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1、Specialized English for Electrical Engineering,主讲教师:王红红 TEL:13465864090 Email:,前 言,为何要学习专业英语(必要性),专业英语教学现状,在电气工程专业专业英语教学中的一些改革探讨,有关教材,学习专业英语的目的:,(1) 工作方面,以英语为工具,获取本专业的相关知识。,国际先进技术,先进设备直接进入电站、电厂等电力生产第一线; 电力技术的飞速发展,国际间学术交流与合作不断加强; 电力工业的迅速发展,急需一大批既懂专业,又懂英语的现代化电力科技人才。,一、学习专业英语的重要性,专业英语阅读能力,专业英语表达、听说、应变能

2、力,在自己的专业领域实际运用好英语: 掌握一定的专业英语词汇、阅读技巧; 能用英语了解电力的生产过程; 熟悉电力工业常见的英语文献等,(2) 学习方面,研究成果展示,国际学术会议,考研考博的需要。,世界上学科的最新发展情况资料的交流主要靠使用英语,对子电气工程、电子工程和信息类等专业来说,绝大部分专业资料和信息都是以英语形式出观。,专业英语阅读能力,申报国家奖项 申请专利 发表学术论文:,85以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的,专业英语写作能力,专业英语表达、听说、应变能力,二、本教材的特点,内容选材面广,编写循序渐进,涉及:电工基础、电子技术、电力电子技术、电机学、计算机、电力系统、继电保护

3、、发电厂和自动化等内容内容编排模块化第一章:介绍专业英语的特点,有关的特殊语法现象和基本句型;第二章:22个单元,每单元包括三篇阅读材料和一篇使用英语摘录第三章:26篇补充阅读材料,保证阅读量。,重视不够,教学时数比较少; 教材形式单一; 任课教师方面; 考核形式单一;,三、专业英语教学现状,选择最合适的阅读教材; 以“笔译、口译、写作、口语”为目标,合理安排教学内容和教学模式; 教学方法:突出交互性,加大课堂联系的力度; 在实践中学习词汇; 处理好通用英语和专业英语之间的关系; 翻译内容的教学要求:信、达、雅;,四、在电气工程专业专业英语教学中的一些改革探讨,课程有关事项及纪律要求,总评成绩

4、:平时20%,考试80%。,不旷课,有事请假。,答疑时间:每周四下午地点:东四教(行思楼)412,预祝大家取得优异的成绩!,第一章 专业英语概述,一、专业英语的形成和发展,二、专业英语的特点 词汇特点 句法特点 修辞特点,三、专业英语中的特殊语法现象,四、专业英语中的常用句型,专业英语的阅读技巧,一、专业英语的形成和发展,是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。,隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法;特别注重客观事实和真理,表达准确、精练和正式。,专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系

5、。专业英语的学习需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点、语法特点、修辞特点和翻译特点等等。,二、专业英语的特点Features of Specialized English,1、专业英语的词汇特点Vocabulary Features,词汇分类,专业或技术词汇 technical words,diode , capacitor ,substation , autotransformer ,superconductivity 。,某个专业所特有的词汇,其专业性强,词义狭窄和单一。,专业或技术词汇,次技术词汇,非技术词汇,(二极管),(电容器),(变电站,变电所),(自耦变压器

6、),(超导特性),次技术词汇 sub-technical words,很多专业和学科所共有的词汇,不同专业和学科往往具有不同词义,power :,幂,乘方,动力,功率,效率,电源,电力,功率,电能,bus:,公共汽车,母线,总线,Condenser:,电容器,补偿机,冷凝器,power plant:,发电厂,动力装置,register:,寄存器,登记册,非技术词汇 (特用词 big word),属于非专业英语的词汇,在普通英语或非专业英语中使用较少,take in - absorb,Look into - examine,find out - discover,turn round - rot

7、ate,make good use of - utilize,change - convert,Then the light is turned on.,The circuit is then completed.,(1)专业英语词汇出现率低; (2)词义专一; (3)多来源于希腊语和拉丁语; (4)广泛使用缩略语;,专业英语的词汇特点Vocabulary Features,补充: 词汇缩略,只由词汇中的部分字母或由词组中每个词汇的首字母。,节略词,缩略词,首字词和缩写词,节略词:只取词汇前面几个字母或只由后面词根组成,ad,del,exam,deg,lab,di(a),dir,dep,adv

8、ertisement;,delete,examination,degree,laboratory,diameter,directory,department,缩略词:由词组中某些词的词头字母(有时多于一个)所组成,作为一个词按照正常的规则发音,ROM,RAM,Radar,GIS,read only memory 只读存储器,random access memory 随机(存取)储存器,radio detecting and ranging ;雷达,gas insulated station 气体绝缘变电站,geography information system 地理信息系统,缩写词:并不一定

9、由某个词组的首字母组成。有些缩写词仅由一个单词变化而来,且大多数缩写词每个字母后都附有一个句点。,appx.appendix 附录; fig.figure 图; sq.square 平方; msg.message 信息; amp.amplifier 放大器; o.p.operational amplifier 运算放大器;,首字词:与缩略词类似,区别在于每个实词只取第一个字母,且必须逐字母念出,AC DC CD LED ID IP UPS HV HVDC IEE IEEE,alternating current交流电,direct current 直流电,compact disc光盘,压缩磁盘

10、,light emitting diode 发光二极管,identification card 身份证,uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源,high voltage 高压, high voltage direct current 高压直流, institution of Electrical Engineers 英国电气工程师协会, institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国电气电子工程师协会, Internet Protocol, 网际协议,CEE,- College of Electrical

11、Engineering,Department of Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus Department of Power System and its Automation Department of High Voltage and Insulation Technology Department of Power Electronics and Power Drives Department of Electrical Engineering Theory and New Technology Department of Arc

12、hitectural Electrical and Intelligence,电机与电器,电力系统及其自动化,高电压与绝缘技术,电力电子与电力传动,电工理论与新技术,建筑电气与智能化,(5)前后缀出现率高,通过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来构成新词派生法,专业英语词汇大部分都是用派生法构成的, semi-构成的词有230个以上: semiconductor,semimonthly等, thermo-130 个以上:thermo-chemical,thermo-electrical micro- 300个以上: auto- 260个以上:,前缀(prefix):词义变化,词类不变 后缀(suffix

13、):词义可能变化可能不变,词类一定会变,常用的前缀和后缀却多达百个,可见派生法的构词能力是非常强的。作为一个专业技术人员,至少应掌握50个常用前缀和后缀。,常用的前缀,常用的后缀名词后缀,常用的后缀名词后缀,名词后缀,常用的后缀名词后缀,常用的后缀形容词后缀,常用的后缀副词后缀,常用的后缀动词后缀,词根,2、专业英语的语法特点Grammar Features,客观性(Objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练性(conciseness)。,(1) 广泛使用被动语态,(2) 广泛使用非谓语形式,(3) 省略句使用频繁,(4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁,(5) 复杂长句使用频繁,(6)

14、 后置形容词短语作定语多,(1) 语法特点之复杂长句使用频繁,With radar. We can “see” things at a great distance, and it shous us how far away they are ,in which direction they lie, and what movements they are making.,有了雷达,我们就能“看到”远方的物体,雷达还能给我们指明这些物体的距离,方位,和运动方式。,(准确、精炼),为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从句,I、长句子的译法(long complex sentences) 总

15、则:首先要理清句中各部分之间的语法关系,时间先后关系,和逻辑顺序,然后,按照汉语习惯译成英语,(a)顺译法,Larger fibre bandwidth, lower loss and more reliable optical sources would make optical fibres more competitibe in this sector.,光导纤维频带较宽,损耗较低,光源比较可靠,因此在这一领域中会有较强的竞争能力。,(b)分译法,Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly in which British pe

16、ople queue for a bus.,(c)倒译法,英国人派队等候公车井然有序,不紧不慢,这给初来乍到的人留下很深的印象。,For the uniformity of slight pressure ,we can be aware how deeply a finger is thrust into water at body temperature, even if the finger is enclosed in a rubber glove that keeps the skin completely dry.,当水温和体温相同时,根据均匀的微小压力(微小压力的均匀性),即使带

17、着橡胶手套以防皮肤受湿,我们也知道手指伸进水中的温度。,(d)重新组合法,(a)英语连接词的分类.,连接词本身结构,II、掌握读懂长句子的钥匙连接词,单个连接词: althougy,lest,until,whatever,while,which,复杂连接词: even if,as if,in that ,so far as,as soon as,惯量连接词: eitheror,not onlybut also, hardlywhen, sothat,连接词的语法功能:并列、主从,(b)连接词的语法功能.,并列功能,并列连接词: and,or,but, so ,for , not onlybut

18、 also, eitheror, neithernor, ”;”,并列结构和层次: 单词并列;短语并列;从句并列;句子并列; 如:the turbine and the generator 如:not only for higher temperature but also for higher pressure,并列连接词和标点符号: 如:There are many kinds of energy: heat energy,mechanical energy ,solar energy and nuclear energy. 如:Electricity is used to light b

19、uildings, turn machines or drive cars.,并列结构中的插入语; 如:The conference on nuclear energy was attended by students from standord and ,predictably, teachers from Berkeley.,主从功能,主从连接词的分类:,单一主从连接功能的连接词; 如:after, although, before, lest, once ,though,till, whenever, while, assuming (that), but (that), except

20、(that), for all (that),in order that, just as, if only,多种主从连接功能的连接词: 如:that:引导定语、主语、表语、宾语等名词性从句; 如:if可连接状语从句,也可连接宾语从句 如:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, whose, when, where, as ,because,if ,whether,why ,how等,基本的主从连接功能,表示时间的连接词; 如:after,as,before,once,until,whenever,while,the insta

21、nce,the moment,hardlywhen 如:The circuit had hardly been closed when the current started to flow.,表示条件的连接词; 如:if,unless,so long as,as long as, in case, in the event,given (that),granted (that) 如:If the water temperature is increased, it vaporizes more quickly until it reaches its boiling point.,表示原因的

22、; 如:since,in that,now that,because, 如:The current will not flow continually,since the circuit is broken by insulating material.,表示让步的; 如:thougy,although,even if, whetheror even though,wheneven,wherever,for all that, 如:Electricity is still not enougy even if more units are put into operation.,表示结果的;

23、如:sothat,suchthat 如:Silver is so expensive that it can not be widely used as conductor.,表示地点的; 如:where,wherever 如:Where there is no electricity ,life is difficult.,表示比较的; 如:than,asas 如:We need more transformers than they can procide for us.,表示目的的; 如:in order that,so that 如:They climbed to the top of

24、 building in order that they could have a birds view of the power plant.,表示方式的; 如:just as, as if, as thougy 如:Just as mechancial energy can be turned into electrical energy,nuclear energy can be used to produce electrical power,有多种主从连接功能的连接词,Because即可以连接原因状语从句,也可以连接表语从句; 如:They had another larger tu

25、rbine-generator unit installed because electricity is badly needed in that area. 如:Why they had another larger turbine-generator unit installed was because electricity is badly needed in that area,If;即可连接状语从句,也可连接宾语从句 如:If he comes,I will tell you. 如:I will tell you if he will come.,(c)即含有并列结构,又含有主从

26、结构的复杂长句.,Originally, the term “transducer device” referred to a device that converted mechanical stimuli into electrical output, but it has been broadened to include debices that sense all forms of stimuli such as heat, radiation,souond ,strain,vibration,pressure,acceleration,and so onand that can p

27、roduce output signals other than eletricalsuch as pneumatic or hydraulic.,1) It has been mentioned above that the electrons in a metal are able to move freely through the metal, that their motion constitutes an electric current in the metal and that they play an important part in conduction of heat.

28、,前面已经提到:金属中电子能自由地通过金属,电子的移动在金属中形成了电流,电子在热传导中起着重要的作用。,练习,2) The reluctance motor operates synchronously at a speed which is determined by the supply frequency and the number of poles for which the stator is wound.,磁阻电动机以某一速率同步动转,该速率是由电源频率和定子绕制的级数决定的。,3) The testing of a cross-field generator will be

29、described in this section with chief reference to the tests that are normally taken on every machine before it leaves the makers works.,交磁发电机的试验将在本节中叙述,它主要涉及每台电机在离开制造厂前应进行的试验。,主体多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者个人的主观臆断;,中心是客观现象及事物本身,而非动作的发出者,把论证说明的对象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出中心,又能吸引读者的注意。,(2) 语法特点之广泛应用被动语态(客观性),补充:被

30、动语态的翻译方法 skills of translation,(a)译成汉语的被动句:”被,由,为,受,让,靠,是的“,The speed of a generator is controlled by the prime mover.,发动机的转速是受原动机控制的。,(b)译成汉语的主动句:,While the steam engine coming into being,human power was replaced by mechanical power.,随着蒸汽机的出现,机械力代替了人力。,Copper is known to be a good conductor.,大家知道铜是

31、良导体。,(c)译成无主句,Whenever work is being done, energy is being converted from one form into another.,凡做功,都是把能从一种形式转换成另一种形式。,Cutting tools should be inspected carefully before they are used.,刀具使用前应做仔细检查。,1) Electricity can be measured in amount and quality.,电可以用数量和质量来度量。,2)Instrument transformers are ins

32、talled on the high-voltage equipment.,互感器安装在高压设备上,练习,3) Electric power is generated in power generating stations or plants.,电能是在发电站或发电厂产生的,4) The meters are calibrated and the scale is designed to read the value of the desired unit.,这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程 ,以便读出期望的数值。,5) Electrical energy can be stored

33、in two metal plates separated by an insulation medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in Farads.,电能可以储存在被一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中,这样的装置被称为电容器,它储存电能的能力就被称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。,代替定语从句作后置定语,使句子简洁、紧凑,不至于累赘。,(3) 语法特点之常用形容词短语作后置定语(精炼),

34、补充:定语从句的翻译技巧 skills of translation,(a)合译法:一般用于限定性从句,或限定意义很强,且句子较短的非限定性定语从句,A car which is in motion has kinetic energy.,正在运动的车子具有动能。,(b)分译法:,In power stations ,coal or oil is burned and changed into electricity,which is then sent over to homes and factories.,在电站里,煤和油燃烧变成电,然后电沿导线输送到住家和工厂。,The process

35、 by which energy is changed from one form into another is called the transformation of energy.,能量从一种形式变成另一种形式,这一过程称为能量转换。,(c)译成状语从句:,Man cant live on the moon,where there is no air and water.,人类不能再月球上生存,因为那里没有空气和水。(原因),An electrical current begins to flow through a coil,which is connected across a c

36、harged capacitor.,如果把线圈跨接到已经充电的电容器上,电流就开始流过线圈。 (条件),We have to oil the moving parts of the machine , the friction of which may be reduced reeatly.,我们必须给机器的可动部分加油,以使摩擦大大减小(目的),注意:具有状语含义的定语从句:,They insisted pruchasing a newfan, which they had no use for.,让步:他们坚持要买一台新风机,虽然对他们并没有什么用,他们坚持要购买一条他们没有什么用的风机。

37、(),1) All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, which are analogous to those of waves moving through water.,All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics analogous to those of waves moving through water.,2) The instruments present include some digital ones which are relative to DSPs,T

38、he instruments present include some digital ones relative to DSPs,所有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中移动的波的特征相似。,到场的仪器中还有一些与DSP有关的数字仪器,练习,非谓语动词在句子中可以起到名词,形容词或副词作用,动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。,(4) 语法特点之使用非谓语动词的频率高(精炼),不定式,动名词,分词, 动名词,用动名词短语取代时间从句或简化时间陈述句,The signal should be filtered before it is amplified.,2) An object bec

39、omes hot. It is placed in the sun.,Once being placed in the sun, an object becomes hot.,物体放置在太阳下会变热。,The signal should be filtered before being amplified.,放大信号前,应先对其进行滤波,3) We must do various experiments before a new electronic product is designed.,Before designing a new electronic product we must d

40、o various experiments.,在设计一个新的电子产品之前,我们必须做各种实验,用动名词短语做主语,4) Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the current.,改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法,5) Conducting electricity means the flow of electrons through an object.,传导电流意味着电子在物体内的流动, 分词,过去分词短语替代从句中的被动语态现在分词短语替代从句中的主动语态,The power supply, which i

41、s shown in block-diagram in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.,The power supply shown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.,图1中用框图表示的电源是一个单相开关逆变器。,2) A three-phase circuit, as it was pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.,A

42、three-phase circuit, as pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.,正如上面所指出的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。,3) The transistor, which is working with correctly polarities, can work as an amplifier.,The transistor working with correctly polarities can work as an amplifier.,工作于正确电源

43、极性下的晶体管,作用就像放大器。, 不定式,用不定式短语来替代表示目的和功能的从句或语句,(1) The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger so that the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied.,The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power.,单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足

44、不断增长的用电需求。,(2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit.,The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.,保险的作用就是保护电路。,(4) 语法特点之 It句型和祈使句使用频繁(精炼,精确),It句型:it 充当形式主语,避免句子“头重脚轻”,It is very important (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to,It takes very much time learning,It is clear (possible, n

45、ecessary, natural, inevitable) that,It happened that ,It must be admitted that,祈使句: 无主语,精炼。,Let A be equal to B.设A等于B。,Consider a high-pressure chamber. 假如有一个高气压气候室。,注重科学技术方面的观察、试验和客观规律、事物特征,涉及的内容(如概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等)大多没有特定的时间关系和时效性,(1) 时态运用有限,广泛使用一般现在时,(2)较多地使用图、表和公式,常使用数据、图、表和公式等非语言因素来表明科技概念、原理、定理

46、或定律、规则、方法等。,(3) 逻辑语法词使用普遍,进行条件论述、理论分析和公式推导时,多使用逻辑语法,即表示条件、原因、语气转折、限制、假设和逻辑顺序等词汇,although, because, but, if, once, only, suppose, as a result, because of, due to, so, therefore, thus, without等。,3、专业英语的修辞特点Rhetoric Features,补充:用时态表示虚拟语气,注意科技英语的时态特征和虚拟结构的含义,Smaller power systems use fenerators of lower

47、 rating (e.g. 50mega-volt-amperes and up) since it would usuallly not be desirable to have more than 10 percent of the total required system feneration in one machine.,如果一台机器上集中了系统所需发电总量的10%以上的话,通常是不好的,(a)用时态表示虚拟语气,虚拟条件句;wish类宾语从句;it is time 后的定语从句,(1) if引导的虚拟条件句,表示与现在相反的事实 : if条件句用一般过去式(be,一般用were)

48、 主句谓语一般用“would/could/might+do(动词原形)”,表示与过去事实相反 if条件句用过去完成式, 主句谓语一般用“would/could/might+have done”,If there were no electricity, life would be very difficult.,If more cooling water had been used, the temperature would not have been so high.,表示不确定或不真实的将来的事实 : if条件句用“should+do”或“were to +do” 主句一般用“would

49、/could/might+do”,主句根据情况用“would/could/might+do”或“would/could/might+have done”,Should more water be used, the temperature would drop .,If more water were to be used, the temperature would drop .,(2) 不定式或介词短语等手段表示的虚拟条件,But for the use of the computer, the work would not have been finished so quickly .,(3) wish类宾语从句:wish,would rather,would sooner,if only等,We would rather more nuclear power were produced because muclear energy is more clear .,


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