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3、CDMA(欧洲版)和CDMA2000(美国版)。下面就分别介绍一下三种技术:l TD-SCDMATD-SCDMA(Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access),即时分同步的码分多址技术,是ITU正式发布的第三代移动通信空间接口技术规范之一,也是中国制定的3G标准。1999年6月29日,中国原邮电部电信科学技术研究院(现大唐电信)向ITU提出了该标准。该标准将智能天线、同步CDMA和软件无线电(SDR)等技术融于其中,可以减少用户间干扰,从而提高频谱利用率。另外,由于中国庞大的通信市场,该标准受到各大主要电信设备制造厂商的重视,


5、。一般认为,TD-SCDMA由于智能天线和同步CDMA技术的采用,可以大大简化系统的复杂性,适合采用软件无线电技术,因此,设备造价可望更低。但是,由于时分双工体制自身的缺点,TD-SCDMA被认为在终端允许移动速度和小区覆盖半径等方面落后于其他体制。而且,TD只可以在线500人,还依然是个问题。l WCDMAW-CDMA(Wideband CDMA)是一种由3GPP具体制定的,基于GSM MAP核心网,UTRAN(UMTS陆地无线接入网)为无线接口的第三代移动通信系统。目前WCDMA有Release 99、Release 4、Release 5、Release 6等版本。W-CDMA(宽带码分

6、多址)是一个ITU(国际电信联盟)标准,它是从码分多址(CDMA)演变来的,与现在市场上通常提供的技术相比,它能够为移动和手提无线设备提供更高的数据速率。WCDMA采用直接序列扩频码分多址(DS-CDMA)、频分双工(FDD)方式,码片速率为3.84Mcps,载波带宽为5MHz。基于Release 99/Release 4版本,可在5MHz的带宽内,提供最高384kbps的用户数据传输速率。W-CDMA能够支持移动/手提设备之间的语音、图象、数据以及视频通信,速率可达2Mb/s(对于局域网而言)或者384Kb/s(对于宽带网而言)。输入信号先被数字化,然后在一个较宽的频谱范围内以编码的扩频模式

7、进行传输。l CDMA 2000CDMA 2000即为CDMA2000 1EV,是一种3G移动通信标准。分两个阶段:CDMA2000 1EV-DO(Data Only),采用话音分离的信道传输数据,和CDMA2000 1EV-DV(Data and Voice),即数据信道与话音信道合一。CDMA2000也称为CDMA Multi-Carrier,由美国高通北美公司为主导提出,摩托罗拉、Lucent和後来加入的韩国三星都有参与,韩国现在成为该标准的主导者。这套系统是从窄频CDMA One数字标准衍生出来的,可以从原有的CDMA One结构直接升级到3G,建设成本低廉。但目前使用CDMA的地区只

8、有日、韩和北美,所以CDMA2000的支持者不如W-CDMA多。不过CDMA2000的研发技术却是目前各标准中进度最快的,许多3G手机已经率先面世。CDMA2000是一个3G移动通讯标准,国际电信联盟ITU的IMT-2000标准认可的无线电接口,也是2G CDMA标准(IS-95,标志CDMA1X)的延伸。根本的信令标准是IS-2000。CDMA2000与另一个主要的3G标准W-CDMA不兼容。CDMA2000有多个不同的类型。下面按照复杂度排列:CDMA2000 1x、CDMA2000 1xRTT(RTT无线电传输技术)、CDMA2000 1xEV(Evolution发展)。3G技术应用l

9、宽带上网宽带上网是3G手机的一项很重要的功能,届时我们能在手机上收发语音邮件、写博客、聊天、搜索、下载图铃等l 视频通话3G时代,传统的语音通话已经是个很弱的功能了,到时候视频通话和语音信箱等新业务才是主流,传统的语音通话资费会降低,而视觉冲击力强,快速直接的视频通话会更加普及和飞速发展。依靠3G网络的高速数据传输,3G手机用户也可以“面谈”了。当你用3G手机拨打视频电话时,不再是把手机放在耳边,而是面对手机,再戴上有线耳麦或蓝牙耳麦,你会在手机屏幕上看到对方影像,你自己也会被录制下来并传送给对方。l 手机电视手机流媒体软件会成为3G时代最多使用的手机电视软件,在视频影像的流畅和画面质量上不断

10、提升,突破技术瓶颈,真正大规模被应用。l 无线搜索对用户来说,这是比较实用型的移动网络服务,也能让人快速接受。随时随地用手机搜索将会变成更多手机用户一种平常的生活习惯。l 手机音乐手机音乐是最为亮丽的一道风景线,通过手机上网下载音乐是电脑的50倍。3G时代,只要在手机上安装一款手机音乐软件,就能通过手机网络,随时随地让手机变身音乐魔盒,轻松收纳无数首歌曲,下载速度更快,耗费流量几乎可以忽略不计。l 手机购物高速3G可以让手机购物变得更实在,高质量的图片与视频会话能使商家与消费者的距离拉近,提高购物体验,让手机购物变为新潮流。l 手机网游3G时代到来之后,游戏平台会更加稳定和快速,兼容性更高,即

11、“更好玩了”,像是升级的版本一样,让用户在游戏的视觉和效果方面感觉更有体验。蓝牙技术介绍蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术,实际上就是取代数据电缆的短距离无线通信技术。利用“蓝牙”技术,能够有效地简化掌上电脑、笔记本电脑和移动电话手机等移动通信终端设备之间的通信,也能够成功地简化以上这些设备与因特网Internet之间的通信,从而使这些现代通信设备与因特网之间的数据传输变得更加迅速高效,为无线通信拓宽道路。Bluetooth技术在2.4 GHz波段运行,该波段是一种无需申请许可证的工业、科技、医学(ISM)无线电波段。因此,使用Bluetooth技术不需要支付任何费用。从而Bluetooth技术得

12、到了空前广泛的应用,集成该技术的产品从手机、汽车到医疗设备,使用该技术的用户从消费者、工业市场到企业等等,不一而足。低功耗,小体积以及低成本的芯片解决方案使得Bluetooth技术甚至可以应用于极微小的设备中。至今Bluetooth无线技术已是市场上支持范围最广泛,功能最丰富且安全的无线标准。蓝牙技术应用l 居家通过使用Bluetooth技术产品,鼠标、键盘、打印机、膝上型计算机、耳机和场声器等均可以在PC环境中无线使用。此外,通过在移动设备和家用PC之间同步联系人和日历信息,用户可以随时随地存取最新的信息。l 工作启用Bluetooth的设备能够创建自己的即时网络,让用户能够共享文件。Blu

13、etooth设备还能能召开小组会议,通过无线网络与其它办公室进行对话。l 途中具有Bluetooth技术的手机、PDA、膝上型计算机、耳机和汽车等能够在旅途中实现免提通信。如使用车载免提蓝牙等可以再开车的同时接听电话。启用Bluetooth的便携设备能够通过启用Bluetooth的手机,使用GPRS、EDGE或UMTS移动网络无线地将PC和PDA连接到Internet。l 娱乐使用Bluetooth技术的无线耳机可以欣赏MP3播放器里的音乐。使用Bluetooth技术也可以发送照片到打印机或朋友的手机,更可以连接玩游戏。总结3G技术是新一代推广开来的技术,在欧美日韩等国家已经基本成熟,而在在中



16、而变得更加美好,更加幸福。明年,中国又将要提交4G标准的方案,再一次加入到通信标准的争夺之中。在3G上我们虽然通过了标准的认可,但是起步较晚,与成熟的3G标准拉开了差距。但这次我们都又一次站在了同一起跑线,祝愿中国的标准能获得世界的认可,中国的标准能引领通讯业的发展。好运,中国!3G technology with bluetooth technologysummary3G technology and bluetooth is currently popular technology, they are also imminent changes our life in the new ge

17、neration of wireless communication technology.The so-called 3G (English: law - are) or three generations is the third generation mobile communication technology abbreviation, refers to support the high-speed data transmission of cellular mobile communication technology. 3G service can simultaneously

18、 transmit sound (calls) and data information (E-mail, instant communication, etc.). Representative characteristics is to provide high speed data business. The first generation of simulation shape.whether relatively cell phone (1G) and the second generation GSM, CDMA etc digital phone (2G), the third

19、 generation (3G) mobile phone broadly speaking, it is to point to will wireless communication with international Internet and multimedia communication combination of the new generation mobile communication system. 3G and 2gb the main difference is in the transmission of voice and data speed of ascen

20、sion, it can globally better realize wireless roaming, and deal with the images, video music, etc. Various media forms, including web browsing, telephone meetings, e-commerce, a variety of information services, also want to consider the second generation system with existing good compatibility. In o

21、rder to provide this service, the wireless network must be able to support different transmission speeds, that is to say, in indoor and outdoor and driving environments to separate support at least 2Mbps (megabit per second), 384kbps (1000 bits per second) and 144kbps transmission speed.The so-calle

22、d Bluetooth (Bluetooth) technology, is actually replace data cable short-range wireless communication technology, through the low bandwidth waves realize point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint connections between the information exchange. It is the realization of the wireless transmission of voice a

23、nd data open standard, it is a kind of low cost, short range wireless connection technique.3G technology is introduced3G technology standard is one of three kinds: they were td-scdma (Chinese edition), WCDMA (Europe edition) and CDMA2000 (American edition). Here introduce three technological respect

24、ively:l td-scdmaTd-scdma (a Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access - Division), namely the Code Division Multiple Access (cdma) portion of Synchronous technology, is ITU officially issued the third generation mobile communication space interface of technical specificationsA, but also China 3G sta

25、ndards formulated.In 1999, June 29, China telecom science and technology research institute original post and telecommunications datang telecommunications) (now to the ITU proposed standards. The criteria of smart antenna, synchronous CDMA and software radio (SDR) technology into among them, can red

26、uce interference between users, so as to improve the frequency spectrum utilization. In addition, because Chinas huge communications market, the standard by every major telecommunications equipment manufacturers attention, more than half of global factory shangdu announced can produce support td-scd

27、ma standard telecommunication equipment.Td-scdma in spectrum utilization, for business support flexible and frequency flexibility and cost is the special advantage. Td-scdma due to the cream-and-green duplex, ascending and descending channel characteristic, therefore, is basically the same base stat

28、ion according to receiving signals estimate ascending and descending channel characteristic is easier.Td-scdma also has the advantages of TDMA, flexible setup ascending and descending time buttress proportion and adjust the ascending and descending data rate of proportion, especially suitable for In

29、ternet business uplink data is little and downlink data public. But the uplink downlink cue for the variability of the same frequencies and networking increased certain complexity.Td-scdma is cream-and-green duplex, do not need pairs of band. Therefore, and two other frequency division duplex 3G sta

30、ndards, compared to the frequency resource differentiate on more flexible. Generally, td-scdma because of smart antenna and synchronous CDMA technology adoption, and can greatly simplified systems complexity, suits to use software radio technology, therefore, the equipment cost is expected to lower.

31、 However, due to the cream-and-green duplex system of our shortcomings, td-scdma are considered in the terminal allows movement speed and small area covering radius aspects lag behind other system. Moreover, TD can only online 500 people, still remains a problem.WCDMAW - Wideband CDMA (CDMA) is a ki

32、nd of specific formulated by the 3GPP, based on GSM MAP core network, wireless access network UTRAN (UMTS land for the wireless interface) the third generation mobile communication system. Currently WCDMA have Release 99, Release of 4, 5, 6 etc Release Release version.W - CDMA (broadband CDMA) is an

33、 international telecommunication union (ITU) the standard, it is from code division multiple access (CDMA) evolved, and on the market now generally provide technical, compared to move and portable wireless devices provide higher data rate.WCDMA adopt direct sequence spread spectrum code division mul

34、tiple access (CDMA), DS - frequency division full-duplex (FDD) mode, code piece rate for 384 Mcps, carrier bandwidth for 5MHz. Based on Release 99 / Release version 4, can be in 5MHz bandwidth inside, provides the highest 384kbps user data transfer rate.W - CDMA mobile/portable devices that can supp

35、ort between the voice, video, data and video communication, rate can reach 2Mb/s (concerned) or for LAN 384Kb/s (for broadband network terms). Input signal by digital first, and then in a wider spectrum range in a coded spread spectrum model for transmission.l CDMA 2000CDMA 2000 namely for CDMA2000

36、1 x EV, is a kind of 3G mobile communication standards. Is divided into two phases: CDMA2000 1 x ev-do (Data campaigns), USES Voice separate channel transmission Data, and CDMA2000 1 x EV - DV (Data and Voice), namely Data channel and voice-grade channels syncretic.CDMA2000 also called CDMA Multi -

37、Carrier by the United States qualcomm north American company as the leading puts forward, MOTOROLA, Lucent and later joining of South Koreas samsung have participation, South Korea now become the standard curve. This system from narrowband CDMA a-one digital standard derivatives, can from the origin

38、al CDMA a-one structure directly to upgrade to 3G, construction cost. But currently using CDMA of area only to Japan, South Korea and North America, so CDMA2000 supporters as W - CDMA. But CDMA2000 research technology is currently each standardIn the fastest progress prospective, many 3G mobile phon

39、e have first appeared.CDMA2000 IS a 3G mobile communication, the international telecommunication union (ITU standard of IMT - 2000 international standard, IS approved by the radio interface 2G CDMA standards (IS - 95, mark CDMA1X) of elongation. Fundamental signaling standard IS IS - 2000. CDMA2000

40、with another major 3G standard W - CDMA not compatible.CDMA2000 with several different types. Below according to complexity order: CDMA2000 CDMA2000 1xRTT (1x, RTT - radio transmission technology), 1xEV (CDMA2000 similarities - development).3G technology applicationl broadband Internet accessBroadba

41、nd Internet access is 3G mobile phone of a very important function, then we can cellphones transceiver voice mail, blog, chat, search, download TuLing etc.l video calls3G era, the traditional voice calls has been a very weak function, then video calls and voicemail and other new business is the main

42、stream, the traditional voice calls charges can be reduced, and the visual impulse is strong, fast direct video calls will be more popularity and rapid development.Rely on 3G networks of high-speed data transmission, 3G mobile phone users can also interview. When you use 3G mobile phone call video p

43、hone, is no longer the phone on the ear, but face the cellular phone, again put on cable headset or bluetooth headset, you will see each other on the phones screen image, you will be recorded down and send each other.l mobile televisionMobile streaming software will become 3G era use at most mobile

44、TV, video images in software fluent and picture quality on rising, breach the technical bottleneck, real large-scale being applied.wireless searchFor users, it is more practical use of mobile network service, also can let a person rapid acceptance. Anytime by mobile phone search will become more mob

45、ile phone users in a normal life habit.l mobile musicMobile phone music is one of the brightest attraction, through mobile Internet download music is a computer 50 times. 3G era, as long as installed on mobile phones a mobile phone music software, can by mobile network and anytime makes mobile music

46、 magic box, relaxed change receive countless songs, load faster, expend flow almost negligible.Shopping l mobile phoneHigh-speed 3G mobile phone can make shopping become more reality, high quality images and video conversation can make business and consumers of close, improve shopping experience, ke

47、ep the cell phone shopping into new trend.l mobile wilfing3G era after game platform are more stable and rapid, compatibility higher, namely better, like updated version is same, let users in the game of visual and effect of feel more experience.Bluetooth technology is introducedBluetooth (Bluetooth

48、) technology, is actually replace data cable short-range wireless communications technology.Use bluetooth technology can effectively simplified pocket PC, laptop computers and mobile phone mobile communications terminal equipment of communication between the, also can successfully simplified these equipment and Internet communications between Internet, thus make these modern communication equipment and the Internet data transfer between become more quickly and efficiently, for wireless communication widen roads.Bluetoot


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