1、1 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering Hull Structure Shell plating and deck plating Lecturer: Pro. Zhang Mobile:13604261158 Email: QQ:305772007 2016.3 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering Shell plating and deck plates 1. The concept of seam and strakes(接缝与列板 ) 2. Shell plating (船壳板 ) 3. Deck
2、 plate(甲板板) 2 能正确描述外板的名称、排列布置及厚度分析 能正确描述甲板的形式、排列布置及厚度分析 能根据甲板和外析的位置确定其厚度分布及判断其分布是否合理 Contents Course Goals: Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering The ship sections-Do you remember the terms? 3 1-船尾甲板室 2-第五货舱 3-第四货舱 4-船中甲板室 5-第三货舱 6-上甲板 7-第二货舱 8-第一货舱 9-首楼 10-首端 11-下甲板 12-船中部 13-尾端 Poop
3、deck bridge forecastle after peak tank Fore peak tank Main deck/ Upper deck Lower deck Hatch 2 Middle body Hatch 7 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 船体结构主要是由 4 0 Introduction Shell plating(外板 ) Frames(骨架) Combination of the plate and the stiffeners called grillage(列板) Frames: Gener
4、al name of different framings to support the shell plates, such as the following fig. Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering There many different framings styles, such as follows 船用轧制的型材主要有: Flat bars、 Bulb flats、 Anlge bars、 Unequal angle steels、 Channel steel and pipes et al。 这些型材统称为构
5、件。 5 bulb flat Flat bar (平板 ) Angle bar (角 钢 ) unequal angle steels channel steel (槽 钢 ) 0 Introduction Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 构件( Members): 在船体结构中,每一个加工单元就称为一个构件(如一块钢板,一根角钢) 构件在船体中的位置不同,其名称也不同 纵向构件( Longitudinal Members): 沿船长方向布置的构件。如舷侧纵桁、甲板纵桁、船底桁材、甲板纵骨等 横向构件( Transvers
6、e Members) : 沿船宽方向布置的构件。如肋骨、组合肋板等 6 0 Introduction 2 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 主要构件( Primary Members): 船体的主要支撑构件,如 强肋骨、舷侧纵桁、甲板纵桁、强横梁、船底桁材 等,一般由 T型组合材制成 次要构件( Secondary Members) : 支持板的骨材,如 肋骨、甲板纵骨、组合肋板 等,一般由不等边角钢和球扁钢制成 7 0 Introduction Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean
7、 Engineering 9 Main body is a hollow watertight structure which is composed of upper deck and shell plating. Many frames support the plating of the shell. 0 Introduction Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 板材的尺度 (Dimensions) 长度: 6000-14000mm 宽度: 1200-3000mm 厚度: 4-100mm 10 第一节 : 外板( S
8、hell plates) Shell plates : 船体底部 (bottom plates)、舭部 (bilge plates)及舷侧 (side plate)构成了船体的外板 作用:保证船体水密 船的外板、甲板板是由 许多钢板拼合焊接而成。 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 长边与长边相接的纵向接缝 Shell plating 边接缝 seam 端接缝 Butt 短边与短边相接的纵向接缝 Shell is a welded-steel plates contracture(外板由一块块钢板焊接而成 ) 1. Shell
9、 plates 肋骨曲率变化大,沿长边容易成型 纵向强度要求高 ,纵向强度好 钢板的长边沿船长方向布置 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 12 2. Joining styles of each plate (板材联接形式 ) 列板( strake): 钢板逐块 端接而成的 沿船长方向的连续长板条称为列板, 若干个列板组成船体外板。 Longitudinal(沿船 长 ) 船宽方向 在首尾端,由于船体瘦削,某两列板合并 为 一列板,称 为并板 strake Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU
10、Ocean Engineering 13 2. Joining styles of each plates(板材联接形式 ) Shell plate is composed of many strakes arranged in the fore and aft direction and these strakes welded together. 船的外板是由许多列板沿船 长方向拼接而成。 3 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 2. Joining styles of each plates(板材联接形式 ) What
11、the terms mean about the seam and butt? The horizontal welds are termed seams and the vertical welds are termed butts, because the shell plating is composed of many strakes or plates arranged in a fore and aft direction and welded together. Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 15 3. S
12、eams and strakes Name of strakes Bottom strakes (船底列板 ) Bilge strakes (舭部列板 ) Side strakes(舷侧外列板) Deck strakes (甲板板 ) Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 2. Joining styles of each plates(板材联接形式 ) In the shell structure, each shell plating has its own designation. For example, the pla
13、ting located at the ship bottom is called bottom plates, among which are keel plates that are a series of plating sited at the centerline of hull. 外板结构中,每一块外板都有自己的名称。例如:位于船底部的叫做船底板,位于船体中线上的一系列板叫做龙骨板等。 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 17 sheer strake bilge strakes Stringer plate (甲
14、板边板 Side plates Flat plate keel A strake S strake Side plates 3. Seams and strakes Terms: The strake of side plating nearest to the deck is known as the sheer strake. The sheerstrake is increased in thickness or a high tensile steel is used. Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 18 she
15、er strake bilge strakes Stringer plate (甲板边板 Side plates Flat plate keel A strake S strake Side plates 3. Seams and strakes The plating located at the ship bottom is called bottom plates, among which are keel plates that are a series of plating sited at the centerline of hull. Dalian Ocean Universit
16、y 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering The strake of side plating nearest to the deck is known as the sheer strake. The sheer strake is increased in thickness or a high tensile steel is used. 靠近甲板的舷侧列板叫做“舷顶列板”。舷顶列板的厚度需要增加或采用高强度钢。 19 3. Seams and strakes 4 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering T
17、ransverse system of frame-横骨架式 20 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 21 4. Forces acting on the shell plating Forces acting on the plates: 总纵弯曲应力: 船底板和舷侧外板承受总纵弯曲应力。 横向载荷: 外板直接承受舷外水压力和舱内液体压力,产生局部弯曲应力。 动力载荷: 首部外板承受波浪冲击力,尾部外板承受螺旋桨工作时的水动压力,冰区航行的船舶外板承受冰块的撞击和挤压力。 偶然性载荷: 碰撞、搁浅等意外载荷。 Shell
18、plates: 船底板 +舭列板 +舷侧列板 Functions: 保证船体的水密 , 使船漂浮并具有运载能力 船体梁 , 参与 总纵弯曲 , 承受各种 横向载荷 , 保证局部强度和刚度 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering The forces acting on the shell plates 22 Shell plating stands external forces of different magnitude in the light of its various situations. Dalian Ocean
19、University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 23 The forces acting on the shell plates Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 24 The forces acting on the shell plates Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 25 5. Thickness distribution of the shell plating 根据受力确定外板的厚度没沿纵向分布如下 : Lon
20、gitudianal: thickness at the amidship, grudually thin to the end 船中 0.4L区域内外板厚度最大,因为弯矩最大 距首尾 0.075L区域内,外板较薄 中间区域逐渐过度 5 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 26 Forces acting on the hull Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 27 Forces acting on the hull Dalian Ocean Univer
21、sity 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 28 5. Thickess Vertical(厚度沿肋骨方向分布 ): 局部加强: 首部 锚孔区域、尾端螺旋桨区域、外板开口区域 等 采用厚板或加装骨架。 参见船舶建造规范 Flat keel Sheer plating Subject to maximum Bending stress 从舭列板向上,水压力逐渐减小,板的厚度也渐薄; 平板龙骨的宽度全船保持不变 Maximum thickness Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 29 外板的排列须充分利用
22、钢板的规格,尽可能减少钢板的裁剪: 在线型平缓的船中或大型船上,采用较宽的钢板 而在型线曲率较大的首尾端或小型舰船上,通常采用宽度较小的钢板,便于加工和装配。 在水线以上部分的舷侧外板, 其边接缝与 甲板边线或折角线平行 ,并保持相同的宽度伸至船的两端,以使外板排列整齐美观。 6. Arrangement of shell plating Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 30 Arrangement of shell plating should consider the follow factors 接缝的布置应考虑 等
23、纵向构件的布置 : Deck platform deck Girders Longitudinals margin plate 6. Arrangement of shell plating Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 31 若纵向构件与外板边接缝的交角小于 30度时,则应调整接缝改为阶梯形。 若焊缝布置与纵向构件在很长一段距离中平行时,其间距应大于 50mm。 6. Arrangement of shell plating 外板的边接缝与纵向构件的角焊缝应 避免重合或形成过小的交角 ,否则会影响焊缝的质量。 6 Da
24、lian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 32 并板 :两列板会合为一列板,这列板称为并板 双并板: 两相邻列板的端接缝同时中断,并成一列板 齿形并板: 两相邻列板的端接缝不同时中断,并板处成阶梯形接缝 首尾端的并板结构,不宜设在 平板龙骨、舭列板和舷顶列板上 , 通常布置在 满载水线以下的其他外板上 6. Arrangement of shell plating Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 33 外板端接缝的布置 ( 端接缝比边接缝质量要求更高? ) 各列板的
25、端接缝应尽可能布置于同一横剖面上,以减少装配和焊接的工作量,有利于采用垂直自动焊接,并且容易控制焊接变形。 外板的端接缝应布置在 1/4或 3/4肋距处,因板在该处局部弯曲应力最小。且端接缝应避开横向构件的角焊缝及大开口角隅部位。 外板各列钢板的长度在船中部分可取长些,首尾端取短些。 因船中部船体 线 型平 缓 ,可充分采用 长 的 钢 板;首尾端 线 型 较 复杂 ,采用 较 短的 钢 板便于加工 6. Arrangement of shell plating Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 34 外板的排列布置是通过外
26、板展开图来表示的。 在外板展开图上,具体的表示了外板的边接缝、端接缝、分段接缝及纵横构件的位置。 下图表示的是一沿海货船的艏部展开图 6. Arrangement of shell plating Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 35 细实线表示板缝线 斜删线表示分段接缝线 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering Summary 1. 外板的尺度 2. 边接缝与端接缝( Seams and butts) 3. 不同位置处列板的名称 4. 作用在外板上的力 5.
27、 外板的厚度创面与排列 6. 外板排列时的注意事项 36 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering Deck plating 1. 甲板的名称、形状、甲板板的受力、甲板板的作用 2. 甲板板的厚度 3. 甲板板的布置 4. 甲板开口处的加强与间断出的结构 5. 舷边连接 37 7 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 38 Terms : Deck types: Upper deck second deck Third deck platform deck Strin
28、ger plate(甲板边板): 沿甲板边缘与舷侧邻接的一列甲板板 构成: 由许多钢板焊接而成,钢板的长边通常没船长方向 1. Introduction to the deck Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 39 decks It must provide a solid working platform capable of supporting any loads resting upon it, and also a watertight top cover to the hull structure. 1. In
29、troduction to the deck Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 40 1. Introduction to the deck Space curved surface(空间双向曲面 ) Narrow at the for and aft(首尾窄中部宽 ) fore and after bodies higher than the middle body(船长方向中部低于首尾端 ) Sheers at forward/after perpendicular(具有首尾舷弧) Sheer at deck cente
30、r(具有脊弧) Camber(船宽方向中间高于两舷形成梁拱) The shape of upper deck(上甲板的形状 ): Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 41 Terms : camber (梁拱 ) and sheer(舷弧 ) The arc from port to starboard is termed as camber while that from bow to stern is called sheer. functions: keeping off the ship water and quick
31、 raining (避免甲板上浪和迅速排水 ) 非露天的甲板和平台可做成平直的结构。 1. Introduction to the deck Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 42 Functions of the deck: To form a watertight box with the shell plating. To form different room to carry cargos; 下甲板和平台甲板分层安置设备及各种装载物; 上甲板通常是强力甲板 (strength deck),参与船体的总纵强度; 甲板
32、板与甲板骨架一起承受并传递各种横向载荷; 甲板和平台板则主要保证局部强度。 1. Introduction to the deck Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 43 2. Forces acting on the deck Forces acting on the upper deck: Longitudinal bending stress Transverse load such as wave load and cargoss loads) Local loads. 8 Dalian Ocean Universi
33、ty 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 44 3. Thickness arrangements of the deck Thickness distribution of the decks. Transverse: maximum thickness at the stringer plate 甲板边板首尾连续,参与总纵弯曲,且经常积水易收腐蚀,是上甲板中最厚的一列板。 在舱口之间的甲板板,由于被舱口切断,不参与总纵弯曲,其厚度较薄。 见教材: P19 Fig,2-8 Longitudinal: 船长 0.4L区域内较厚,且保持不变 ,向船首尾两端之间减薄; When
34、 longitudinal bending, the maximum stress acting on the amidships Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 45 甲板板的长边沿船长方向布置,且平行与甲板中线; 甲板边板因为需要保持一定的宽度,故沿舷边呈折线形状。 首尾端,由于甲板宽度减小,甲板列板的数目也要相应地减少,也可以沿横向布置。 在大开口之间也可将钢板沿横向布置。 4. Arrangement mode of deck plates(甲板板的布置 ) Dalian Ocean University 2011
35、 DLOU Ocean Engineering 46 甲板布置时应考虑: 甲板板的端接缝不宜设于大开口的四角,避免应力集中。板缝与舱口横端至少应相距 500mm。 甲板上下构件的位置,避免板缝与焊缝重合或太接近,一般要求相距 50mm。 4. Arrangement mode of deck plates(甲板板的布置 ) Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 47 甲板开口包括:机舱口、货舱口、人孔和梯口等 人孔开口应做成圆形或长轴沿船长方向,以缓和应力集中; 矩形大开口的长边沿船长方向布置,角隅做成圆形、椭圆形或抛物线形;
36、甲板开口加强的原因:在开口角隅处将产生应力集中现象,因此在船中 0.5L区域内应予以加强或补偿。 5. Strengthening for the hatches (甲板开口处的加强 ) Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 48 5. Strengthening for the hatch(甲板开口处的加强 ) 加强要求: 圆形角隅处的甲板板要用加厚 4mm的板或腹板给予加强,常用的加厚形式如图 a和图 b; Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 49 5. 甲
37、板开口处的加强 椭圆形或抛物线形角隅可不必采用加厚板,但须符合图 c规定的要求; 有的船沿舱口两侧设置长条形的加厚板,如图 d; 对强力甲板舱口线以外的圆形开口 9 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 50 6. Structure of discontinuous platform 平台甲板间断处的结构 上甲板以下的各层甲板若在机舱、货舱等处被切断,由于结构连续性被破坏,在甲板突变的地方可能产生应力集中。为了防止结构破坏,在甲板间断处舷侧 应增设舷侧纵桁 ,且在过渡处 用尺寸较大的延伸肘板连接。 Dalian Ocean U
38、niversity 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 51 甲板边板与舷顶列板的联接 7. Joining between deck and sheer plate(甲板与舷边连接 ) Gunwale(舷边、舷缘 ) The region where the sheerstrake meets the deck plating is known as the gunwale. Two particular arrangements in this region are used. Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engine
39、ering 52 甲板边板与舷顶列板的联接 舷边直角连接: 施工简单,但舷边应力较大。 在船中及上层建筑端部,高出甲板边板的舷顶列板上不准许开流水孔。 多用于中小型船舶和一些有加强措施的船舶,如杂货船。 7. Joining between deck and sheer plate(甲板与舷边连接 ) Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 53 7. Joining between deck and sheer plate 圆弧舷板连接: 圆弧舷板的厚度至少应等于甲板边板的厚度, 圆弧半径不得小于板厚的 15倍 特点是结构刚性较
40、大,舷边不易变形。但甲板有效面积减小,甲板排水易弄脏舷侧板;施工麻烦。 由于型线的变化,圆弧板只适用于船体中部,向首尾端逐渐过渡仍需采用舷边直角连接,多用于大型船舶的船中部位。 With the rounded gunwale arrangement no welding is permitted on the sheerstrake because of the high stressing which could result in cracks emanating from the toes of fillet welds. Dalian Ocean University 2011 DL
41、OU Ocean Engineering Shell plates and deck Home work: 记住本课程常用结构的英文表达?(考试内容) 外板由哪些列板组成,分别用什么代号表示 ? 外板的厚度是如何分布的? 何为外板的边接缝和端接缝,边接缝和端接缝的布置有什么要求? 并板有哪两种形式,通常布置在什么位置? 露天甲板的形状是怎样的 甲板的厚度是如何分布的? 甲板舷边的连接形式有哪几种?分别用于什么船 ? 54 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering Shell plating and deck plating Q & A Any questions: 55 10 Dalian Ocean University 2011 DLOU Ocean Engineering 56 Thank You & Best Wishes