1、Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like theyre not shining Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying Shes so beautiful and I tell her every day Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she wont believe me And its so, its so, sad to think tha
2、t she dont see what I see But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say When I see your face, theres not a thing that I would change,Because youre amazing, just the way you are And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while Because girl youre amazing, just the way you are When I s
3、ee your face, theres not a thing that I would change Because youre amazing, just the way you are And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while Because girl youre amazing, just the way you are.,长歌行 i2star,踏飞沙茫茫,皓月下驼铃北往 算前路漫漫,旧时簪藏进行囊 沉默守望的胡杨,风掠过它的颈项 长河千山之后,是回不去的故乡 梦里的长安,飞花香满川 朱檐入云林,
4、勾阑金玉錾 这雕梁碧血染,白骨垒阑杆 满目离乱,哪里有真的长安 我拭去红妆,走在风雨路上,天地苍茫引我去何方 残阳下又飞过秋燕一行 天尽头是否有它的心乡 我执剑引戈,撕开山河蛮荒,涤荡后又新添多少悲伤 爱恨凋零后,连回忆都沧桑,偏有执着此生不忘,美玉和芳华,都蹉跎成遗憾 沧溟的鹏鱼,也被放进河川 是谁在悄声叹,轻声的呢喃 回不去还,痴痴盼望眼欲穿 我跌跌撞撞,走在风雨路上,且行且悟看尽家国沧桑 这乱世相濡以沐都成奢望 纵遂愿也不过一梦黄粱 我披上红妆,走在风雨路上,执笔绘锦绣再迎风踏浪 曾许谁的桃花他乡和故乡 辗转天涯愿所见皆安康 我长歌且行,走在风雨路上,风雨将散云后隐隐天光 我纵身雷霆劈开魑魅魍魉 千帆过尽依稀有心乡 不曾遗忘的盛世大唐,