1、 ID 1 R T 1 Y?4 |?Y |(GEBP) ? Fv # -9 p , O ? # -9SOD# -9MDA i, l S,tT V ? F # F1 3T1。1 ?Y | ? A9F v i p ha ,Ah o M i p v , Aw p C HW,i A9F i p y 。3 i151Z_ 0,S “5 N。CV , s,i W 3。 M ,S = s ,1“?s, s ,M0 Z T# r1“ 。yNyp s0 , S 7?.d04 SG 。 6, M S= g p m9F, B, P 3 ,F 7 3Hq/,1 细胞功能评价;中医药对细胞功能的保护doi:10.3969
2、 j.issn.1003-8914.2009.01.124 文章编号:1003-8914(2009)-01-0182-04Islet CellFunctionPlaysanImporantRoleinthePathogenesisofType 1,2 DiabeteMellitusChen Xiaoyu Wang Dong Gao Tianshu Li Jinglin Abstract:Islet cell function plays an imporant role in the pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetemellitus.There
3、fore,it is essential to evaluateislet cell function.The summarization elaborates islet cell on five points:islet B cell function,evaluation of islet cell function, influencing factorson cell function,protecting factors of cell function and the application on cell protection of FCM.Keywords: cell fun
4、ction;evaluation of cell function;application on cell protection of TCM “: a 8 S/Op V “(20041038); a 8O M “(20040214)1 O% ?% ?ls.ll Z 。V.l ,% ? % $O/,s O 8 ?,7ll / = :O “s;OO Q;s t ? ;%3,9,。1.1 O “s T, Vs y ( ) () pC。 VCO $s 。 y VCOHq/ s 。1.2 s OQ s$ $dO O 6、 OO s dbM。BO3 5s,$O dbM,1MO s ,Q%?O %!$O 3Q ? 。= HM, i 6 HWB,Q%s O ?。1.3 s t 3 /,% n5vs0 -O ,F18tO , ,1s0O s1s0O 1s0Ct。= db 。CtO182 光明中医2009年1月第24卷第1期 CJGMCM January 2009.Vol 24.1