1、高级英语串讲,主讲:张之俊,参考教材: 王家湘. 高级英语. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000。 串讲方式: 列出文章中的主要词汇、短语及翻译,并给以讲解。 (红色为历年考题;蓝色为重点;下划线为词语辨析,部分未划也会在讲解中提到。) 考试题型: 1. Paragraphs taken from the textbooks. 2. Fill in the blank 3. Distinguish words. 4. Reading comprehension1)Multiple choices2)Put English into Chinese3)Essay question 5. Put C
2、hinese into English,Book One Lesson One: Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell US About Ourselves and Our society?grabs a half-gallon jug of water sprinkling its contents oversprinkle sth. with liquid (water)sprinkle liquid (water) on/over 3. sweltering listeners 4. surge to follow him 5. crunching up
3、to 6. gasped a girl dressed in black 7. This is pilgrimageI ought to be crawling on my knees. 8. this adulation and hero worship (区别adulate, admire) 9.religious reverence for 10. reject Alice cooper as sick,11.he acts out your wildest fantasies? 12 These arent idle questions 13 as a sort of debating
4、 forum (debate, argument) 14a sociological expression rather than a musical force 15embody the frustrated teenage spirit 16 editorialize against him 17 touch a nerve of disaffection 18 He spoke of civil rights, nuclear fallout, and loneliness. He spoke ofchange and of the bewilderment of an older ge
5、neration. 19 arrogant street-fighting men (arrogant, proud) 20 The Beatles showed there were a range of emotions between loveand hate. 21mix the more traditional ideasinto the more radical “city” ideas(mix, blend) 22mirror feelings 23conceive of (conceive, imagine),Lesson one 翻译 1.他描述说:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑水罐
6、沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水往前几排狂热的听众身上洒。”“Jagger,” he said, “grabs a half gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners.” 2. 是他们自己将创造与夸张、理性与举动、言辞与声音、音乐与政治结合了起来。It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration, reason and motio
7、n, word and sound, music and politics. 3. 以后又出现了 “乐队”乐队,他们把乡村音乐和西部音乐所表现的较为传统的观念注入强硬派摇滚乐较为激进的 “都市”观念。 Then came The Band mixing the more traditional ideas of country and western music into the more radical “city” ideas of the hard rock. 4. 有些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答可以充分说明你在想些什么以及社会在想些什么。 Some sociologists say
8、 that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking.,Lesson two: Four Choices for Young People 1 Our generations views the adult world with great skepticism. 2 reject completely that world. (reject, refuse) 3 speak for a lot of his conte
9、mporaries 4 The world is in pretty much of a mess 5 we can do without 6 These conclusions strike me as reasonable. 7 This way of life is parasitic. 8batten on the society 9the least intolerable choice available 10This strategy also has ancient antecedents 11in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastor
10、allife. 12on a larger scale 13unsullied landscapes,14 To them it offers a romantic appeal, usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure 15 did not come off 16plotting their holocausts right into their senescence 17in bitter disillusionment 18at best their victory never dawns on the shin
11、ing new worldcleansed of all human meanness. 19under whatever political label 20 At first glance, this course is far from inviting. It lacks glamour. 21depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments(exasperate, exhilarate ) 22a better chance for remedying some of the worlds outrages 23 I prot
12、ested against this just as vehemently as 24as soon as you capture one mountain range, another one looms just ahead,25the unprecedented problems of an affluent society 26keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable, of coping with war in unfamiliar guises. (inhabit, live ) 27 it dawned on us that 2
13、8 the landscape will get more cluttered (jumble, clutter) 29struggle for ever-dwindling shares of food 30 has a formidable job on its hands 31an insuperable one 32piecemeal, pragmatically, by the dogged efforts of many people,这一策略在这样一些人中总是很流行:他们无法容忍民主决策过程的单调沉闷的运作方式,或者相信只有武力才能改变基本制度。 This strategy is
14、 always popular among those who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force. 他们活在幻想破灭中,看到取代他们所推翻的旧机构的新机构依旧是那么冷酷,死气沉沉。 They lived, in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they had overthrown repla
15、ced by a new one, just as hard-faced and stuffy. 奉行此道的人蔑视这个社会并拒不承担任何社会责任,却以这样或那样的方法依赖社会过寄生生活。 In one way or another, its practitioners batten on the society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.,这种方法的问题在于无法大规模地实践。 The trouble with the solution is that it no longer is
16、practical on a large scale. 我要说的只是无论成败与否,干革命的理想主义者们注定要失望。 My point is merely that the idealists who make the revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case. 它惟一的长处是有时这个办法会起作用。 About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes works.,Lesson three: The use of force 1 a big startled lookin
17、g woman, very clean and apologetic (apology, excuse) 2 sitting on her fathers lap 3 I motioned for him not to bother 4started to look things over 5eyeing me up and down distrustfully (distrust, apprehension) 6it was up to me to tell them 7her face was flushed 8 She had magnificent blond hair, in pro
18、fusion. 9took a trial shot at it as a point of departure. had a sore throat? 10a number of cases of diphtheria 11no one had as yet spoken of the thing. 12I coaxed (coax, persuade),13 Such a nice man, put in the mother. 14 ground my teeth in disgust 15I might be able to get somewhere. 16I approached
19、the child again. 17 both her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes 18 I broke in. 19 Im here to look at her on the chance that/of 20the mother admonished her severely. 21the parents were contemptible to me. (contemptible, contemptuous) 22in the ensuing strugglebred of terror of me. 23in an agony of
20、 apprehension 24let out a scream,25she shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically. (terrified, terrifying) 26she fought, with clenched teeth, desperately! 27I tried to hold myself down 28she reduced it to splinters 29 Arent you ashamed to act like that in front of the doctor? (ashamed, shameful) 30 We are
21、going through with this. 31 I should have desisted and (desist, resist) 32 I could have torn the child apart. 33 I overpowered the childs neck and jaws. 34 She had been on the defensive 35tried to get off her fathers lap and fly at me while tears of defeat blinded her eyes.,1. 这个孩子脸上没有任何表情,用冷漠的目光死死地
22、盯着我,象要把我吃掉似的。 The child was fairly eating me up and down with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression on her face whatever. 2. 这个女孩由于对我的恐惧,她对我的抗拒达到了惊人的程度。 She surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me. 3. 在这个时候,谁都会叮嘱自己,无论这个可恶的小鬼做出任何愚蠢的举动,也要违背她的意愿来保护她。 The
23、damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy, one says to ones self at such times. 4. 那种想释放体能的渴望产生出一种非理智的、无法控制的愤怒与成人受辱的感觉。 A blind fury, a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operatives.,Lesson Four: Die as you choose 1 The need for laws on euthanasi
24、a cannot be dodged for much longer. (dodge, avoid) 2euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishmentand almost never comes to light. 3can police it effectively. 4will rumble on into the autumn 5the dying are too far gone to consent (consent, assent) 6prolong the throes of death with all the migh
25、t of medical technology(prolong, protract) 7 How long can the discussionhold out? 8withholding some treatment (withhold, prevent) 9administer enough painkillers 10formulated an oath for doctors (oath, promise),11rule out active killing 12some people believe that the time of death is appointed by God
26、 and that no man should put the clock back on another. Yet if a patients philosophical views embrace euthanasia, it is not clear why the religious objections of others should intrude on his death. (intrude, invade) 13to comply with a dying mans request 14 pose dangers for society by setting a preced
27、ent for killing. 15the same tenacious respect 16 West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to 17because of the shadow of the past 18with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition 19they usher in something worse.,需要对安乐死制定相关的法律规范,这个问题不能长期回避了。The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for m
28、uch longer. 正如未履行某种职责可以受到处罚一样,采取了某种行动也可以不受责难。 Just as there can be culpable omissions, so too can there be blameless acts. 许多面对病人临终前痛苦的医生认为,只有神经质的人才坚决地强调被动安乐死和主动安乐死的区别他们这样来为积极安乐死辩论:医生的职责之一是解除病人的痛苦,有时侯这是医生唯一能做的事情,而安乐死是唯一的办法。 Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that onl
29、y squeamishness demands a firm difference between passive and active euthanasia on request. Their argument for killing goes like this: one of a doctors duties is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there is left for him to do, and killing is the only way to do it.,前事不忘,后事之师。 Let the past be
30、a guide. 有人认为人死亡时间是由上帝规定的,任何人都不应该缩短他人的自然寿命。 Some people believe that the time of death is appointed by God and that no man should put the clock back on another.,Lesson Five: Id rather be black than female 1made me some kind of phenomenon. 2no one would question me. (question, ask) 3there is prejudic
31、e against black people 4strikeas bizarre. 5were invisible to most white Americans 6 Americans were incredulous. (incredulous, incredible) 7asked in injured tones. (tone, tune) 8eliminate the racist attitudes (eliminate, illuminate) 9more brainwashed and content with their roles(content, contented) 1
32、0the details that make the difference between victory and defeat 11men reaped the rewards, which is almost invariably the lot of women in politics. 12tried to break out of that roleand run for the seat 13I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex. 14tried to project a black masculine image,15th
33、ere are 2.5 women for every man registered to vote. 16 A history of prejudice lies behind that question. 17they are thought of as different and inferior. 18 The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice. 19 Women have not reached the level of tokenism blacks
34、are reaching. 20 No women sit on the Supreme Court. 21predominate in the low-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs. 22 Why invest time and effort to build the girl up? 23shell only drop out of the game 24the laws againstare enforced, instead of evaded 25 What we need is more women in politics,
35、because we have a very special contribution to make. 26 It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, persistence to government (empathy, sympathy) 27because of our suppression by men. 28mold its morals,1 妇女甚至还没达到黑人正在达到的象征性的平等水平。 Women have not even reached the level of tokenism t
36、hat blacks are reaching. 2 即使当她们得到较好的职位时,她们的工资水平也永远低于干同样工作的男性。 When they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. 3 是妇女能够把同情、宽容、远见、忍耐与毅力带到政府中去,这是我们天生的品质,或者说是因为男人的压制而不得不培养的品质。 It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence
37、 to government-the qualities we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by men. 4 一个国家的妇女通过他们日常生活中的所作所为,塑造这个国家的道德、宗教和政治标准。 The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live.,Lesson six: A good chance 1he was on parole? 2you are in f
38、or a disappointment. 3he became more ugly and embittered 4 Abruptly she said (abruptly, quickly) 5to get him to fill out some papers. 6she broke in. 7 He has a right to know about this 8 Her heels clicked on the sidewalk 9she became agitated as she talked 10commit murder 11know of his whereabouts. 1
39、2 We parked the car, Elgie came over and settled himself in the back seat of the car. A police car moved slowly to the corner where we were parked and the patrolmen looked at the three of us intently and we pretended not to notice. The patrol car inched down the empty street and I turned cautiously
40、toward Elgie.,13 Always tentative about letting you now what he was thinking 14let him get away so noncommittally. 15she scoffed. 16we ended up on the campus. 17some relief from this constant surveillance, constant checking up. 18 Hes for complete separation, segregation, total isolation from the wh
41、ites. 19a kind of satisfying isolation in that. 20 Salina was talking, telling me about Magpies return to Crow Creek after months in exile and how his relatives went to his sisters house 21the silence which hung about the place filled me with apprehension 22 Nobody spoke but Elgie came over, his blo
42、odshot eyes filled with sorrow and misery. 23gestured us to go into the living room. 24 They picked him up for breaking the conditions of his parole 25 I asked, incredulously.,我的双手紧紧地攥者诗稿,两个拇指在平滑的纸夹上一个接一个狠狠地摁下去。I held the poems tightly in my hands, pressing my thumbs, first one and then the other, a
43、gainst the smoothness of the cardboard folder.,Lesson Seven: Miss Brill 1the blue sky powered with gold 2the great spots of light like white wine splashed over 3she had decided on her fur. 4 The air was motionless 5a little dab of black sealing-wax 6stroked it 7 She felt a tingling in her hands and
44、arms 8to move in her bosom. 9 He scraped with his foot and flapped his arms 10blew out their cheeks and glared at the music. 11his hands clasped over a huge cared walking-stick 12 Miss Brill always looked forward to the conversation. 13become really quite expert at listening 14sitting in other peopl
45、es lives,15 She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. 16sliding down my nose 17 Little children ran among them, swooping and laughing; little boys with big white silk bows under their chins; little girls, little French dolls, dressed up in velvet and lace. And sometimes a tiny staggerer came suddenl
46、y rocking into the open from under the trees, stopped, stared, as suddenly sat down “flop”, until its small high-stepping mother, like a young hen, rushed scolding to its rescue. 18breathe a great deep puff into her face 19flicked the match away 20and pattered away. 21got up and marched away 22hobbl
47、ed along in time to the music and was nearly knocked over by four girls walking abreast. 23a little dog trotted on solemnly and then slowly trotted off 24she made such a point of starting from home,25the frail headthe hollowed eyesand the high pinched nose. 26two points of light quivered in the old
48、eyes. 27smooth the newspaper 28all the whole company, would begin singing. 29the mens voices, very resolute and brave 30come in with a kind of accompaniment 31a slice of honey-cake 32 It was her Sunday treat. 33 It made a great difference. 34in a quite a dashing way. 35unclasped her necklace 36A bea
49、utiful woman came along and dropped her bunch of violets and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and throw them away as if theyd been poisoned.,1两个穿红衣服的年轻姑娘从附近走过,两个穿蓝军装的年轻士兵和她们相遇,他们笑着双双挽臂而去。 Two young girls in red came by and two young soldiers in blue met them, and they laughed and paired and went off arm in arm.2当她听到一对年轻人以轻蔑的口气在谈论她时,短暂的幸福感消失了.她怀着一颗破碎的心回到家中。 Just at that moment she overheard a young couple speak about her with contempt, the brief happiness disappeared. She came back home with a broken heart.,