1、第一课 4Based on information supplied by the other specialists, construction management civil engineers estimate quantities and costs of materials and labor, schedule all work, order materials and equipment for the job, hire contractors and subcontractors, and perform other supervisory work to ensure t
2、he project is completed on time and as specified根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。第一课 12They coordinate the activities of virtually everyone engaged in the work: the surveyors;workers who lay out and construct the temporary roads and ramps, exc
3、avateeksk9veit for the foundation,build the forms and pour the concrete; and workers who build the steel framework. 他们协调工程中每个人的活动:测量员,布置和建造临时道路和斜坡,开挖基础,支模板和浇注混凝土的工人,以及钢筋工人。这些工程师也向结构的业主提供进度计划报告。 第二课 6The precise activities to be housed in any specific building-ranging from an assembly line in a facto
4、ry to a living room in a home-should dictate the size and shape of the several areas within. 确切的活动,被安置在任何特定的建筑 广泛到从工厂的一条装配流水线到 一个家庭的起居室- 应该规定几个内部区域的大小和形状。第二课 13Through the related architectural forms shaped by their purpose,governed by the materials,proportioned and given scale and character by the
5、designer,buildings become expressions of the ideals and aspirations of the generations that built them经过建筑学目的的成型,再受材料、比例和设计者给定的比例尺和特征支配,建筑物成为建造它们的时代的理想的表达和热望。历史性建筑学的连续性式样是他们的时代精神的化身。第三课 11.All buildings are supported on the ground, and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important
6、consideration in the design of any building. The design of a foundation depends on many soil factors, such as type of soil, soil stratification, thickness of soil layers and their compaction, and groundwater conditions所有的建筑物都支撑在地面上,因此,土体的性质成为任何建筑设计中极端重要的考虑因素。基础的设计依赖于许多土体的要素,如土的 类型,土壤的 层 理,土层的厚度和它的压缩
7、性,以及地下水的状态。第三课 13 Where the soil is softer,it is necessary to spread the column load over a greater area; in this case,a continuous slab of concrete (raft or mat) under the whole building is used土较软的地方,有必要将柱荷载传递到一个较大的面积上,在这种情况下,则在整个建筑物底下采用连续的混凝土板(筏或席)第四课 7The maximum efficiency of the total structur
8、e of a tall building,for both strength and stiffness,to resist wind load can be achieved only if all column elements can be connected to each other in such a way that the entire building acts as a hollow tube or rigid box in projecting out of the ground抵抗风荷载的实现只有当建筑物突出地面的所有的柱构件能够彼此连接使整个建筑物成为一个空心筒体或一
9、个劲性箱体时,一幢高层建筑的整个结构才能最有效。第七课 10The span of a rigid beam type of bridge can be increased by building intermediate piers and bridging the gaps between the piers with several beams.The materials used for rigid beams must be able to withstand both compression and tension. 刚架桥这种类型的桥的跨度可以采用在中间建桥墩或在峡谷建搁栅撑,再
10、用几根横梁连接起来而增加跨度。刚架桥的材料必须能够承担压力和拉力。The double requirement stems from the fact that when a load is placed on a rigid beam, the beam. As a result of bending the upper part of the beam is compressed and the lower half is stretched.尽管它的名字叫曲梁,但实际上这种具有双重要求的杆能用于刚架桥上。结果,梁弯曲较高的部分的压力比直的部分低一半以上,Although the tota
11、l weight of the vehicles moving over a bridge at any time is generally a small fraction of the static and dynamic load, it presents special problems to the bridge designer because of the vibration and impact stresses created by moving vehicles. the severe impacts caused by irregularities of vehicle
12、motion or bumps in the roadway may momentarily double the effect of the live load on the bridge 虽然随时在桥面上移动的机动车的总重量相当于静荷载和动荷载来说是一个很少的部分,而对设计者来说,因为机动车辆产生的振动和冲击压力而会出现特殊问题。例如:在路面上机动车的不规则的运动或碰撞对桥面产生短暂而影响加倍的活荷载而导致严重的影响。第十一课 1As part of general planning, it is decided what the traffic needs of the area wil
13、l be for a considerable period, generally 20 years, and what construction will meet those needs作为概要计划的一部分,该地区在可预见的时段内(如 20 年)的交通流量,以及何种建设才能满足这种需求将是决定因素。To assess traffic needs the highway engineer collects and analyzes information about the physical features of existing facilities, the volume, distr
14、ibution, and character of present traffic, and the changes to be expected in these factors. 为了评估交通需求量,高速公路工程师通过采集分析现有设备提供的物理数据信息包括车流量,分布,现有交通工具的特征以及蕴涵在这些因素中的可以预知的变化。第十五课 8Internal friction is the resistance to sliding offered by the soil mass. Sand and gravel have higher internal friction than clays
15、; in the latter an increase in moisture lowers the internal friction. 内摩擦力是土体抵抗滑动的力。砂土和砾石土比粘土有更大的内摩擦力;后期水气的增加会降低内摩擦力。第十六课 4The sizes of footings are determined by dividing the loads to be imposed at the base of the footings by the allowable bearing pressure which can be imposed on the soil or rock o
16、f the earth. 基础的尺寸是由可能施加在基础底部的荷载除以地基土和岩石能够承担的容许支撑力来确定的。More specific information about the soil or rock is normally obtained by drilling test borings, extracting soil or rock samples, performing laboratory tests on the samples, and making engineering analysis to determine suitable bearing pressures.
17、 更多关于土体或岩石的具体信息要靠钻探试验:选择土体或岩石试样,室内试验和决定容许承载力的工程分析获得。第十七课 20. The construction of a steel structure consists of the assembly at the site of mill-rolled or shop-fabricated steel sections. The steel sections may consist of beams, columns, or small trusses which are joined together by riveting, bolting,
18、 or welding. It is more economical to assemble sections of the structure at a fabricating shop rather than in the field, but the size of preassembled units is limited by the capacity of transportation and erection equipment. 钢结构建筑物由轧钢厂和制造厂的钢材组装而成。钢结构由梁,柱或靠铆接螺栓连接以及焊接连接在一起的小桁架组成。在制造车间组装部分结构比在现场更积极,但组装
19、单元大小受运输能力和安装设备限制。21Concrete construction consists of several operations: forming, concrete production, placement, and curing. Forming is required to contain and support the fluid concrete within its desired final outline until it solidifies and can support itself. The form is made of timber or steel
20、 sections or a combination of both and is held together during the concrete placing by external bracing or internal ties. The forms and ties are designed to withstand the temporary fluid pressure of the concrete混凝土结构由一些操作组成:支模,混凝土 浇捣,定位,养护。支模要求保持和支持所需要的流动的混凝土直到它硬化并且能支撑自身。模板由木材或 钢材或两者组成,它在混凝土定位期间,靠外部
21、支撑和内部结点 结合在一起。模板和 结点被设计 成能支撑临时的流动混凝土的压力。朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音P12 在古中国,尽管人们不把建筑学视为一种艺术,但在西方,建筑学是美术之母,建筑装饰、绘画以及雕刻逐渐成熟被人们视为独立的艺术。P23 结构形式,如横梁或拱门,经过长时间的发展,它涉及到材料的实用性以及高新技艺。例如,拱门,地面的轴心引力。因此,重力、建筑物形状和所用的材料的力量要保持平衡,从个可以庇护所提供顶盖并能让周围在通道周围。与这种平衡保持一致,建筑者创造了三种技巧,分别是:柱形、拱形和悬臂结构。P33 二战结束后,欧洲、没过和日本在开始研究在动力(包括超出屈服点的力)的作用下
22、的 utong 建筑钢铁的类型,从而做出更加精确系统的分析。反过来,这导致了许多国家公家宽松的设计规范。所谓的可塑设计及高韧度材料的使用,是更加自由、更加富于想象的设计设计成为可能并节约了大量的成本。电脑的应用缩减了冗长的文书工作,并提高效率,减少开支。P57 建设桥梁根基和上部构造的更好更快的方法也有所提高。建造者用更好的管道运输方式或可漂浮至地基然后沉到空地的地基箱取代了昂贵的围堰和沉箱。例如,在建造混凝土桥梁的上部结构时,人们预制许多分段然后把它们运送到合适的位置,从而节省了大量的成本。P67 大量的经济价值不仅是通过减少桥梁的重量来获得,而是通过薄翼型外观获得,这种翼型外观可以减少桥梁
23、承载的气流,从而减少绳索及塔台的开支。而且塔台是单箱的,从而使其重量减至最低。这些创举无疑为今后的桥梁设计的经济价值及复杂性制定了标准。P93 人、物对交通的需求与大多数人的定居地有密切的联系。所以主要的乡村交通线十分容易选定,因为它们要经过主要的枢纽和聚居地。城市交通路线的体积通常考虑起止城市的面积大小及 2 地的距离。它通常建立在当前体积及人口和车辆增加的基础上。这种体积通常要称为日平均流量。就设计目的而言,有必要吧归类为型重型车辆的交通分配给重量分类组。P131 在沉积和分层的每一个阶段,水作为侵蚀和地面运输的中间介质无时不在。地下深处的水带来酸和碱,进行化学攻击粒子并侵蚀、冷冻、解冻、
24、进一步降低大块的岩石使之成越来越小的碎片,即使当它们深埋于表面,雨,雪和冰雹下数千英尺也依然如此。P143 大学教我们很多课,它们使用的熟悉教材教具:课本、讲座、实验室、示范和研讨会,但外面的世界也教导着我们。这里的课程是不同的,甚至可能很难辨认, 、但如果我们是聪明的学生,是为了我们职业生涯的大利益,我们在毕业之后仍要接受很长的时间教育。P155 材料的质量和耐久性,建筑经济学根本上不同于其他加工项目经济学。因为建筑物不移动,但必须在各种天气中屹立 60 年甚至更长时间,因此建筑物材料的选用标准远不同于运输设备的使用标准。因为建筑材料只运送到建筑工地一次,此后不在重新安置,因此可以很重,而且,建筑器材具有抗腐蚀性,可以以最少的维护工作获得长寿命。