1、高油分玉米儲存期間營養成分變化之研究A Research on the Changes of Nutrients of High Oil Corn during Storage in Taiwan研究生:張學義 Clover Chang指導教授:鄭長義 Chanrg-Yih Cheng【摘要】本研究之目的在於探討進口之高油分玉米(High Oil Corn)於儲存期間營養成分之變化。於進口之高油分玉米與一般玉米抵台進倉時採取具代表性之玉米樣品,並逢機區分為六個處理(三種不同溫度:攝氏 20 度、28 度、與 35 度及兩種不同相對濕度:60%與 90%) ,且於儲存滿一個月及兩個月後取出進行化
2、驗分析。分析項目包括水分、粗蛋白質、粗脂肪、粗纖維、灰分、磷、熱能、油脂酸價、水活性、及維生素 A 等。試驗所得資料以統計分析系統(SAS)套裝軟體進行統計分析,並以一般線性模式進行變方分析,以探討各主效因子之效應及各因子間之交感作用,且以鄧肯式新多次變域測定法比較分析差異之顯著性。研究結果顯示,於進倉時所採樣品之粗脂肪測定值,高油分玉米之平均含量為 6.52%,一般玉米之平均含量為 3.49%。粗脂肪測定值差異顯著(P0.05) 。於攝氏 20 度與 35 度儲存,其水分測定值差異不顯著。而以攝氏 28 度儲存其水分測定值增加且差異顯著(P0.05 ) 。於相對濕度 60%儲存,其水分測定值
3、減少,且差異顯著(P0.05 ) 。又由本試驗結果顯示,玉米之水分、粗脂肪、水活性與油脂酸價等四項之儲存溫度與儲存濕度兩主效因子之間有交感作用,儲存一個月及兩個月皆然。本研究屬靜態分析,亦即在穀物之實際儲存情況下,穀倉內之穀物受到外界日曬雨淋與日夜溫差變化,及穀物間水分移動等動態變化分析則不涵蓋在本研究之設計內。關鍵字:高油分玉米、儲存溫度、儲存濕度、儲存期間、營養成分【Abstract 】The objectives of this research were to investigate the changes of nutrients of the imported High Oil C
4、orn (HOC) during storage. Samples of the imported HOC and commodity corn (or normal corn, regular corn, conventional corn, yellow corn, typical corn, etc.) were collected at the feed mill right after their unloadings. Corn samples were allocated into six treatmental storage conditions (temperature 2
5、8、30 and 35 with relative humidity 60% and 90%) randomly. Those samples were analyzed after one-month and two-month storage periods for their contents of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, phosphorus, and vitamin A and also gross energy, acid value of oil, and water activity. Data
6、 were analyzed by Statistics Analysis System (SAS), General Linear Model (GLM) procedure and Duncans New Multiple Range Test.The results of this research showed that the average crude fat content of the imported HOC was 6.52% while that of commodity corn was 3.49%,their differences were significant
7、(P0.05) under the storage temperature of 20 and 35. However, the changes were significant (P0.05) by storage temperatures between 20 and 35.The moisture contents of imported HOC were decreased significantly (P0.05) by storage humidities between 60% and 90%.Based on the results of this research, the
8、main effect factors of temperature and himidity have interactions in the contents of moisture, contents of crude fat, water activity, and acid value of oil of corn. The storage periods of one-month and two-month showed same reults.This reasarch is a statical analysis. The dynamic analysis of moistur
9、e movement of storaged corn mass under the different ambiemt tremperature during daytime and night time and the moisture movement of corn with different moisture contents under the practical storage condition were not considered in this research.Keywords: High Oil Corn、Storage temperature、Storage humidity、Storage period、Nutrient contents