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1、International Marketing 一、名词解释:1International marketing: International marketing is defined as the performance of business activities designed to plan,price, promote, and direct the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.2strategic internatio

2、nal alliance (SIA) A strategic international alliance (SIA) is a business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective.3Common law, The basis for common law is tradition, past practices, and legal precedents set b

3、y the courts through interpretations of statutes, legal legislation, and past rulingsCommon law seeks “interpretation through the past decisions of higher courts which interpret the same statutes or apply established and customary principles of law to a similar set of facts” Civil or code law,Code l

4、aw is based on an all-inclusive system of written rules (codes) of law Islamic law Islamic law defines a complete system that prescribes specific patterns of social and economic behavior for all individuals.4Global brand A global brand is defined as the worldwide use of a name, term, sign, symbol (v

5、isual and/or auditory), design, or combination thereof intended to identify goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors5Politically sensitive productsPerceived to have an effect on the environment, exchange rates, national and economic security, and the welfar

6、e of people 。Are publicly visible or subject to public debate 。 6. Sales promotions Sales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middlemen effectiveness and cooperation。7.Cultureculture refers to “the human-made part of human environmentthe sum

7、total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society”8. SubornationInvolves giving large sums of moneyfrequently not properly accounted fordesigned to entice an official to commit an illegal act on behalf of the one o

8、ffering the bribe; involves breaking the lawLubrication Involves a relatively small sum of cash, a gift, or a service given to a low-ranking official in a country where such offerings are not prohibited by law9. ConfiscationConfiscation, the most severe political risk, is the seizing of a companys a

9、ssets without paymentExpropriationExpropriation is where the government seizes an investment, but some reimbursement for the assets is made; often the expropriated investment is nationalized to become a government run entityDomestication Domestication occurs when the government mandates local owners

10、hip and greater national involvement in a foreign companys management10.Distribution process,The distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution of goods, the passage of ownership (title), and the buying and selling negotiations between producers and middlemen and between middle

11、men and customersDistribution structureEach country market has a distribution structure through which goods pass from producer to use,Within this structure are a variety of middlemen whose customary functions, activities, and services reflect existing competition, market characteristics, tradition,

12、and economic development 11. Country-of-origin effect (COE) Country-of-origin effect (COE) can be defined as any influence that the country of manufacture, assembly, or design has on a consumers positive or negative perception of a product。12. Price escalation Price escalation refers to the added co

13、sts incurred as a result of exporting products from one country to another13.M-time/ P-time M-time, or monochronic time, typifies most North Americans, Swiss, Germans, and Scandinavians P-time, or polychronic time, is more dominant in high-context cultures。P-time is characterized by multi-tasking an

14、d by “a great involvement with people”。14.Quality Quality can be defined on two dimensions: market-perceived quality andperformance quality。15. Integrated marketing communications (IMC)Integrated marketing communications (IMC) comprises: advertising、sales promotions 、personal selling 、direct selling

15、, and 、public relations二、翻译:1) SRC is an unconscious reference to ones own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions. ( self-reference criterion )自我参照标准是指人们习惯于用自己的价值观、经历、知识来作为评判一件事情的标准的无意识行为2) Ethnocentrism refers to the notion that ones own culture or company knows best h

16、ow to do things. 民族优越感是一种相信自身种族或团体优于其他团体的行为3) P17 To be globally aware is to have tolerant of cultural differences, and knowledgeable of culture, history, world market potential, and global economic, social and political trends.树立全球意识就要包容不同的文化差异,对世界各地的文化、历史、市场潜力,全球经济、政治倾向都要有深刻的了解4) P71 We must not m

17、ake value judgments as to whether or not cultural behavior is good or bad, better or worse. There is no culture right or wrong, just difference. 我们绝不能以某种文化行为的好坏、优劣作为价值判断标准,文化没有对错之说,只存在差异。5) P6E The rapid growth of the World Trade Organization and regional free trade areas, e.g., NAFTA and the Europe

18、an Union; General acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe; Impact of the Internet and other global media on the dissolution of national borders, and Managing global environmental resources.世界贸易组织和区域自由贸易区的快速发展,例如北美自由贸易协定、欧盟,在发展中国家、拉丁美

19、洲、亚洲和中东普被遍接受的自由市场制度,在互联网和其它全球性的媒介的帮助下,逐渐瓦解了国家保护壁垒,管理起了全球环境资源。6) P123E American cultural is low-context, individualistic, low power distance, and obviously close to English. Bribery is less common and Americans are monochronic time oriented, linguistically direct, foreground-focused, and they achieve

20、 efficiency through competition. Therefore the United States is categorized hereafter in the as an information-oriented culture. 美国文化是一种低调、崇尚个人主义、权力等级较小的文化,很明显的接近英国文化。美国人很少收受贿赂,日常时间安排很紧凑,交谈喜欢直言直语,直奔主题,他们通过竞争来提高效率。因此,美国可以说是一个信息化的社会。7) P123E Japanese culture is high-context, collectivistic, high power

21、 distance, far from English, bribery is more common, polychronic (in part), linguistically indirect, background-focused. Japanese culture achieves efficiency through reduction of transaction costs, and therefore is properly categorized as a relationship-oriented culture.日本文化是一种高调的、尊崇集体主义、权利等级森严的文化,与

22、英国文化截然不同,收受贿赂也比较常见,局部还有小团体,他们说话比较含蓄,看重人的背景。日本人通过减少交易成本来提高效率,所以,日本可以说是一个关系导向的社会。8) Social institutions including family, religion, school, the media, government, and corporations all affect culture.社会机构,包括家庭、宗教、学校、新闻媒体、政府、公司等都会影响到社会文化。9) P130E A change in government, whether by election or coup, does

23、 not always mean a change in the level of political risk. Conversely, radical changes in policies toward foreign business can occur in the most stable governments as well. 政府的变动,无论是通过选举还是政变,不代表每次都有一定水平的政治风险。反过来,对外国公司来说,在最稳定的政权下,也有可能发生彻底的政策变动。10) P135E International firms face a variety of economic r

24、isks: such as exchange controls, local-content laws, import restrictions, tax controls, price controls and labor problems.跨国公司面临着一系列的经济风险,例如,外汇管制、当地法律、进口限制、税收控制,价格限制和劳务问题等。11) P135E Restraints on business activity may be imposed under the banner of national security to protect an infant industry, to

25、 conserve scarce foreign exchange, to raise revenue, or to retaliate against unfair trade practices, among a score of other real or imagined reasons.为了保护某种新兴工业,国家可能会对相应的商业活动加以约束,用以保存稀缺的外汇、增加收入或者抵制不正当竞争,或者为了其它存在或不存在的原因。12) P164E Existing internet law is vague or does not completely cover such issues

26、as the protection of domain names, taxes, jurisdiction in cross-border transactions, and contractual issues. The European Union, the U.S. and many other countries are drafting legislation to address the myriad legal questions not clearly addressed by current law 现有的互联网法律比较模糊或者没有完全涵盖如对域名、税收、跨境交易的管辖权、

27、合同问题的的保护。欧盟、美国和其它许多国家正在起草一部有关现行法律没有明确界定的许多法律问题的新法律。13) P161E In Austria, premium offers, free gifts, or coupons are considered as cash discounts and are prohibited. Premium offers in Finland are allowed as long as the word free is not used. French law permits sales only twice a year, in January and

28、August. 在奥地利,商家溢价销售、免费礼品、或者提供优惠券都被视为现金折扣,是明令禁止的行为。在芬兰,在不打折扣时,溢价销售是可以的。法国法律规定,一年中只能在一月和八月做两次促销。14) P147E Under code law, the legal system is generally divided into three separate codes: Commercial, civil code, and criminal.标准法律中,法律制度分为以下三个部分:商业法、民法典和刑法。15) P295E Advertising on television is strictly

29、controlled in many countries, e.g., in Germany, for example, commercials must be spaced at least 20 minutes apart and total ad time may not exceed 12 minutes per hour. Commercial stations in the United Kingdom are limited to 7 minutes per hour 电视广告在许多国家被严格控制,例如,在德国,相邻两个广告之间至少间隔 20 分钟,在每小时内广告时间不能超过 1

30、2 分钟,而在英国,商业电视台的广告被限定在每小时七分钟内。16) P333E The companys force is on the front line of a marketing organization. The role of marketers in both domestic and foreign markets is rapidly changing, along with the composition of international managerial and sales forces. Such forces have many unique requireme

31、nts that are being filled by expatriates, locals, third-country nationals, or a combination of the three. 公司的职能体现在第一线的营销组织中,营销人员在国内和国外的角色都随着公司国际管理和营销能力的构成在迅速改变着。这种职能的许多需求被外籍人士、当地人、第三国国民、或联合第三方满足了。17) M-time, or monochronic time, typifies most North Americans, Swiss, Germans, and Scandinavians.Most l

32、ow-context cultures operate on M-time concentrating on one thing at a time. P-time, or polychronic time, is more dominant in high-context cultures.P-time is characterized by multi-tasking and by “a great involvement with people” .北美、瑞士、德国、斯堪的纳维亚都是典型的单向记时制的国家。大部分低调的国家都奉行单向记时制,他们做事情都是一件一件的完成。在高调的国家中,

33、P-time 则占主流地位,这些人喜欢让很多人同时进行多个任务。18) P24 Three different strategic orientations are found among managers of international marketing operations. Just as important are difficulties are associated international marketing as ancillary to the domestic operations. A second kind of company sees internationa

34、l marketing as a crucial aspect of sales revenue generation, but each market is treated as a separate entity. Finally, a global orientation views the globe as the marketplace and market segments are no longer based solely on national borders-common consumer characteristics and behaviors come into pl

35、ay as key segmentation variable applied across countries. 国际市场营销经理们共有三种不同的战略方征,它们对国际市场营销遭遇困难的补助和对国内市场的帮助同等重要。另一类企业视国际市场营销为整个销售链的关键一环,但两个市场是完全分开的。总之,全球定位视角要把世界看成一个大市场,细分市场依据不再仅仅基于一个国家的共同消费特征,各个国家的消费者行为才能作为细分市场的关键区分点。19) All countries have laws regulating marketing activities in promotion, product dev

36、elopment, labeling, pricing, and distribution channels. In Austria, premium offers, free gifts, or coupons are considered as cash discounts and are prohibited. Premium offers in Finland are allowed as long as the word free is not used. French law permits sales only twice a year, in January and Augus

37、t.所有国家在促销、产品进步、标签、价格和销售渠道都有法律,用以规范市场行为。在奥地利,溢价销售,免费礼品、或者提供优惠券都被视为现金折扣,是明令禁止的行为。在芬兰,在不打折扣时,溢价销售是可以的。法国法律规定,一年中只能在一月和八月做两次促销。20) The choice of entry strategy depends on market characteristics (such as potential sales, strategic importance, cultural differences, and country restrictions) and company ca

38、pabilities and characteristics, including the degree of near-market knowledge, marketing involvement, and commitment that management is prepared to make.进入战略的选择要依据市场特点(例如销售潜力、战略重要性、文化差异、国家限制)另外,公司的实力、特点包括对市场的了解程度、营销参与度、和对管理准备的评估。21) Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving adver

39、tising are those most often affected by cultural differences among country markets. Consumers respond in terms of their culture, its style, feelings, value systems, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. Advertisings function is to interpret the qualities of products and services in terms of consumer

40、needs, wants, desires, and aspirations, the emotional appeals, symbols, and persuasive approaches.与广告相关的市场营销组合、决定要素通常受不同市场中文化差异的影响,消费者根据自己的文化,对广告的风格、感觉、价值取向、态度、信仰、见解做出回应。广告的作用是宣传能满足消费者需求的产品的质量、服务,包括情感诉求、符号象征,和有说服力的方法。22) An environmental/cultural approach to international marketing permits a truly g

41、lobal orientation. The readers horizons are not limited to any specific nation or to the particular ways of doing business in a single nation.一个以环境/文化为手段的国际营销方式才是真正意义上的全球定位。读者的视野不会受限于特定的民族或者在单一的国家通过特殊的方法做生意。二、翻译:1) 自参考标准是一种无意识的,作为决策基础参照自己的文化价值观念,经验和知识的标准。2) 种族中心主义是指自己的文化或公司知道如何最好地处理事情。3) 全球意识是有宽容的文化

42、差异,知识渊博的文化,历史,世界的市场潜力,和全球的经济,社会和政治的发展趋势。4) 我们必须使文化行为是否是好还是坏,更好或更坏的价值判断。没有文化的对错,只是差异5) 世界贸易组织和区域自由贸易的地区,如北美自由贸易区和欧盟的快速增长,亚洲,拉丁美洲和东欧的发展中国家之间的自由市场制度的普遍接受;互联网和其他全球媒体的影响解散国家边界,并管理全球环境资源。6) 美国文化是低的背景下,个人主义,低功耗的距离,显然接近英语。是不太常见的贿赂和美国人 monochronic 时间为主,语言直接,前景为重点,他们通过竞争实现的效率。因此,美国是归类在以下简称信息化的文化。7) .日本文化是高的背景

43、下,集体主义,高权力距离,远离英语,是较常见的贿赂,polychronic(部分),语言间接,背景为重点。日本文化通过降低交易成本,实现效率,因此是正确分类的关系为导向的文化。8) .所有机构,包括家庭,宗教,学校,媒体,政府和企业的社会影响文化。9) 在政府的变化,无论是通过选举或政变,并不总是意味着政治风险水平的变化。相反,对外国企业的激进政策的变化可能会发生,以及在最稳定的政府。10) 国际公司面临的各种经济风险:如外汇管制,当地含量的法律,限制进口,税控,价格控制和劳工问题。11) 对商业活动的限制,可对国家安全的旗帜下,以保护幼稚产业,以节省宝贵的外汇,增加收入,或打击报复不公平贸易

44、做法,除其他真实或想象的的原因分12) 现有的互联网法是含糊不清或不能完全覆盖保护域名,税收,在跨境交易的管辖权,和合同问题等问题。欧盟,美国和其他许多国家现行法律起草立法,以解决无数的法律问题没有明确的解决13) 在奥地利,地价优惠,免费赠送或优惠券,现金折扣视为被禁止的。在芬兰的高级提供允许,只要不使用免费的单词。法国法律规定,只允许销售每年两次,在 1 月和 8月。14) .根据法等,一般分为三个独立的代码:商业,民用的代码,和刑事法律制度。15) 电视广告是在许多国家,例如在德国,严格控制,例如,广告必须间隔至少 20 分钟,总广告时间不得超过每小时 12 分钟。在英国的商业电视台是有

45、限的,以每小时 7 分钟16) 该公司的力量,是一个营销组织的前线。在国内,国外两个市场的营销中的作用正在迅速改变,以及与国际管理和销售队伍的组成。这些力量有许多独特的要求,正在由外籍人士,本地人,第三国国民,或三者结合充满。17) .M - 时间,或 monochronic 时间,典型北美,瑞士,德国,和 Scandinavians.Most低语境文化的 M -时间集中在一件事情上一次操作。 P -时间,或 polychronic 时间,更占优势,在高语境 cultures.P 时间是多任务和“一个人的伟大参与”的特点。18) 国际营销业务的管理人员之间的三种不同的战略方向。同样重要的是相关

46、配套的国内业务国际市场的困难。一个公司的第二种认为国际市场营销,销售创收的一个关键方面,但作为一个独立的实体对待每一个市场。最后,全球定位意见的全球市场和细分市场已不再仅仅依据国界,共同的消费特点和发挥到适用于不同国家的关键分割变量来的行为。19) 所有国家都有法律规定,在推广营销活动,产品开发,标签,定价,分销渠道。在奥地利,地价优惠,免费赠送或优惠券,现金折扣视为被禁止的。在芬兰的高级提供允许,只要不使用免费的单词。法国法律规定,只允许销售每年两次,在 1 月和 8 月。20) .进入策略的选择依赖于市场的特点(如潜在的销售,战略的重要性,文化的差异,以及国家限制)和公司的功能和特性,包括

47、接近市场知识的程度,市场的参与,和承诺,管理准备让。21) .在营销组合中的所有元素,涉及广告的决定是最常见的集贸市场之间的文化差异的影响。消费者应对自己的文化,它的风格,情感,价值体系,态度,信念,和观念方面。广告的功能是解释在消费者的需求,欲望,欲望,和愿望,情感诉求,符号,和有说服力的方法方面的产品和服务的质量。22) 环境/文化的国际营销方式,允许一个真正的全球定位。读者的视野,不局限于任何特定的国家或在一个国家做生意的特殊方式。三、简答题1Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts.11.Three d

48、ifferent strategic orientations are found among managers of international marketing operations. Some see international marketing as ancillary to the domestic operations. A second kind of company sees international marketing as a crucial aspect of sales revenue generation but treats each market as a

49、separate entity. Finally, a global orientation views the globe as the marketplace and market segments are no longer based solely on national borderscommon consumer characteristics and behaviors come into play as key segmentation variables applied across countries.2Discuss the cultures influence in Exhibit 4.2 and Exhibit 4.3. 4(1) ,Birthrates have implications for sellers of diapers, toys, schools, and colleges(2) 、Consumption of different types of food influence is culture: Chocolate by Swiss, seafood by Japanese preference, beef by British, wines by France and I


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