1、2005 M2 Apr1 2005 27 2 Journal of Latin American Studies Vol. 27 No. 2 1 x j b 6,NAFTA 3r10 M=, “SL=T“d T y V , NNAFTA L= Bq Y fbN,1995 M 6, jV 20a b D ) v, J F N pSE ew 3FW m b T g A1 , * tnYV4 fNQhnb “G: j ,v y z NAFTA b S nNAFTA V 5 #: : / ? 4,9 ? 4 fD rb ?S 7/, s , SA1 Y fb0 T s ,1 z) y b “ b10
2、M , NAFTAv aSg6?Z, H9 Bt j Yb1 Bt, s NAFTA z), |NAFTA YKv, “B1 5b W , /QNAFTA B1 ,1 6,1 xp B sHq, i #S ? 1 gb0 1a ?a#QZ Sb4p 1 u,#! S 冯峰, 法学硕士; 责任编辑: 张颖) Daniel T. Griswold, / NAFTA at 10: An Economic and ForeignPolicy Success0, http: / / www. freetrade. org/ pubs/ FTBs/ FTB - 001.html=E=ooMVol127No
3、12Apr1200538 Impact of NAFTA on theMexican Economy ( pp131- 33)NAFTA has played a positive role in raising economic growth rate, cutting inflation, promoting foreign trade and at-tracting external capital. It also helped Mexico to overcome the financial crisis in 1994. However, its contributions too
4、ther two objectives, i. e. , creating employment and attracting advanced technology and management skills are limitedat best or non- existent. Moreover, NAFTA has caused fairly great shocks to the agricultural sector and domestic indus-tries. The relatively lower environmental standards have made it
5、 possible for the foreign enterprises to move into Mexico,with the result that environmental degrading has been quite conspicuous.As a matter of fact, free trade agreement is not an alternative to development policy, but an independent factor inthe framework of overall development. In order to take
6、greater advantage of NAFTA, Mexico needs to make greater reformefforts in such areas as finance, energy, education and anti- corruption.(Chen Yuanting, Feng Feng)NAFTA andMexico. s Agricultural Sector ( pp134- 38)NAFTA. s impact upon Mexico. s agricultural sector is a hotly debated topic. Reduction
7、of tax barriers has resultedin swift increase of agricultural imports intoMexico. One of the consequences is the uneven development of the sub- sec-tors within this area.Under NAFTA stipulations agricultural subsidy has changed from price subsidy to income support in the form of aplan called PROCAMP
8、O. So far this plan has been relatively successful. Since NAFTA was created, Mexico. s per capitaGDP has increased, but this has not lessened rural poverty greatly.(Zhang Yong, LiYang)Gradual Reform within the Partido Accin Nacional and the/ AlternativeModel0 of Party- State Relations in Mexico ( pp
9、149- 53)PAN has been consolidating its strength since it came to power. The / alternative model0 adopted by President Fox isdifferent from the PRI model. However, PAN is faced with the challenges in improving its institutional building and dea-ling with the party- state relations after it gained pow
10、er.More specifically, PAN has come up with the task of increasing unity within itself, distributing power and modifyingits principles and the procedures of selecting the presidential candidate and party leader.It seems that PAN has not designed a plan to fulfill the task, though most of its members
11、have agreed that the re-forms should be carried out in a gradualist manner. It is argued that, if PAN can take advantage of its position as a gov-erning party, it willwin the presidential election in 2006.(Liu Weiguang)Regional Integration the South America: From Dream to Reality ( pp162- 65)The bir
12、th of the South American Community of Nations in December 2004 marked a great step forward for regionalcooperation in the sub- continent. It will play a more important role in the international issues related to Latin America.Particularly, it will exert influence upon the direction of negotiations o
13、f FTAA and offer more bargaining power for LatinAmerica over the United States.However, the Community still faces several challenges. First, despite the fact that the members have similarities inhistory and cultures, among others, their development levels are not the same. Second, itsframework of ai
14、ms, guidelinesand functioning bodies are not clearly defined and differences exit in the areas of fiscal and monetary policies. Third, allthe members are faced with the challengesof fighting poverty and social problems. Finally, it will face the externaloppo-sition from the U. S. (Tong Bingqiang)79