1、 F? % N ZEf 1 z +2(1. 2 B 7? 2. + F5 +G )K 1 以我国最新发布的 石油天然气资源 /储量分类和 石油天然气储量计算规范为依据,在调研国外石油天然气储量的价值评估方法的基础上, 结合我国财会税收制度, 建立了符合国际贯例的经济可采储量计算及其价值评估方法体系。通过对中坝雷三等 3个气藏分别进行的天然气经济可采储量计算及其剩余可采储量价值评估, 结果表明:不同品质的储量差异是极为显著的, 评估方法是适用的, 计算结果是可靠的。1oM 石油 天然气 经济 储量评价 价值规律1 S % N ZE 1.1 S = S F? % N ,XB* NZE8“,9 v
2、F MAT?T。S =S F? “v ; W90 M, h SInteraS= 、 +s、 BV% N :6 V% 9 。+Y V1999 MS3v F F g , M M % G S= “6 V% ”,V B 76K H ( - ),i OS“% (Re-serves)”。B5“/ V% ”9 ,i 7? ZE,9 / V% 1 “ HWM 7?S。6 NZE91 “CE”, NZE, “ nE”、 “E”#“1 g rE”“E”,tZE “ ” Hs。2 S % N ZE8“y 2.1 y % N ZE8“ “il“S F 7? 营销与经济“,| Es1C Lil。2.2 y % N 8“
3、Hqy S % N 8“HqX !:(1)SX S=YSE%s S#% 9 ?S;(2) X a 7?Z T、 7 ? #ZE;(3) Xs、 ? 3# ZE;(4) l- ;(5)S=YC E, Vy 6 V% 9 # N 。2.3 ZE% 1 B “ N”,7 NK “S L, 1 。 、 7 T 7? ,#ZE。? ,V 7? T ,98 VB ,3 :(1)h 7 T: ; 69 , hM T。 vs “dl v 。(2), 6 +h T:v、 1i (III ) S (Ia)#s ,%1Hqsv、 S Q C f,/E,Bg 7 Sh。 + F 1 、+ 2“ v $ B(“ . (
4、 N。(3) 6、h 、h7 T:v、,c 、% V% X ( L), !9 7? ?y !9 4B M=,; PB M = V y,9B kV,y7 B9B 6 。 V| s“ 、h” 7 T(m1)。Vv L=T LlD,i9 /+sY a 7 T 7? #ZE。(1)h 7 T ( )m1 7 T Uim7 T)h , VJ.J.Arps“ hE”#“ h wLE”;(2) 7 T , V“o E”、 “-f E”;(3) ( )7 T) 7?*、 , V“SE”“ E”。2.4 ? 3 Ss? % N,i g ,7 7? 3 h“ 7t% ? 3B Mn V ? lm, 9C 。2.4
5、.1 3n? 3n,Bsn“ 9h71 9h, VM; 6Bsn 1%。VM: n、 n、 n、/T 7? 2005 M9 A9g 。XI 7? VZ , VZ !9 7?/ S,5 V B BG ,i I nG/ 4N hy Y。 y !g yn、“5Ln、 ) # !# n n。2.5.2 ? XI 7? VZ , VZ !9s M S;I 7? VZ , 7? ,SE,X 7? 3 , V4hE。2.5.3 ? N g L= (g rNSE?g rN(c9 ) , N BMN) 。 SEC9S, M% C , ? 7N,N H 6K ,VYV /1“ :6K (Qga) =+g r #F
6、 N q2.5.76 V% #C 9 MC = MC - MC -M9g: MC =g r l -g r #F- M9g“9g Mz,C ,r6K H,N H HWTl HW。9C(NPV) =Tt =1 MC (1+j)-t9 (Gp) =Tt=1 M Qg (t)Tt =1、 2、 3、 T ( M), TV N l H 9 3 HW( M), |;jLC q( 7? 营销与经济4 + M(1)S % NZEX B* 、 m 5 NZE8“。S “ - T% N ,+ S2. TianjinBranchCom-pany, CNOOC Ltd).NATURALGAS EXPLORATION
7、DEVELOPMENT. v. 28, no. 3, pp. 6668, 9 /25 /2005ABCTRACT:Based on the analysis of drilledwell infor-mation in BZ34 - 2 oilfield, the safe mud density window ispresented by applying the technology of hole stabilization andsystemically analyzing insitu stress, logdata andwelltesting da-ta. The results
8、are successfully applied forwellBZ34-2-P1S.The technology for field operation effectively avoided andmini-mizeddownhole troubles, and the drilling efficiencywasalso im-proved. This study provided scientific evidences fordrilling en-gineering design, field drilling fluid density adjustment aswellas t
9、he implementation of fastand safe drilling operation, while itwasbeneficialfor performing thework.KEYWORDS:BZ34-2Oilfield, hole stabilization, rockmechanics, collapseSTUDY ON EVALUATION METHOD OFOIL /GASRESERVE VALUE1)ZhangLunyou1, PengKuanjun2(1. ResearchInstitute ofExploration andDevelopment, Petr
10、oChina SouthwestOil GasFieldCompany;2. WestSichuanDrillingCompany,CNPC Sichuan Petroleum ). NATURALGAS EXPLORA-TION DEVELOPMENT. v. 28, no. 3, pp. 69 72, 9/25 /2005ABCTRACT:According to the new issued “Classificationof oil/gas resource /reserves“and “Calculation Regulations ofOil/GasReserves“inChina
11、and investigating the foreignevalua-tionmethodofoil/gasreserve value, basedonChinese system ofaccounting and tax, the calculation and evaluationmethods ofthe economic reservesvalue thatfitthe internationalpractice areestablished. W ith the calculation of gas economic reserves andthe value evaluation
12、 of the residual reserves conducted respec-tively for3gasreservoirsofLeishangasreservoiretc. inZhong-ba area, the results show:the difference between reserveswithvariousquality is very obvious, the evaluationmethod is suit-able, and the calculating resultsare reliable.KEY WORDS:oil, gas, economy, re
13、serve evaluation,value law, methodSTUDY ON ECONOMIC RESERVESCONTROLLED BY SINGLE WELL FORDEEP GAS RESERVOIRS1)SongQiuyin1, TangBing2, ChenYa3, LiuZhankui2, Song Rui4 (1. China University ofGeosci-ences, Beijing;2. FirstOilRecoveryFactory ofZhongyuanOil-field ;3. Well Logging Company, Zhongyuan Oilfi
14、eld;4.ZhongyuanBeidefuChemicalBuildingMaterialCompany ofPuy-ang, Henan). NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION DE-VELOPMENT. v. 28, no. 3, pp. 7375, 9/25/2005ABCTRACT:Economic benefit is the key to develop oil/gas fields. To judge ifthe developmentof the oil/gas field isef-fective, itis a basic criterion to guara
15、ntee paying back the in-vestmen.t According to the statisticsofinvestments andcosts fora few deep gas reservoirs ofZhongyuan oilfield inmany years,with economically break - even criterion, based on the currentstandardsof economicmanagement for petroleum industry, theeconomic reserves controlled by single well are determined fordeepgas reservoirs. Also, themultiple effecting factors of thecontrolled reservesare analyzed and discussed for deep gas res-ervoirs.KEY WORDS:gas reservoirs, economy, reserves, in-vestmentriskJ r 1) 3I k b 6NATURALGAS EXPLORATION DEVELOPMENT /Sept, 2005