1、高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析Practice Test #1 Critical Reasoning (72 Questions)1. (24179-!-item-!-188;#058B: 有模糊词some,然而文章结论无绝对词,干掉!; C: fullerenes是如何形成的,跟检测 the state of earths crust无关;A: 是迷惑的选项。confirming 矿石含有 fullerenes 需要仔细实验,说明要在矿石中发现fullerenes挺麻烦,但是并不能说明发现ful
2、lerenes会对检测fullerenes产生影响;D: fullerenes晶体结构我们不知道,无法从它来了解the state of earths crust. 正确答案!知识点:确认原因结论,回溯原因,模糊词汇词汇扩展: fissures, crust, meteorite, crystalline常难句阅读:This discovery should give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earths crust at the time these naturally o
3、ccurring fullerenes were formed.2. (24227-!-item-!-188;#058选项分析:A: 没有提到钱,并且比较对象在文中未出现:people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year在文中未出现;B: 没有提到钱,并且比较对象在文中未出现: elderly people living in nursing homesD: 没有提到钱,并且有范围扩大词“other than”, 文中确定没有提高除medication之外的其它方式,干掉!E:
4、提到了钱,意思上是说new program中的有一部分cost高于另一部分。但是比较对象在文中为出现:hose of other elements of the program.C: 老的emergency treatment的cost ,有很大一部分没有被算进去,如果被算进去,老的 emergency treatment的cost 就会上升,有可能高于new program, 那new program can be justified. 正确选项。知识点:确认原因结论,回溯原因,无关比较,范围扩大词词汇扩展:therapies常难句阅读:Among elderly people who ha
5、d followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.3. (24275-!-item-!-188;#058 from spring through early autumn, however, most voles live in far smaller group
6、s. The seasonal variation in group size can probably be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the explanation offered?(A) It is in the spring and early summer that prairie vole communities generally contai
7、n the highest proportion of young voles.(B) Prairie vole populations vary dramatically in size from year to year.(C) The prairie vole subsists primarily on broad-leaved plants that are abundant only in spring.(D) Winters in the prairie voles habitat are often harsh, with temperatures that drop well
8、below freezing.(E) Snakes, a major predator of young prairie voles, are active only from spring through early autumn.加强题解释:a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.现象:The seasonal variation in group size正确答案作用:确实是因为seasonal variation in mortality 导致的seasonal variation in group size思考:1. 加
9、强解释有两种方式:一, “没有此原因就没有此结果”二,“用另外一个原因来解释这个“解释”;如果是第一种,那答案就是如果mortality不变,group szie也不变;如果是第二种,那答案就是解释了为什么“mortality among young voles会变化”;2. 第一种答案通常是“类比”;第二种像“解释题”,无论如何都会出现“新词”“新概念”选项分析:A. 加强文中的“现象”;B: 与文中现象类似的另外一种现象;C: 文章中说在spring, group size较小,而C 选项却说vole 吃的东西只有在spring有; D: 冬天天气很差,这是一个另外的原因来解释了现象(gr
10、oup size),不正确;E: 有新词新概念,很好。蛇经常在春天到秋天早期活动。这解释了为什么mortality 会变化,用另外一个原因解释了文章中的“解释(mortality)”。 正确答案;知识点:加强解释词汇扩展:breed, mortality, variation, prairie常难句阅读:The prairie vole, a small North American grassland rodent, breeds year-round, and a group of voles living together consists primarily of an extende
11、d family, often including two or more litters.高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析4. (24323-!-item-!-188;#058 many dolphins get as much as half of their food each day there. Although dolphins that first benefit from the program as adults are healthy and long-lived, their offspring have a lower life expectancy
12、 than offspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the lower life expectancy of offspring of dolphins feeding at the beach compared to other young dolphins?(A) Sharks that prey on dolphins are less common in the open seas off the beac
13、h than in many other areas of the open seas where dolphins congregate.(B) Many of the adult dolphins that feed at the beach are females that nurse their offspring there.(C) The fish given to the dolphins at the beach are the same types of fish that dolphins typically catch in the wild.(D) Many dolph
14、ins that feed at the beach with their offspring come to the beach only a few times a month.(E) Adult dolphins that feed at the beach spend much less time teaching their offspring how to catch fish in the wild than do other adult dolphins.解释题需要解释的现象:Their offspring have a lower life expectancy than o
15、ffspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.现象分析:1. 此现象为一个“比较”的现象,所以优先考虑“比较”的选项;2. 此现象中含有“地点beach”, 所以优先考虑含有“地点beach ”的选项;选项分析:A:many other是范围扩大词,文中没有提到过所有的dolphin,并且比较的两个对象与需要解释的现象中的两个对象有差距;B: 不是比较的选项;C: 不是比较的选项; D: 不是比较的选项;E: 是比较的选项,并且含有地点beach. 因为此beach 上的成年dolphin比起其它的成年dolphin 教后代捕鱼的
16、时间少,所以他们后代的生命更短;知识点:解释现象分析;词汇扩展:dolphin, expectancy, offspring5. (24371-!-item-!-188;#058D: tiger sharks 吃 small sharks 吃 fish. 所以杀死tiger sharks让small sharks 更多,从而让fish更好。然而fish刚好是commercially important的,所以kill tiger sharks不能帮助经济;正确答案。知识点:削弱措施,模糊词词汇扩展:surf, mayor, implement,commercially常难句阅读:The sma
17、ll sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the islands fisheries.6. (24419-!-item-!-188;#058E: 跟price相关,也就是跟cost相关。Ertland-grown apple的价格很容易被降下来,也就是说Kosolia-grown apple不可能作为一个low-cost的替代物了,因为Ertland-grown的成本已经很低了;知识点:削弱目的,模糊词,回溯原因;词汇扩展:texture, viability, al
18、ternative常难句阅读:Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.7. (24651-!-item-!-188;#058 如果文中暗示了 “坏处”,那就是第二种, 如果文中有对比措施,那就是第三种,其它情况均为第二种。思考:1. 此文的结论句(目的)中有一句: without n
19、egative impact on its tight budget, 其实已经暗示此文应该是第二种,那正确答案应该是说:此措施不回带来negative impact on its tight budget. 选项分析:A. 无关比较,比较对象在文中没有出现过:More train commuters are employed in businesse C:这个选项与“negative impact”无关;D:措施做了之后会有坏处. 这不是加强;E:此选项说Flowtown station的ridership在1970-1985只下降了一点点,比起其它company要少。但是这个跟我们现在采取
20、的措施是没有关系的。B: 没有人会更少的使用station的train, 也就是说这个措施不会带来negative impact, 没有坏处,正确答案知识点:加强措施,无关比较词汇扩展:commuter, renovations, tenants常难句阅读:The high-rent block of Flowertowns Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.8. (24701-!-it
21、em-!-188;#058#058#058#058#058#058#058#058 the second is part of that explanation.(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument;
22、 the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the
23、 second is that conclusion.句子作用题分析:本文中没有大型转折词“However”等,所以选项中不应该有 “反对”之意。文中的第二句黑体字处于Since A, B的B的位置,所以属于Conclusion 性质。选项分析:A:排除,因为它说第二句话是Part of that explanation;B:排除,因为选项中有反对之意的 against;C:排除,因为选项中有反对之意的against;D:排除,因为选项中有反对之意的against;E:没有什么不对的地方,不能排除,正确答案。词汇扩展:collision, Jupiter, fragment, astronom
24、er, unprecedented, sulfur常难句阅读:Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiters atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were. 16. (27621-!-item-!-188;#058#058 C: fullerenes是如何形成
25、的,跟检测 the state of earths crust无关;A: 是迷惑的选项。confirming 矿石含有 fullerenes 需要仔细实验,说明要在矿石中发现fullerenes挺麻烦,但是并不能说明发现fullerenes会对检测fullerenes产生影响;高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析D: fullerenes晶体结构我们不知道,无法从它来了解the state of earths crust. 正确答案!知识点:决定解释(决定原因)词汇扩展: fissures, crust, meteorite, crystalline常难句阅读:This dis
26、covery should give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earths crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.18. (27717-!-item-!-188;#058#058#058#058 B:把emmer wheat的产量与traditionally domestic strains 的产量比较是无关比较。而且跟emmer wheat是否是在strip被培育出来(结论)没有
27、关系,也与原因无法结合。C:说emmer wheat是最有营养的,既不能与原因相结合,也与emmer wheat 在哪培育出来(结论)没有关系。也属于无关比较;E:分清楚这种emmer wheat和另外一种wild emmer wheat较困难。这个和narrow strip培育出emmer wheat没有关系,也与原因无法结合D:提到了说到了the narrow strip(In the region containing the strip where wild emmer wheat has been found),这是个与原因的结合点。这个strip的气候条件一直没有发生改变,那说明,
28、emmer wheat确实很容易在这个narrow strip培育出来。加强了结论。正确答案。知识点:无关比较,原因结合词汇扩展:cultivate, archaeological, domesticate, domestic, nutritious, strain常难句阅读:In the region containing the strip where wild emmer wheat has been found, climatic conditions have changed very little since before the development of agricultur
29、e.22. (28829-!-item-!-188;#058C:这个选项加强了“现象”;D:在sea otter数量下降之后, sea urchins的数量上升. 这个选项和我们需要的”sea otter数量下降是由于predation by whales”不相符合;E:Seals和sea lion比起sea otter覆盖了更多的地方, 这个与sea otter下降没有关系 ;A: 此选项与whales 相关,需要重点关注. whales 在seals and sea lions不够的时候,会捕食别的东西. 根据文中叙述, seals and sea lions由于疾病影响下确实在下降, 所
30、以whales会去捕食sea otter. 正好说明sea otter的下降是由于whales, 而不是disease. 削弱了现象的解释, 正确答案 .知识点:另外的原因词汇扩展:otter, seal常难句阅读:Of these two, disease is the more likely, since a concurrent sharp decline in populations of seals and sea lions is believed to have been caused by disease, and diseases that infect these crea
31、tures are likely to be able to infect sea otters also.23. (29107-!-item-!-188;#058#058 but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.Which of the following, if discovered in
32、experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other?(A) When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately turns and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping.(B) In pursuing a m
33、oving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insects direction, and pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetl
34、e increases its speed after its next pause.(D) If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit.(E) When an obstacle is suddenly introduced just in front of running beetles, the beetles sometimes stop immediately, but they never respond
35、by running around the barrier.25. (30261-!-item-!-188;#058 C:此选项没有说出为什么export 不能增加;D: 这个选项告诉我们: Darfir的竞争国家全部都有稳定的货币. 有的同学会这么思考, 这说明稳定的货币很重要, 所以不能贬值pundra. 但是 “措施目的”文章的重点不是讨论措施做不做, 而是讨论 “措施做了之后, 目的会不会达到”; E: 即使不贬值pundra, Darfir的产品在世界市场上的议价能力也会提高. 这个跟措施做了之后, 目的达不到没有关系.知识点:目的达不到,比例实际数词汇扩展:currency, ex
36、port, manufacture, peak, capacity, bargain常难句阅读:Several of the politicians now recommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that same recommendation before each of the last two periods of currency weakness.26. (31045-!-item-!-188;#0583. 解释 “没有变化”时, 如果转折词前的现象是变化, 那答案也应该是与之相反的变化. 思考:文章中
37、说immigration 变多, 说明外来移民到Megacity的人多了, sanitation has improved enormously, 说明死的人变少了 ” 那为什么人口不增加呢? 目前又两种可能, 移民出去的人变多了, 新增人口(除移民来Megacity的外, 就只剩新出生的) 变少了. 选项分析:A:这是一个状态比较, 没有变化; C:小于Megacity的城市与本题无关 ;D: 大量的移民在Megacity定定居了, 这应该说明Megacity的人口上升, 与现象不符; E: 没有变化, 又在比较B: 出生率在下降, 是变化. 此选项告诉我们 , 虽然死的人少了,并且移民来的
38、人多了, 但是新出生的少了, 所以人口保持没有增加. 正确答案知识点:解释不变化,解释矛盾现象词汇扩展:steady, sanitation, immigration, prospect, magnitude, enormously, accelerate常难句阅读:A hundred years ago, poor sanitation in the city caused high mortality rates among the citys inhabitants, and what fueled the population increase was immigration from
39、 rural villages.27. (31231-!-item-!-188;#058 the second is the arguments main conclusion.(B) The first introduces a development that the argument predicts will have a certain outcome; the second is a state of affairs that the argument denies will be part of that outcome.(C) The first presents a deve
40、lopment that the argument predicts will have a certain outcome; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that prediction.(D) The first provides evidence to support a prediction that the argument seeks to defend; the second is that prediction.(E) The first and the second each provi
41、de evidence to support the arguments main conclusion.句子作用题分析:However后面与作者立场一致, However前面与作者立场相反。选项分析:A:排除;因为The frist 应该与argument立场相反B:排除,因为the second is a state of affairs that the argument denies错了. The second应该与argument的立场一致. D:排除,因为The first应该与作者立场相反;E:排除,因为The first应该与作者立场相反;C:第一句话是argument预测的一
42、个结果 . 预测就有可能支持或反对; 第二句话反对了预测的东西,也就是反对一句话。没有什么错, 不能排除. 词汇扩展:genetic, fertilizer, pesticides, compensate常难句阅读: Since consumer demand for grains, fruits, and vegetables grown without the use of pesticides continues to rise, the use of genetically engineered seeds of this kind is likely to become widesp
43、read.28. (31510-!-item-!-188;#058信息2(第一句话):第一次买电脑的人买利润率低的, 第二次买电脑的人买利润率高的 ; 正确答案作用:把两个信息点结合起来, 然后得出结论;变化. 思考:去年PXC 的利润高, 根据信息2, 就说明去年这个商家卖了比较多 “第二次买电脑的人”. 选项分析:A:无关名词排除: PXCs competitors. 并且与我们思考的答案不一致.高智威 PREP 逻辑解析高智威 PREP 逻辑解析B:无关名词排除: computer-related products, such as printers. 并且与我们思考的答案不一致.C:
44、无关名词排除: PXCs competitors. 并且与我们思考的答案不一致.E: 此选项与”信息2”, 没有做信息结合D: “第一次买电脑”的比例去年比前年少, 也就是说 “第二次买电脑”的比例去年比前年多, 与我们思考的答案一致. 正确答案; 知识点:信息结合,无关名词常难句阅读:First-time computer buyers buying PXC home computers typically buy models that cost much less and have a smaller profit margin per computer than do PXC comp
45、uters bought by people replacing their computers with more powerful models.29. (31650-!-item-!-188;#058思考:Monitor catfish之后, 也不能够预测 earthquakes. 答案一定跟 “catfish swim erratically before earthquakes” 有关系 . 因为这是文章中告诉我跟预测earthquake唯一相关的因素 . 选项分析:A:在日本也用这方法. 没有削弱措施; B:别的措施不好. 与我这个措施好不好没关系 ; C: 与 swim erra
46、tically有相关, 仔细你. 波动让许多鱼都swim erratically. 那追踪catfish是可以的; D: 有一个方法可以减少earthquake的伤害, 与此题无关. E: 即使非常小的tremors 也能让catfish swim erratically, 说明catfish swim erratically是一件随时都有可能发生的平常事. 那追踪catfish就没有用了 , 因为无法察觉到异常. 正确答案知识点:目的达不到词汇扩展:erratically, fleeting, tremor30. (31790-!-item-!-188;#058 C:其它地方有进行过这种措施
47、, 不是我们这个措施的坏处.D: 没有说出这个措施有什么不好; E: 加强 ,说明措施很有用.A: 此措施会有一个坏处,就是developer 会把修建成本转移到buyer身上, 让buyer买不起housing, 这样attract new citizens的目的就达不到了 . 知识点:目的达不到,无关比较, 措施缺陷词汇扩展:facility, embark, recreational31. (31838-!-item-!-188;#058思考:Monitor catfish之后, 也不能够预测 earthquakes. 答案一定跟 “catfish swim erratically be
48、fore earthquakes” 有关系 . 因为这是文章中告诉我跟预测earthquake唯一相关的因素 . 选项分析:A:在日本也用这方法. 没有削弱措施; B:别的措施不好. 与我这个措施好不好没关系 ; C: 与 swim erratically有相关, 仔细你. 波动让许多鱼都swim erratically. 那追踪catfish是可以的; D: 有一个方法可以减少earthquake的伤害, 与此题无关. E: 即使非常小的tremors 也能让catfish swim erratically, 说明catfish swim erratically是一件随时都有可能发生的平常事
49、. 那追踪catfish就没有用了 , 因为无法察觉到异常. 正确答案知识点:目的达不到词汇扩展:erratically, fleeting, tremor32. (31886-!-item-!-188;#058 D: road的公里数depends on both the area and the population of the state这个跟这个州有没有inadequate road system没有关系。E: 只有那些有inadequate road system的州才会花很多钱,那这个州确实花了很多钱(原因),说明它确实有inadequate road system. 正确答案。知识点:原因回溯,无关比较词汇扩展:inadequate长难句阅读:Adequacy of a states road system is generally less important to a businessperson considering doing business there than is the availability of qualified employees.33. (31934