行热电性能试验,原则上不超过总量的10%。If the client requires to execute thermo-electrical characteristic testing for important and specific m

29、easuring points of thermocouple and resistance temperature diode, the amount of testing should not exceed ten percent of gross.热电偶、热电阻热电特性的允许误差分别见表1、表2。Allowable error of thermocouple and resistance characteristic is flowing table 1 and 2常用热电偶允许误差表表一:Allowable error of general thermocouple Table 1分度

30、号graduation number级别class使用温度范围()range of using temperature允 许 偏 差() allowable error技术标准号standard codeS011001JJG141-83110016001+(t-1100)0.00306001.560016000.25%tK-4011001.5或0.75%tGB2614-85-4013002.5或0.4%t-200402.5或1.5%tE-408001.5或0.4%tGB4993-85-409002.5或0.75%t-200402.5或1.5%tT-403500.5或0.4%tGB2903-82

31、-403501.0或0.75%t-200401.0或1.5%tJ-407501.5或0.4%tGB4994-85-407502.5或0.75%t注:、t为被测温度; 、允许偏差以或实际温度的百分数表示,应采用其中计算数值较大的值(分度号为S的热电偶除外)。Note:、t is temperature be measured; 、Allowable error is denote by means of or percent of practicality real temperature(except for thermocouple which graduation number is S)

32、常用热电阻允许误差值Allowable error of general resistance 表二:table 2名称name级别 class分度号R0()允许误差()allowable error铂热电阻resistance made of platinumA级Class APt1010(0.15+0.002|t|)Pt100100(0.15+0.002|t|)B级Class B Pt1010(0.30+0.005|t|)Pt100100(0.30+0.005|t|)铜热电阻 resistance made of copperCu5050(0.30+0.006|t|)Cu100100(0.

33、30+0.006|t|)注:、R0为0时的标准电阻; 、t为被测温度;Note:、R0 is standard resistance value at the temperature is 0 、t is the temperature that be measured5.2.3、动圈仪表的校验应符合下列规定:Test of wind-moved instrument should be accorded with flowing requirementa、仪表的试验项目应包括:示值基本误差、回差、倾斜误差、设定点偏差。配热电偶的动圈仪表还应进行“断偶保护”试验。Testing item in

34、clude basic error, return error , gradient error, setting value error. The wind-moved instrument mounted thermocouple should be tested that disconnect thermocouple.b、配热电偶的动圈校验时,在测量回路中应加仪表规定外阻0.1的外接电阻,配热电阻的动圈仪表应做三个外接电阻同增同减的示值误差试验。如附加误差很小,经业主同意可取消外接电阻,但校准时从标准电阻箱到仪表的连接应选用同截面、同长度的多股铜芯塑料线。Connect the all

35、owable resistance that its error is 0.1 in testing loop when test for the wind-moved instrument mounted thermocouple , and test for 3 times .Disconnect the excess resistance approved by owner if the error is very small, but multi copper-core plastic wire which same section area and same length shoul

36、d be used where standard resistance box to instrument.c、倾斜误差试验在上限值、下限值两个刻度线上进行,但对有前置放大器的仪表,可在量程的10%、90%两点附近进行。倾斜角度为50100,倾斜方向为前、后、左、右四个方向,倾斜误差要求不太于仪表允许误差。Test of gradient error at min. value and max. value, and test at about 10% and 90% range for the instrument mounted preamplifier. Gradient angle i

37、s 50100 and direction is front ,behind, left, and right , the error dont bigger than allowance.e、 设定点偏差试验应在相当于标尺弧长的10%、50%、90%附近的刻度线上进行,也可以根据设计提供的联锁、报警值试验。设定点偏差应不大于仪表的允许误差。Test of setting value error at about 10%、50%、and 90% of staff guage arc-length, and also at interlock value and alarm value that

38、 provided by design. the error dont bigger than allowance.5.2.4、数字温度指示调节仪:figure temperature show regulatora、 仪表的试验项目应包括:指示基本误差、稳定度误差、设定点误差及PID特性试验等。Testing item include basic error, stabilization error, setting value error and PID characteristic test etc. b、 指示基本误差试验宜采用输入基准法校准,但需重复试验两次,取其最大差值作为被校仪表

39、在该点的误差。Test for display basic error by means of input benchmark and take bigger value as error at the value of the tested instrument after test for two times.c、 仪表稳定度试验包括显示波动量和示值漂移量的测定,做为评价仪表品质的参数,一般仪表显示波动量不得大于其分辨力,1小时内示值漂移量不得大于仪表允许误差的1/4。Test of stabilization include measure the display fluctuant v

40、alue and show value excursion. The display fluctuant value not bigger than distinguish and show value excursion not bigger than 25% of allowable error in one hour.d、 带调节功能的仪表,应在量程的10%、50%、90%附近,试验校准设定点偏差及比例积分微分功能检定,设定点的偏差应不大于仪表允许误差,实际比例带应在刻度值的25%的范围内,积分时间固定的仪表,实际积分时间应在(10.5)Ti范围内。积分微分时间可调的仪表,实际积分微分时

41、间与积分微分时间 刻度值的允许偏差为50%。Test for setting value error and PID function should at about 10%,50%,and 90% of range when test for instrument with adjust function. The setting value error not bigger than allowance, and real proportion range should in 25% of scale. The real integral time should in(10.5)Ti ra

42、nge for the instrument that integral time is settled. The real ID time allowable error is 50% range of scale for the instrument that ID time is be adjusted. 5.2.5、温度变送器:Temperature Transmitter:a、按照仪表铭牌标志的输入、输出信号范围和类型进行输入、输出特性的校准和试验,其校准接线方法应符合制造厂技术文件要求。The calibration and testing of input and output

43、signal ranges and styles for temperature transmitters shall be executed as per the instrument nameplate marks. The calibration, testing and termination methodology shall meet vendors technical documentations requirements.b、与感温元件一体化的温变校准和试验时,应断开感温元件,并由此输入模拟信号。Disconnect the sensor element and input a

44、nalog signals when test for the sensor integrative with temperature Transmitter: 5.2.6、电子电位差及电子平衡电桥:Electrical potentiometer and electrical balance bridge a、 检查仪表可动部分,并向同步电机、可逆电机、减速箱、切换开关和各轴承注油。Inspect the instrument movability part , and filling oil to synchronous motor, contradictorily motor , speed-down box , changer switch and bearing.b、 给仪表通电30分钟后,调整仪表


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