1、 二年級國文閱讀 朱柏盧 黎明即起,灑掃庭除,要內外整潔;既昏便息,關鎖門戶,必親自檢點。一粥一飯,當思來處不易;半絲半縷,恆念物力維艱。宜未雨而綢繆,毋臨渴而掘井。自奉必須儉約,宴客切勿留連。器具質而潔,瓦缶勝金玉;飲食約而精,園蔬愈珍饈。語譯:天一亮就立刻起床,灑掃庭院臺階,要使室內屋外都收拾得整齊清潔;天黑了就立刻休息,關閉鎖好門窗,一定要親自檢查留意。一滴稀粥,一粒米飯,就應該想到它的來源不容易得到;半縷細絲,半條細線,要時常想到獲得這些財物是很困難的。凡事應該預先做好防範的工作,絕對不可臨事才作應急的措施。對自己的生活供養必須節儉簡單;宴請賓客千萬不要遲慢徘徊。器皿用具要質樸而清潔,
2、粗糙的陶器要看成比金質玉器還貴重;飲食要簡單而精緻,園裡的蔬菜能勝過珍奇美味的食物。朱柏盧為明末清初的學者,所著的治家格言膾炙人口。一年級國文閱讀王維 中歲頗好道,晚家南山陲。興來每獨往,勝事空自知。行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。偶然值鄰叟,談笑無還期。語譯:中年以後頗為喜好佛學,晚年就居住在終南山邊。每次興致一來,就單獨出遊 ,許多情趣也只有自己體會了。走到小溪盡頭,便隨便坐下,看著白雲冉冉升起。偶然遇到鄰居老友,就歡愉地談笑而忘了回去 一年級英文閱讀Sandy and Sally are in a restaurant. Waitress: Are you ready to order?Sand
3、y: Yes, I want to get a salad.Sally: That sounds good, but Im going to have soup.Waitress: What do you want for a main dish?Sandy: What does that lady over there order? It smells very good.Waitress: Steak. Would you like one?Sandy: Yes, and Id like my steak well done.Sally: Im not so hungry. Please
4、give me a sandwich.Waitress:What do you want for dessert? A chocolate pie, please. And you, Sally?Sally: Not now, but Id like a cup of coffee.Waitress: With sugar and cream?Sally: No, only cream. Something to drink, Sandy?Sandy: I dont know. Do you sell cokes?Waitress: No, we dont. How about soda?Sa
5、ndy: All right, that would be fine二年級英文閱讀 Two sisters and the catMrs. Wilson and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mrs. Wilson lives in a house in Taichung and Mrs. Smith lives in Taipei. One day Mrs. Wilson visited her sister. When her sister answered the door, Mrs. Wilson saw tears in her eyes. “Whats the m
6、atter?“ she asked. Mrs. Smith said “My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury him“.She began to cry again. Mrs. Wilson was very sad because she knew her sister loved the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said “I can bury your cat in my garden in Taichung and you can come and visit h
7、im sometimes. Mrs. Smith stopped crying and the two sisters had tea together and a nice visit. It was now five oclock and Mrs. Wilson said it was time for her to go home. She put on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs. Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs. Wilson took the shopping bag and
8、walked to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the bus so she bought a newspaper. When the bus arrived she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus stop she got off the bus and walked for
9、 about two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she left the shopping bag on the bus.三年級英文閱讀 An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor AwayAdam:Ive had so many exams this week, and Ive studied so hard. My stomach really hurts now,so Im going to see the doctor this afternoon.Eve: Why do you think your stomach hurt
10、s ?Adam:Well, Ive had so much studying to do that I havent had time to eat three meals a day. Yesterday, I only had a small lunch. I didnt eat breakfast or dinner.Eve: No wonder you have to go to the doctor! No matter how busy you are, you should eat regularly. Eating three meals a day will make you
11、 feel better. Plus, it should even help you on your exams. You know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” means that if you take care of yourself and eat healthily, you wont get sickyou wont have to see the doctor. Apples are good for your health, so eating one apple every day can help you to keep your body healthy. But remember that you will also need to eat more than just one apple every day to really be healthy.中華民國九十三年五月 第二版