1、PREFACE The Third Edition of the Chart Correction Lo日,(NP133A) has been updated and renamed the Paper Cha同MaintenanceRecord , This Edition supersedes the Chart Correction Log , Second Edition, 1999, which is cancelled The Paper Chart Maintenance Record has bee门updatedto include all UK忖Oreproductions
2、 of Australian, New Zealand and Japanese paper charts correct to Week 37/08 CONTENTS PREFACE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION General Arrangement of the Paper Chart Maintena 门ceRecord Use of the Paper Chart Maintenance Record References to Other Hydrographic Charts, Publications a门dS巳rVlcesReleva门tto Updating
3、Admiralty Charts PART 1 Section 1 - Record of Admiralty Notices to Mariners Updates On receipt of chart outfit/folio Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners Section 2 - Record of New Charts and New Editions Published PART2 Section 1 - Admiralty Nautical Charts Section 2 - UKHO Reproductions of Australi
4、an, New Zealand and Japanese Nautical Charts Section 3 - Miscellaneous Admiralty Charts INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Paper Chart Maintenance Record is to provide the mariner with an easy method for maintaining a record of all Admiralty Notices to Mari门ers(ANMs) and updates affecting cha叫sheld It
5、also provides an authoritative document which helps to assist maritime authorities in the auditing of the mariners chart outfit. It is vital that a complete record of all updates a忏ectingall charts is held. This links with ISM (International Ship Management) Codes and SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) l
6、egislation and forms the basis of good and safe practices followed by the majority of seafarers. NP 33A lists charts numerically and is used to record updates (by their Admiralty Notices to Mariners number) against any chart affected GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE PAPER CHART MAINTENANCE RECORD Part 1 i
7、s divided into two sections Section 1 is used to record receipt of chart outfitjfolio receipt of Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners Section 2 is used to record New Charts and New Editions published Part 2 is divided into three sections Section 1 is used to record Admiralty Notices to Mariners a忏ec
8、tingAdmiralty Nautical Charts numbered -4999 Section 2 is used to record Admiralty Notices to Mariners a忏ectingAustralian , New Zealand and Japanese Nautical Charts reproduced by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) Section 3 is used to record Admiralty Notices to Mariners a忏ectingMiscellan
9、eous Admiralty Charts numbered 5000 onwards USE OF THE PAPER CHART MAINTENANCE RECORD This document does门otattempt to teach you how to update your charts. It is assumed that you are able to plot from the text of an Admiralty Notice to Mari 门ers.The essential points of good chart updating practices a
10、re covered in How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up-to-Date (NP 294) 1) On receipt of the ship可schart outfit/folio a) In Part 1, Section 1, record the date the outfit/folio was supplied and to which Weekly ANM it has been updated b) In Part 2, Section 1, inse内inthe Notices to Mariners column the numb
11、er ofthe latest Notice to Mariners including year (e.g. 2005/637) for which the chart outfit/folio has been updated before supply and then close the space by drawing a vertical double line e.g. 2005/637/ c) Insert the number of the folio in the Folio Nos. column, in ink, if required 2) 0门receiptof a
12、 Weekly edition of ANMs a) In Part 1, Section 1, record in the table (in ink) the number of the Weekly editio门anddate received b) In Part 2, Section 1, record the following i) From the numericallndex of Charts A忏ectedin the Weekly edition of ANMs, inse叫(inink) the numbers of the Notices affecting th
13、ose charts held ii) Where entries span several years, the year date may be entered in a different colour or underlined. This will avoid confusion with the ANM number. Ensure the final ANM , for the cha叶,from the previous year has been included iii) Enter Temporary and Preliminary Notices in pencil a
14、nd rub them out when cancelled iv) Enter any relevant i门formationin the Navigational Warnings column When you are satis1ied that you have correctly 101l0wed the instructions 01 the Weekly Admiralty Notice to Mariners update (and only then) write the NM number in the bottom left hand corner 01 the ch
15、art. It is inadvisable to write the update number on the chart be10re making the amendment. Now you can cross through the ANM number adjacent to the chart in Part 2, Section 1, 01 the Record. 3) Publication of New Charts (N C) and New Editions (NE) In Part 1, Section 2, of this Record enter publicat
16、ion details of NCs and NEs, (shown in Section 1 of the Weekly ANMs) applicable to the chart outfit held. On receipt of the charts, compl巴tethe “Date of receipt of cha叶“colum门Inthe space provided, enter all Notices to Mariners affecting the chart betwee门supplyandreceipt Upon receipt of the cha叶,trans
17、fer the relevant details to Part 2, Sectio门1of the Record as follows a) On receipt of a New Chart (NC) i) Insert the number of the folio in the Folio Nos. column , i门ink,if required ii) In the Notices to Mariners colum门,I门se内NCand the date it was published and then close by a doubl巳lineb) On receipt
18、 of a New Edition (NE) In the Notices to Mariners column, insert NE and the date it was published and the门closeby a double li门ec) Withdrawn , cancelled Cha由As a result of the publicatio门ofa NC or NE, certain charts of the same geographical area may be withdrawn/cancelled (See Weekly ANM Section 1).
19、Clearly mark these charts as Cancelled , use with Caution , and do not permanently update them. It is important that you destroy or permanently remove the cancelled copies as soon as you receive the new copy REFERENCES TO OTHER HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS, PUBLlCATIONS AND SERVICES RELEVANT TO UPDATING ADMI
20、RALTY CHARTS How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up-to-Date (NP294) This publication sets out simply and clearly the essential points of good chart updating Admiralty Notices to Mariners: Admiralty Notices to Mariners ar巳issuedin Weekly editio门s.They contain information which enables mariners to keep
21、their Admiralty Charts and Publications up-to-date Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NP247 Parts 1 and 2): The Annual Summary is published at the beginning of each year. Part 1 has details of Notices to Mariners Annual Notices and Temporary and Preliminary Notices in force Part 2 has
22、details of ame门dmentsto Admiralty Sailing Directions Cumulative List of Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NP234A-B): The Cumulative List is published twice a year. The January edition (NP234A) lists all Admiralty Notices to Mariners published during the previous two years and the July edition (NP234B)
23、includes those published during the previous two and a half years. It also contains the latest edition dates for all charts in the Admiralty series, including the reproductions of Australian , New Zealand and Japa门ese门auticalcharts. It is a very useful tool for checking the accuracy of your Paper Ch
24、art Maintenance Record (NP133A). It is a pri门cipalsource of information when you are setting up an Admiralty Notices to Mariners record system for the first time Notices to Mariners Tracings: Tracings are produced weekly by the UKHO as an aid to updating each chart lor which a Notice to Mari门ershas
25、been issued. A lull expla门atio门01their use is described in the Admiralty Publication How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up-to-Date (NP294) Tracings are availabl巳throughappointed Admiralty Chart Distributors. For lurther detai怡,contact the UKHO Admiralty Notices to Mariners on Line: The Weekly Notices
26、 to Mariners updates lor paper Charts and Publications can be accessed on the UKHO Website: www.ukho.gov.uk. For lurther details see Section 1 01 the Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners There are no subscription lees lor access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website The Mariners Handbook (NP100):
27、This book contains inlormation 01 general interest to the ma门口erand is complementary to the Admiralty Sailing Directions. The contents include general remarks on charts and navigational publications, a glossary 01 terms and inlormation about门avigationalhazards, tides, currents, meteorology, ice and
28、other environmental conditions Chart 5011 (INT 1): This booklet entitled Symbols and Abbreviations usdo门AdmiraltyCharts explains symbols used on Admiralty charts and should be used as a guide duri门9the updating process. Chart D6067: This is an instructional chart showing the use 01 Symbols and Abbre
29、viations as recommended by the Internatio门alHydrographic Organization Admiralty Charts and Publications are available Irom the world-wide network 01 Chart Agents who are listed in the Cataloguof Admiralty Cha厅sa门dPublications (NP131) For lurther details about specilic products and services, please a
30、sk your Chart Agent lor a Product Inlormation Sheet. Inlormation can also be obtained Irom The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Admiralty Way, Taunton , Somerset TA 1 2DN Tel +44 (0) 1823 337900 Fax: +44 (0) 1823 284077 e-mail: customerservicesukho.gov.uk PART 1 SECTION 1 RECORD OF ADMIRALTY NOTI
31、CES TO MARINERS UPDATES: Receipt of chart outfit/folio Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners RECORD OF ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS UPEATES Receipt of Chart Outfit/Folio CHART OUTFIT/FOLIO RECEIVED: UPDATED TO WEEKLY ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS: Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners The receipt of
32、Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners (Wk ANM) should be recorded below: Wk ANM Date received Wk ANM Date received Wk ANMDate received Wk ANM Date received PART 1 SECTION 2 RECORD OF NEW CHARTS AND NEW EDITIONS PUBLlSHED The beginning of Section 1 in the Weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners contains
33、the information regarding the publication and availability 01 New Charts (NCs) and New Editions (NEs) 01 existing charts. It is important to monitor this information in case you should be left with an out-ol-date edition of a cha内,which has been superseded by a new version. When you receive a NC/NE,
34、 you must destroy or remove叼andclearly mark as cancelled, the old copies immediately. It is dangerous to use a门out-of-dateedition 01 a chart It is recomme门dedthat inlormation concerning appropriate charts, not carried, is also listed to cover the eventuality that the charts are later required. This
35、inlormation can then be deleted when a new NP131 (Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publicatio门s)is received On receipt 01 the chart(s) complete the “Date 01 receipt 01 chart“ column. In the space provided enter a门yNotices to Mariners a忏ecti门9the chart between supply and receipt. Upon receipt of the
36、 chart, transfer the relevant details to Part 2, Section 1 01 the Record NEW CHARTS AND NEW EDITIONS PUBLISHED NM Weekly announcing publication Chart No. Folio No. No. Date Date of receipt of chart Replacing Chart Nos.NMs affecting chart betweensupply and receipt Chart No. Folio No. Notices to Mariners Affecting Chart Navigational Warnings Temporary and Preliminary Notices