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1、正反反正译法1. Americans are far more race-conscious than class-conscious. 美国人的阶级意识远不如种族意识那么强烈。2. I used to be amused by an aunt who never drove anywhere without a box of Graham crackers.3. Indeed, this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has

2、 ever imagined的确,这位在美国最受欢迎的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫风格及幽默感丝毫不亚于人们能够想象的程度。4. A book may be compared to your neighbor, if it is good, it can not last too long, if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. 一本书可以比作邻居;如果是好的,结识愈久愈好;如果是坏的,分手愈早愈好。5. Far more work is necessary upon the economic, social, psychological a

3、nd population problems out of which so much unfitness arises. 对于造成这么多弊病的经济问题、社会问题、心理问题和人口问题,还需要进行更多的研究工作。6. Almost from the first, Strauss had his cloth dyed the distinctive indigo that gave blue jeans their name ,but it was not until the 1870s that he added the copper rivets which have long since b

4、ecome a company trademark几乎从一开始,施特劳斯就把他的布料染成别具一格的靛蓝色,因此便有了蓝色牛仔裤之称。不过,直到 19 世纪 70 年代,他才往裤子上加了铜铆钉;长期以来,这铜铆钉也就成了公司的标志。7. I believed then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. They were not the less beautiful to me.我觉得这时我要死在那了,而下面山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰。翻译短文Job

5、Hunting成功的面试The coming early summer is again the time when college students are busy with job interviews in the hope that four years high priced education was not in vain.即将到来的夏季又是大学毕业生奔忙于求职面试的时光。他们期望四年昂贵的高等教育不至于徒劳无益A job hunter can have the best credentials in the world and still fail the job inter

6、view. If that happens his dream of employment are shattered at least with one employer. 一个求职者即使持有世界上最好的文凭,也可能败于求职面试。如果面试一次又一次地失败,求职者的就业梦也就会一个接一个地破灭。Some people are naturally better at interviews than others, thanks to an outgoing personality. But it takes more than smooth talk toa job. 有的人性格开朗,天生就比其

7、他人长于面试,表现出众。他们的成功不仅仅在于进行了一次顺利的谈话,而在于获得了一次工作的机会。Personnel experts say that preparation is the thing. Learn how to play the game of hard questions, which is what a job interview is all about. Interviewers may differ in technique, but there are some common questions most of them always ask. 人事部门的专家说:面试

8、准备很重要。人们应该学会如何巧妙应答面试官可能提出的种种难题。面试官们的面试提问技巧各有不同,但所问问题却大抵相同。“The first 60 to 80 seconds are the most important part of an interview,” ED Morsier, a director of the Graduate School in Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh said. “This occurs during the same talk before the hard questions begin. If you

9、can relate some unique experience that will make the interviewer remember you, you may clinch a job,” he said.“最初的 60 秒至 80 秒是面试最为重要的一段时间。匹兹堡卡列格梅隆大学研究生院院长爱迪摩西尔说。他说:“这是在难题提问之前进行的简短的准备谈话的一部分。如果这时你能讲出- 一些自己的独特经历,给面试官留下个好印象,那你就有希望获得一份工作。” But it must be done without appearing to be contrived. I remember

10、 a girl who mentioned that she did macrame. So did the interviewers wife.Some of the questions seem harmless enough. Actually, they are tricks designed to bring out your weaknesses and strengths.但这一切必须做得得体自然,不能出现故意策划的痕迹。我记得一位女同学在谈话中曾提到她会做花边,恰好面试她的那位考官的妻子也会做花边。面试中有些问题看起来无足轻重,但实际上对这些问题的回答可以表现出被面试人的优点长

11、处和缺点不足。“Tell me about your life” is always asked. It is a trap for ramblers. The interviewer wants to see how quickly you organize your thoughts and how well you communicate. Someone who rambles a lot is on shaky ground.“谈谈你的生活情况。这个问题几乎 ”是所有的面试官都要提到的。” 对那些喜欢闲聊的人来讲这个问题却像一个陷阱。根据你的回答,面试官可以判断你能否快速组织思想,自

12、如交流。那些不着边际漫聊闲谈的人在面试中不会成功。Your answer also provides a glimpse of your character and interest. Morsier recalled an episode about a lawyer being interviewed for trial work with a large firm. “She talked about skiing medal she had won. It showed she liked to win.” So she was given the position.通过回答问题,可以

13、反映你的性格和兴趣。摩西尔回忆了一家大公司面试一位见习律师的情况。“她提到她曾获得滑雪奖牌的事。这表明她喜欢获胜争强。因而她得到了这份工作。Another question that usually catches people off guard: What is your weakness?Its a most difficult question. One should always try to present a weakness in a positive light. You might say: “One of my problems is that Im a perfecti

14、onist. It interferes with my personal life because Im always taking work home.”另一个问题常被人们忽视,那就是: 你的缺点是什么?这是个最难回答的问题。被面试的人应该从积极的方面提出自己的缺点。你可以说:“我的缺点是对什么事都追求尽善尽美。由于我常把工作带回家,影响了我的个人生活。Perhaps the most dangerous booby trap is the inquiry: What do you think of your former boss or company?“Never bad mouth

15、anyone”, advises Morsier. If you were fired, try to owe it to personality conflicts rather than to some other people. But always stress that the conflicts didnt prevent you from doing your job well.或许最危险的陷阱就是当你被问及这样的问题: 谈谈对你的前任老板或公司的看法。千万不要说任何别人的坏话” ,摩西尔劝告说。如果你被解雇了,尽量把它归咎于性格不合,而不要怪罪他人。但还要强调说这种性格不合并不

16、会妨碍你干好自己的工作。Be more careful about the presentation of your former boss. It might be noted that “he helped me learn specific skills” or “he was under a lot of pressures”. You might add, “But I would have handled it differently and shown more compassion to the employees.” 当说到你的前任老板时,更要小心谨慎。你可以这样说:“他让我

17、学到了许多技能技巧,”或者说“他的压力也很大。 ”这些话会给人留下好的印象。你还可以说“ 如果我处在他的位置,我会用不同的方法来处理这事,我会更加同情公司雇员”等等。被动语态译法1.As the same time it is agreed that all Americans, whatever their origins, must learn to speak English clearly and fluently, and they must learn to adapt themselves to the American way of life. 同时,人们普遍认为,每一个美国人

18、,不管出身如何,都必须学会说一口清晰流畅的英语,必须适应美国的生活方式。2.It is clear that a body can be charged under certain condition.很清楚,在一定条件下物体能够带电。3.The prisoners were allowed to write censored letters to their family.囚犯可以给家人写信,但信件必须经过检查。小试牛刀1Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.立功的人将受到奖励。2A program called a compil

19、er was written by an expert in machine code and is stored in the computer. 编译程序先由专家用机器代码编码写好,然后储存在计算机中。3Translation techniques should be paid enough attention to.翻译技巧应予以足够的重视。4Television keeps us informed about current events at home and abroad.电视使我们了解国内外大事。5:The dog mustnt be killed. 这狗不能杀。6. The a

20、venue is flanked by rows of new buildings.马路两旁是一排排新建大楼。7. At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.一个正常人每天至少需要两夸脱的水。8It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken. (R. Zacks: The Date Father Didnt Keep)故事发生在丹麦的

21、一家雅致的小旅馆里;这种小旅馆备有酒莱招待游客,而且讲英语。9. A melody is heard, played upon a flute. It is small and fine, telling of grass and tree and the horizon. The curtain rises.横笛吹起,悠扬的旋律诉说着芳草绿地、佳树林木、大地天涯,幕起。10. Though undeniably popular, such food, with its emphasis on deep-frying, has been criticized by dietitians in

22、recent decades for being unhealthy and a cause of obesity.不可否认这些食物受人欢迎,但因注重深度的油炸近来受到营养师的责难,被认为是不健康的食品会导致肥胖。11. However, other games like baseball and American football have not been easily adopted by other people in the world, as has been the case with basketball.然而,其他的游戏,像棒球和美式足球一样,他们不能很轻易地被其他人接受,像

23、篮球一样。定语从句翻译A.The children who wanted to play soccer ran to an open field. 想在室外玩的孩子们被带到了操场。B.The children ,who wanted to play soccer, ran to an open field. 孩子们被待到了操场,他们想在室外玩。A. Tom got into the car which parked behind the house.汤姆钻进了停在房子后面的那辆汽车。(表示:此处不只有一辆汽车)B. Tom got into the car, which parked behi

24、nd the house.汤姆钻进了汽车,那辆车停在房子后面。(表示:只有一辆汽车)A. He has a father who is a worker. 他有一个当工人的父亲。(表示:他可能不只一个父亲,或许还有当演员或当经理的父亲)B. He has a father, who is a worker. 他的父亲是当工人的。(表示:他只有一个当工人的父亲)1. The first English novel that I read was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. 我读的第一本英文小说是查尔斯狄更斯的双城记2. Newton whos

25、e name is well-known in the world established three laws of motion.世界闻名的牛顿创立了运动三定律。3. A man who doesnt try to learn from others cant hope to achieve much. 一个不向别人学习的人是不能指望有多少成就的。4.A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sig

26、ht-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they havent.一位年轻的女士同一位少校展开了热烈的讨论。年轻女士认为,妇女已有所进步,不再像过去那样一见到老鼠就会吓得跳椅子上去,少校则不以为然。1.Private schools in the U.S. have a wide range of programs that are offered to meet the needs of certain students. (译为目的状语)美国的私立学校提供许多课程,为的是满足特定学生的各种需求。2.How can anyone hope to

27、be a political leader who doesnt know what his neighborhood are thinking? (译为条件状语)一个人不知道自己的左邻右舍想什么。怎么能指望成为政治首领呢?3While convalescing in Scotland he wrote Hatteris Castle, which started his literary career. (译为结果状语)在苏格兰修养期间,他创作了帽商的城堡,于是开始了他的文学生涯。4Students who said theyd left theirs (their ID cards) in

28、 the dorm or at home had a mug shot taken. (译为条件状语)凡是说把身份证留在宿舍或放在家中的学生都被拍了面部照。5Late last century all the universities in the United States adopted the credit system which benefited student a great deal. (译为结果状语)上世纪末,美国所有的大学都采用了学分制,因此学生从中受益匪浅。Culture ShockDo you think studying in a different country

29、is something that sounds very exciting? Like many young people who leave home to study in another country, do you think you would have lots of desirable fun? Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings the opportunity of discovering fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. In spite of these

30、advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter. Because your views may clash with the different beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you.

31、This is culture shock.文化冲击你认为在一个不同的国家学习是听起来很让人兴奋的事情吗?像许多离开家到另一个国家留学的年轻人一样,你认为你会有很多令人向往的乐趣吗?当然,这是一种新的体验,它带来了发现令人着迷的事物和自由的感觉的机会。然而,尽管有这些优势,但也会遇到一些挑战。因为你的观点可能会与不同国家不同的信仰、规范、价值观和传统相冲突,你可能很难适应一种新的文化,也很难适应你不熟悉的文化。这就是文化冲击。Confucius has proved to be the greatest influence over the Chinese character. Besides

32、 being a great educationist, thinker and unsuccessful politician, he was first off all an intellect with a noble morality. He pursued truth, kindness and perfection throughout his life and his success and failure were largely due to his character, which had an everlasting impact on Chinese intellect

33、.Confucius proposed a complete set of principles concerning study. Imparting knowledge was only part of his teaching; he was a living example of the concepts he promoted and this had a deep and lasting influence upon his disciples. Confucius private life was a model of his doctrines. The Analects of

34、 Confucius provides a vivid recorded of his teachings. Although he wrote nothing personally, his words were collected and recorded for posterity by his disciples. The accumulated words of wisdom have come down to us as “the Analects”, one of the most important of all the Chinese classics.孔子已被证明是对中国性

35、格的最大影响。除了是一个伟大的教育家、思想家和不成功的政治家之外,他首先是一个具有高尚道德的智者。他在一生中追求真理、善良和完美,他的成功和失败很大程度上归功于他的性格,这对中国的智力有着持久的影响。孔子提出了一整套关于学习的原则。传授知识只是他教学的一部分;他是他所宣扬的概念的活生生的例子,这对他的门徒产生了深远而持久的影响。孔子的私生活是他的学说的典范。论语为他的学说提供了生动的记录。虽然他没有写任何东西,但他的文字是被他的门徒收集和记录下来的。“论语” 是所有中国古典文学中最重要的一种。Islamic merchants brought the beans to the thriving

36、 port city of Venice, where they sold them to wealthy Italian buyers. Where there has been coffee, there has been the coffee house. From the 15th-century Middle Eastern establishments where men gathered to listen to music, play chess, and hear people reading from works of literature, to the coffee h

37、ouses of the 18th-century Paris where famous French writers such as Voitaire and Rousseau came to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, coffee houses have traditionally served as centers of social interaction-places where people can come to relax, chat, and exchange ideas. The modern coffee shop is modeled on

38、the espresso- and pastry-centered Italian coffee houses that arose with the establishment of Italian-American immigrant communities in major U.S cities such as New York Citys Little Italy and Greenwich Village. New York coffee shops were often visited by the Beat poets and writers in the 1950s.It wa

39、snt long before Seattle and other parts of the Pacific Northwest were developing coffee shops as part of thriving counterculture scene. The Seattle-based coffee company Starbucks took this model and brought it into mainstream culture. Although coffee houses today continue to serve their traditional

40、role as lively social centers in many communities, they have also adapted to the times. Redicovering their roles as centers of information exchange and communication, many coffee shops now provide their customers with internet access and newspapers. It has become common to see someone sitting in Sta

41、rbucks listening to music or surfing the Web on a laptop. coffee shops today also have their unique, easy-recognize style: wooden furniture and comfortable sofas, paintings on walls and soft lighting, which combine to give coffee shops the cozy feeling of a home away from home. Today , big business

42、retail coffee shops are expanding quickly all over the world. Starbucks alone has stores in over 60countries and plans to add more. Despite its popularity, Starbucks has been criticized by many as a blood-sucking corporate machine, driving smaller coffee shops out of business through unfair practice

43、s. In any case, it seems pretty clear that coffee has weaved itself into the fabric of our consumer-oriented culture. Coffee , it would seem, is more than just a drunk. Ever since its appearance, coffee has been tied closely with cultural trends and has been indicative of important periods in histor

44、y. It was poured into the cups of the giants of the French Enlightenment as they changed the course of human thought, it was placed in the backs of slaves in the era of imperialism, its fragrance was in the air as the Beat poets wrote of their alienation, and it is here now as the world continues to

45、 change in this era of technology and globalization. So the next time you enjoy your latte or cappuccino, appreciate the fact that you are connected to countless people across many different cultures and eras through your love of that wonderful beverage: coffee. 伊斯兰商人把咖啡豆带到了繁荣的港口城市威尼斯,他们把这些咖啡豆卖给了富有的

46、意大利买家。哪里有咖啡,哪里就有咖啡屋。从 15 世纪中东机构男人聚集在一起听音乐 ,下棋,和听到人们阅读的文学作品,18世纪巴黎的咖啡馆, 著名的法国作家 Voitaire 和卢梭等来享受一杯热咖啡,咖啡馆一直担任社会互动的中心人们可以来放松,聊天,交流思想。现代咖啡馆是仿照意式浓缩咖啡和以意大利为中心的意大利咖啡馆建立起来的。像纽约的小意大利和格林威治村这样的城市。上世纪 50 年代,纽约的咖啡馆经常被垮掉的诗人和作家光顾。不久之后,西雅图和太平洋西北部的其他地方就开始发展咖啡馆,作为繁荣的反主流文化的一部分。位于西雅图的咖啡公司星巴克采取了这种模式,并将其带入了主流文化。尽管如今的咖啡馆

47、仍然在许多社区中扮演着活跃的社会中心的角色,但它们也适应了时代。作为信息交换和交流的中心,许多咖啡馆现在为他们的顾客提供互联网接入和报纸。看到坐在星巴克里听音乐或上网冲浪的人已经很常见了。如今的咖啡馆也有其独特的、易于辨认的风格:木制家具和舒适的沙发,墙上的绘画和柔和的灯光,这些都给咖啡馆提供了一种舒适的感觉。今天,大型商业零售咖啡店在全球范围内迅速扩张。仅星巴克就有超过 60 个国家的店面,并计划增加更多。尽管星巴克很受欢迎,但它却被许多人批评为“吸血的企业机器” ,通过不公平的做法将小型咖啡店赶出了生意。无论如何,很明显,咖啡已经融入了我们面向消费者的文化中。看起来,咖啡不仅仅是一种醉意。自从咖啡出现以来,咖啡就一直与文化潮流紧密联系在一起,这也预示着历史上的重要时期。涌入了杯法国启蒙的巨人,因为他们改变了人类思想的过程中 ,这是放置在奴隶时代的帝国主义的支持,它的香味在空气中击败诗人写道他们的异化, 这是现在随着世界继续改变在这个科技和全球化的时代。所以,下次你享受拿铁咖啡或卡布奇诺的时候,要感谢你与无数不同文化、不同时代的人联系在一起,因为你对这种美妙饮料的热爱:咖啡。


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