1、 4 (j0T张 晨1v (8 ),王笑茹2x ( ,n)( 1.D,067020; 2.D D g 8 S,067020)ms |: R73 DS M : A cI|: 1006-2084 ( 2010) 06-0847-03K1:长期低剂量接触有机磷农药( OPs)为当今社会人群接触农药的最主要方式,绝大多数农药虽经过致癌性评估后投入市场,但长期低剂量接触的致癌作用并无确切结论b许多学者通过回顾性研究分析长期低剂量接触 OPs对人体的损害,多从遗传物质损伤a类激素样作用a免疫系统损伤等方面对其致癌作用进行分析b诸多研究显示,长期低剂量接触OPs与多种癌症发生具有相关性,但亦有部分研究不支持
2、其致癌性b1oM:有机磷农药;长期低剂量;癌症CarcinogenicEffect of Long-term Exposed to Low Doses of Organophosphorus Pesticides ZHANGChen1,WANGXiao-ru2. (1.ChengdeMedicalCollege,Chengde 067020,China; 2.DepartmentofOralMaxillo-facialSurgery, theAffiliatedH ospital of ChengdeMedicalCollege,Chengde 067020, China)Abstract:
3、Long-term exposed to low doses oforganophosphorus pesticides(OPs) is the ma in w ay of peop leexposed to pesticides in today, though th e vastm ajority of the pesticideshave passed the carcinogen icity assess-m en t before pu t on th em arket, there is no final conclu sion of th e carcinogen ic affe
4、ct of long-term exposed tolow doses of organophosphorus. Th e dam ages to th e hum an body of long-term exposed to low doses ofOPs havestud ied retrosp ectively, the carcinogen ic affects w ere search ed m ostly in the aspects of genetic dam age, hor-m on e-like effects, imm un e system dam age. M a
5、ny stud ies have sh ow n that long-term exposed to low doses ofOPs w as associated w ith a variety of hum an cancers, bu t som e stud ies d id not support its carcinogen icity.Key words: Organophosphorus pesticides; Long-term exposed to low doses; C ancer“ -,j0( organophosphorus pesticide,OPs) V ( j
6、0 n, 4 T 8? 3$, A,L;7 4 ( 3a P# J = Y Ga 7 m s jb1 hA U: 4 ( j0 8 *“d a 3?pa? 3T, 0 ?h q M 6 j0(1“bC 4 (OPs? 31“# V ? b1 OPs? 3M1 y L.y T7B %h, y ,L. s Bb y 1“K M,T3 : %L.M, ylMay 9a 8 , V I|%M%; X ?%s 3; P%VC V IyFM, y ay a 8 ,i O a ?%Z vVC ?+ 1b2008 M924 S j0? ir BY 2008 M6 -X V ? j0 , OPs, a ;/ 4
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