1、8 单元1. Land grassland highland inland landing landlady landlord landmark landscape lawn mainland2. language linguistic linguist linguistics lingual3. lapse collapse elapse4. large enlarge (magnify amplify enlarge increase multiply) largely 5. late later latest latter last lately 6. laugh laughable l
2、aughter 7. law lawful unlawful lawyer in-law (father-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law ) outlaw legal illegal illegality legalize legalization legitimate illegitimate legislation legislative legislator 8. lax relax relaxation lease release relish 9. lay layer layman lay-off laid-off layout delay r
3、elay 10. lazy idle laziness idleness 11. lead leader leadership leading mislead 12. leaf leaflet 13. league colleague liable liability oblige obligation religion religious 14. lean decline incline inclination 15. learn learned learning 16. lecture dialect allege allegedly legend legendary 17. let in
4、let outlet 18. letter literal literally literacy literate illiterate literary literature 19. liberation liberate liberal liberty deliver delivery deliberate 20. lie lie lier liar underlie underlying 21. lift aloft lofty elevate elevated elevation elevator lever levy alleviate relieve relief grave gr
5、avity aggravate grieve grief grave engrave groove 22. light lighten lightly light enlighten highlight lighten lightning lighter illuminate luminous 23. like dislike like alike likely likelihood liken likeness likewise unlike unlikely 24. limit limitation limited unlimited eliminate elimination preli
6、minary sublime 25. line linear liner deadline headline lifeline outline pipeline skyline streamline underline linen line liner lining file profile 26. link linking 27. liquid liquidate liquify, liquefy liquor 28. list enlist enlisted enlistment shortlist live alive live living lively livelihood livi
7、ng revive survive survival survivor vivid 29. load download overload unload 30. local allocate locate locality location 31. lock locker unlock 32. long longing length lengthen lengthy linger along alongside longitude prolong 33. look outlook overlook 34. lose loss lost loose loosely loosen 35. lot a
8、llot allotment lottery 36. loud aloud loud loudly 37. love lovable beloved lovely lover amateur amiable amicable luck unlucky 38. luxury luxurious a luxurious way of life 39. machine machinery mechanic mechanical mechanics mechanism40. magic magic magical magician41. magnet magnetic magnetism 42. ma
9、gnificent magnify magnitude 43. maintain maintenance abstain abstention detain detention retain retention sustain sustainable sustenance countenance tenacious contain content contents content contented discontent 44. make make-up 45. male female masculine feminine 46. man manhood mankind manly super
10、man 47. manage management manager managerial 48. many much more most moreover furthermore almost mostly little less lesser lessen least 9 单元1. mark trademark marked remark remarkable margin marginal 2. marry marriage married marital wed wedding 3. mass massive massacre 4. matter a matter of as a mat
11、ter of fact no matter how (what, whenetc.) pattern material materialism patron matron maternity patriot patriotic patriotism compatriot 5. mature immature premature maturity 6. may maybe might mighty 7. meal mill 8. mean meaning meaningful meaningless 9. measure measurable dimension immense 10. medi
12、cine medical (medicinesurgery medicalsurgical ) remedy to remedy an injustice / to remedy a fault / to remedy a loss 11. meet meeting 12. melt melted molten 13. memory commemorate memo memorial memorize 14. mend amend amendment amends damages satisfaction15. merchant merchandise commerce ( trade dea
13、ling commerce industry ) commercial commercialism16. mercy at the mercy of (pity mercy sympathy ) merciful 17. merge emerge emergency ( urgency crisis ) ( emergence emergency ) immerge submerge (sub- marinesubmarine ) immerse ( immerse immerge ) emerse18. message messenger mission missionary 19. met
14、al metallic medal ( aluminium copper gold iron lead mercury nickel silver tin ) 20. metre, meter (m.) metric millimeter diameter arithmetic mathematics geometry parameter symmetry symmetrical meter thermometer multimeter21. middle amid midday midnight midst in the midst of mediate immediate immediat
15、ely intermediate medieval Mediterranean medium media mediate mediator intermediate intermediary median mean meantime meanwhile means by means of by all means by no means mean mean22. migrate migrant immigrate emigrate immigrant emigrant 23. military militant 24. million millionaire billion billionai
16、re 25. mind bear/keep in mind have in mind have sth. on ones mind make up ones mind never mind mastermind remind reminder reminiscence comment commentator mental mention not to mention 26. mine landmine miner mineral undermine 27. mini miniature minibus minute diminish minus minor major minority maj
17、ority minimum maximum minimal maximal minimize/-ise maximize/-ise mayor majesty eminent prominent 28. minister ministry administer administration administrative administrator 29. mirror mirage miracle miraculous 30. miserable commiserate misery 31. miss missing 32. model mode mold, mould modern cont
18、emporary modernize/-ise modernization/-sation module modem mood moody accommodate accommodation commodity moderate moderately moderator modest modesty modify modification 33. moist moisten moisture 34. mole molecule molecular ( atom atomic ) ( molecule molecular ) ( electron electronic ) 35. Monday
19、monarch monopoly monopolize monotonous 36. money monetary mint coin coinage (note, bill coin foreign currency currency cash change ) 37. moon sun honeymoon sunny lunar solar lunatic month monthly bimonthly 38. moral immoral unmoral morality morale demoralize/-lise virtue vice by virtue of virtuous v
20、irtual moral morally virtually39. mortal deadly fatal immortal mortality mortally martyr 40. mountain mountainous mountamount summitsum dismount surmount41. mouse muscle muscular mo(u)stache 42. move moving movie movement remove removal motor motel motorbike motorway emotion emotional locomotive mot
21、ion motive motivate promote remote automate automation automatic automobile mobile mobilise, mobilize mob 43. Mr mister master ( BachelorMaster Doctor ) masterful mastery headmaster masterpiece mistress magistrate sir senior seniority senate senator 44. mud muddle muddy 45. music musical amuse amuse
22、ment amusing museum 音乐术语 (musical idioms): beat scale tune melody rhythm乐器(musical instruments): 琴:organ piano violin guitar号:born 鼓:drum 喇叭:trumpet 笛:flute pipe46. mutual commute commutation commuter 47. mystery mysterious myth fairy tale myth fable 48. name nameafter/for namely nickname surname no
23、minal nominate nominee anonymous anonymity49. narrate narration narrative 50. nation state country national nationalism nationalist international internationalism internationalist nationality 51. nature by nature in nature natural naturally supernatural native innate naive renaissance 52. navy naval
24、 navigate navigation 53. near nearby nearly 54. necessary necessarily unnecessary necessity necessitate 55. need needless needy (need / necessity / want ) ( live in need/ necessity / want )56. negotiate counsel negotiable negotiation 57. neighbo(u)r neighbo(u)rhood 58. nerve nervous 59. net network
25、internet intranet 60. never nevertheless ever everlasting forever 61. night fortnight midnight nightmare overnight 62. norm normal normally abnormal enormous normalize normalization /-isation 63. not naught, nought naughtynote compare notes(with) of note take note of notice take notice of notable no
26、ticeable (notenotable noticenoticeable )noteworthy notable noted notorious notice notify note denote notation notion 10 单元1. now every now and then here and now now and then now that nowadays new newly news renew renewable novel novelty innovate innovation innovative renovate 2. number amount outnum
27、ber numerical numerous innumerable enumerate (0.2decimal 2/3fraction 2%.percentage 21/2 index 2/3logarithm xfunction )3. nurse nursery nourish flourish nourishment nurture nurture is above nature.4. nut chestnut peanut nuclear nucleus 5. obey obedience obedient audible audience audio video audit aud
28、itorium aural observe observant observation observance observer6. occupy occupation occupational occupancy occupier occupant 7. office officer official efficient efficiency effect effective proficient proficiency deficient deficiency sufficient sufficiency suffice suffice it to say(that) benefit ben
29、eficial beneficiary profit nonprofit profitable feature characteristic feasible feasibility8. oil bean oil peanut oil grease butter oily gasoline, gasolene petroleum petrol (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPCE )9. old elder elderly abolish adolescence adolescent adult infant grown-up
30、adult 10. one alone lone lonely lonesome once all at once once (and )for all onion only only too anyone everyone someone none oneself union reunion unify unification reunification unity united the united kingdom the united stated the united nations unique unit 11. open opening opener 12. operate ope
31、ration operational operative operator cooperate cooperation cooperative 13. opinion opinionated 14. order disorder orderly ordinal (cardinal number ordinal number) coordinate subordinate 15. ordinary extraordinary extra 16. organ organic organism organize/-ise organization/-isation 17. origin origin
32、al originality originally originate abort abortion orient oriental orientation 18. other another one thinganother one after another otherwise 19. over all over overall overcoat overcome overflow overtake overweight overthrow overturn flyover overtake overwhelm overwhelming overestimate overtime over
33、night 20. own owner ownership owe owing 21. oxygen oxide dioxide monoxide 22. pain painful painless painstaking 23. paint painter painting 24. pair repair impair disparity peer 25. pale appal(l) appalling 26. paper newspaper paperback paperwork 27. part apart of part from, part with parting, separat
34、ion participate participation participant compartment partial impartial partially partly particle particular in particular particularly counterpart party partisan party partisan partner portion part proportion in proportion to out of proportion proportional apart apartment depart departure departmen
35、t impart partition 28. pass bypass, by-pass passerby (passer-by passers-by) (looker-on lookers-on ) (editor-in-chief editors-in-chief ) (son-in-law sons-in-law) overpass pastime underpass compass passage surpass password 29. passion passionate compassion compassionate zeal zealous 30. paste glue pas
36、try 31. patient patience impatient (patient) inpatient (outpatient) compatible incompatible 32. pay pay bake pay off pay up payable payment repay unpaid 33. peace peaceful appease pacific pacify pact 34. people popular pop popularity populate population 35. perhaps happen happening 36. period period
37、ic periodical (weekly monthly quarterly bimonthly) 37. permit allow permit permission permissible admit admittedly admission admittance 38. person in person personable personal personality personally personnel 39. persuade persuasion persuasive 40. philosophy philosopher sophisticated sophomore (fre
38、shman sophomore junior senior ) 41. photograph, photo photographic photography photoelectric42. physics physicist (physician surgeon ) doctor physical physically physiology physiological43. pick pick up pick peck peak pick poke poke about/around poke run at poke ones nose into44. picnic picnicker picnicked picnic