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1、新加坡住房保障制度的主要内容及特点1政府主导组屋的开发与建设,由建屋发展局具体实施。新加坡是市场经济国家,但住房的开发与建设并不完全通过市场来实现,而是由政府主导。新加坡政府十分明确自身在解决住房问题上的责任,制定了符合其国情特点的住房政策和分阶段建房计划 (每五年制定一个计划),采取了一系列行政、法律、金融和财政手段,大规模兴建公共住房。新加坡建屋发展局直属国家发展部,是一个独立的、非营利机构,其财政预算纳入国家计划。在发展公共住宅方面,建屋发展局是起主导作用的组织者。新加坡政府赋予其广泛的合法权力,它既代表政府行使权力,负责制定组屋发展规划及房屋管理,实现“居者有其屋“的目标;同时又作为最

2、大的房地产经营管理者,负责组屋施工建设工程、房屋出售和出租,因此肩负着多重职能。新加坡是世界上住房问题解决比较好的国家。新加坡的住房融资,采取的是公积金制度。新加坡“居者有其屋 ”政策能够顺利实施,其主要原因是公积金制度所提供的资金支持。新加坡自 1955 年以来推行中央公积金制度,实质上是政府为维护劳工和受薪者福利而推行的一种强制性储蓄制度,也是一种全民性的社会保险制度。它使政府积累了大量的住房建设资金,从而成为政府支持住房发展的主要资金来源。其主要作法是:任何一个雇员或受薪者每月必须按一定比例扣除部分工资;作为雇主的私人企业或政府部门也必须按雇员或受薪者每月工资的同样比例逐月拿出一个款项,

3、分别记在雇员名下,两者统一存到中央公积金局,作为雇员的公积金存款。一般来说,公积金缴纳人约 3 年的公积金存款就可以缴付房价 70的首付款,剩下的贷款加上利息可分 2025 年在每月所缴的公积金扣还。新加坡公积金使用范围明确,除应付会员提取和向会员贷款外,还向公共住宅建筑承包商提供建造贷款,其他的资金投向政府债务而转由政府控制。公积金制度不仅促进了新加坡住房问题的尽快解决和房地产业的发展,还推动宏观经济形成高积累高投资高增长的良性循环,从而推动了整个国民经济的顺利发展中央公积金制度在“组屋”建设中发挥着双重作用。首先,为公共住宅建设提供了源源不断的大量资金来源。雇主和雇员按照一定缴纳比率将公积

4、金储蓄存放在中央公积金局,中央公积金局把公积金归集起来后,除留足会员提款外,其余全部用于购买政府债券;公积金会员动用公积金储蓄购买建屋发展局的政府组屋,以现金支付或抵押支付房款,这又促使更多的款项转入国家手中,为政府建立了强大的资金储备。政府利用部分公积金储备,以贷款和补贴的形式注入建屋发展局的组屋建设,从而使建屋发展局有能力大规模地进行公共住房建设。不仅如此,住房公积金保障制度还有效地解决了老百姓无力购房的难题,进一步加速了公共住宅的建设。为鼓励低收入阶层购买住房,l968 年 9 月,中央公积金局推出了“公共住屋计划”,规定公积金会员可动用公积金存款购买新的或是转售的建屋发展局组屋,使低收

5、入者既能购房又不影响生活,极大地促进了低收入者购房的积极性。该规定最初只针对最低收入家庭,1975 年后政府又对中等收入家庭放开了限制,允许中等收入会员申请购买政府组屋。4以家庭收入水平为依据,实行公有住宅的合理配售政策。为搞好组屋的合理配售,保障低收入家庭的合法权益,实现公平、有序的市场分配原则,新加坡政府制定了缜密而严格的法律法规,对购买人条件、购买程序、住宅补贴等均做出严格规定,按照公平原则进行合理分配。政府制定了不同收入水平居民的购屋准入政策,并随着生活水平的提高调整收入顶限。在上世纪 70 年代,规定只有月收入在 1 500 新元以下者才可申请购买组屋;80 年代提高到 2500 新

6、元,随后到 3500 新元,目前放宽至 8000新元,以接纳更多人购买。这样基本保证了 80以上中等收入的家庭能够购买到廉价的组屋。此外,政府依据购房者的经济收入水平区分层次,严格按照家庭收入情况来确定享受住房保障补贴的级别,其首付款和还款额以及还款方式都有所不同,设计出高收入者的住房福利少、低收入者的住房福利多的分配方案,体现出国家富裕了,老百姓也能分享利益的理念。5出台法律严格限制炒卖组屋,确保组屋政策的顺利实施。新加坡于上世纪 60年代制定并实施了新加坡建屋与发展法,同时还颁布了建屋局法和特别物产法等,从而逐步完善了住房法律体系。政府采取了一系列措施严格限制炒卖组屋的行为。建屋发展局的政

7、策定位是“以自住为主”,限制居民购买组屋的次数。规定新的组屋在购买 5 年之内不得转售,也不能用于商业性经营。如果实在需要在 5 年内出售,必须到政府机构登记,不得自行在市场上出售。一个家庭只能拥有一套组屋,如果要再购买新组屋,旧组屋必须退出来,以防投机多占,更不允许以投资为目的买房。所有申请租住组屋的人都需要持有有效期内的新加坡工作许可证或相关签证;等等。由于严格执行了上述措施,新加坡政府有效地抑制了“炒房”行为,确保了组屋建设健康、有序地进行。建屋发展局只有在认购率达到 70,才会兴建有关组屋。新加坡政府集中了大量人力、物力和财力,经过长期不懈的努力,最终使住房问题得到根本解决。其组屋建设

8、的发展过程经历了一个由解决住房困难到增加住房面积、再到提高住房质量的发展阶段,跨越了“有房住”,开始进入“住得更好”的阶段。据最新统计,自 1 960 年以来,建屋发展局共兴建组屋 990,320 套。目前约有 82的新加坡人口居住在政府组屋中,组屋政策真正成为“普惠性的政策“,有力地增进了多种族安居乐业、和谐相处,促进了社会建设,对维护社会稳定起到了积极作用。不仅如此,新加坡房地产业的日趋兴旺,成为国民经济的重要支柱和强有力的增长点,也带动了整个国民经济的良性循环。二、新加坡住房保障制度经验的启示1强化政府宏观调控职能,健全以政府为主体的住房保障体系。新加坡组屋政策的成功之处表现在政府主导、




12、经验,也是其住房保障制度的主要内容和显著特征。这些启示我们,法律以其公正性和强制性而成为社会保障制度的支撑点,完善的法律法规体系是稳步有序推进住房建设的根本保障。因此,住房保障制度的立法工作应该先行一步。组屋 助新加坡实现拥屋率近 100%组屋租赁过低收入人士:月入少于 1500 新元家庭只交 10%租金据了解,在目前居住组屋的人口中,有 95%在政府居者有其屋的计划下购买了房子,其余半成收入过低、处在社会底层的过低收入人士,则选择租赁组屋居住。叶振铭表示,建屋局也特别针对过低收入人士的情况制定租赁组屋计划,由政府提供大量津贴,帮助他们找到安居之所。举例子来说,月收入少于 1500 新元的家庭

13、,可以申请租赁一房式(实用面积约 33 平方米)或者二房式的组屋,政府最低以市场租价的 10%来收取租金。如果家庭月收入不超过 800 新元,一间一房式组屋的每月租价只在2633 新元左右。新加坡公共住房计划优惠政策 申请购买组屋的家庭,成员最少只需两个人即可; 申请者家庭月收入不超过 8000 新元; 第一次买房的家庭,可以向建屋局购买组屋,组屋以低于市场价售出;也可以购买二手组屋,政府将视买房家庭的收入状况,提供 1 万至 7 万新元不等的津贴,存入买房者的公积金户口; 为了强化东方家庭的价值观,如果购房者选择在靠近父母居住的地点购买二手组屋,还能额外获得 1 万新元的津贴。新加坡是一个市

14、场经济国家,但住房的建设与分配并不完全通过市场来实现。公积金制度是新加坡于 1955年建立的一项强制储蓄制度,由雇主和雇员共同缴纳,以解决雇员退休生活保障问题。1968 年,新加坡政府为了解决中低收入家庭的住房问题,允许动用公积金存款的部分作为首期付款之用,不足之数由每月交纳的公积金分期支付。这项规定使低收入者既能购房又不影响生活,从而极大地促进了低收入者购房的积极性。目前,新加坡已有 90%以上的居民住进了新建的居民楼,人均居住面积达 21 平方米以上。另外,新加坡实行了分级提供公有住宅补贴制度,严格按家庭收入情况来确定享受住房保障水平,住房短缺时期只有月收入不超过 800 新元的家庭才有资

15、格租住公用住宅。政府对购房补贴也采用分级的办法。例如,一室一套的,政府补贴 1/3;三室一套的,政府只补贴 5%;四室一套的,政府不仅没有补贴,而且按成本价加 5%的利润。由于房价上涨,出售公有住宅所赚得的利润必须向房屋开发局缴纳一部分。新加坡政府规定,占住户总数 3%的富人由开发商提供住宅,收取很高的土地出让金,入住后收取高额物业税,而对占住户总数 80%的中低收入者提供由政府控制户型和房价的房屋。同时,对占住户总数 8.5%的困难户供应由政府补贴的 60 平方米至 70 平方米的房屋,对占住户总数 8.5%的特困户租给 42 平方米左右的房屋,每月仅收十几新元房租。新加坡设计的这种住房体系

16、,很好地解决了国民的住房问。Singapores housing security system, and characteristics of the main content 1. Government-led development and construction of HDB by HDB specific implementation. Singapore is a market economy, but the development and construction of housing is not entirely achieved through the market,

17、but by the government. Singapore Government is very clear in its responsibility to solve the housing problem, formulated in line with its national conditions and characteristics of housing policy and housing project in phases (every five years to develop a plan), adopted a series of administrative,

18、legal, financial and fiscal instruments, large-scale construction of public housing. Directly under the Housing and Development Board, Singapore Ministry of National Development, is an independent, non-profit organization, its budget into the national plan. In the development of public housing, the

19、Housing and Development Board is the leading role of the organizers. Singapore Government has given its broad legal authority, both the exercise of power on behalf of the Government is responsible for development planning and HDB housing management, and “Home Ownership“ of the target; the same time

20、as the largest real estate managers, responsible for the group construction of housing construction, housing sale and rental, so bear with multiple functions. Singapore is better to solve the national housing problem. Singapores housing finance, to the provident fund system. Singapores “Home Ownersh

21、ip“ policy can be implemented smoothly, mainly due to the provident fund system to provide financial support. Implemented since 1955 in Singapore Central Provident Fund system, in essence, workers and salaried government to safeguard the welfare and the implementation of a mandatory savings system i

22、s a universal social insurance system. It allows the government has accumulated a large amount of housing construction funds to support the governments main source of funding housing development. The main practices are: any employee or be paid a monthly salary by a certain percentage of deductions;

23、as an employer of private enterprises or government departments or salaried employees who must be the same percentage of monthly wages come up with a monthly payment were recorded in the name of employees, both uniform deposit to the Central Provident Fund Board, as an employees provident fund depos

24、its. In general, the fund was nearly 3 years to pay CPF savings can pay the price to 70% down payment, the rest of the loan plus interest paid divided 20-25 in the monthly deduction of provident fund also. Explicit use of the Singapore fund, in addition to meet the members of extraction and loans to

25、 members, but also to the provision of public housing construction loans to building contractors, and other funds to invest in government debt and transferred to government control. Provident fund system not only promoted as soon as possible to solve the housing problem in Singapore and real estate

26、development, but also promote the accumulation of macro-economic formation of high - high investment - a virtuous cycle of high growth, thereby promoting the smooth development of the entire national economy Central Provident Fund in the “Flat“ construction play a dual role. First, to provide a stea

27、dy stream of public housing construction a large number of funding sources. Employers and employees pay a certain percentage in accordance with the Provident Fund savings deposited in the Central Provident Fund Board, the Central Provident Fund Board to fund up after imputation, in addition to membe

28、rs of withdrawals left foot, the other all for the purchase of government bonds; CPF members to use CPF savings to buy housing development Bureau of HDB to pay back the principal in cash or collateral, which in turn encourage more money into the hands of the state, the government established a stron

29、g financial reserves. Government has used part of the fund reserves to loans and subsidies in the form of Housing and Development Board injected into the HDB building, so that the Housing and Development Board have the ability to conduct large-scale public housing construction. Not only that, the ho

30、using provident fund system also effectively solve the problem of people unable to purchase, to further accelerate the construction of public housing. To encourage the purchase of low-income housing, l968 in September, the Central Provident Fund Board launched the “Public Housing Scheme“ to provide

31、fund members can use CPF savings to buy new or resale HDB flats, the low-income without affecting the life of both buyers and greatly contributed to the enthusiasm of low-income buyers. This provision was originally only for the lowest income families, after 1975, middle-income families, the Governm

32、ent liberalized the restrictions to allow middle-income members apply for the purchase HDB flats. 4. Based on family income level, the implementation of the reasonable placement of public housing policy. To make a reasonable HDB placement, protect the legitimate rights and interests of low-income fa

33、milies to achieve a fair and orderly market distribution, the Singapore government to develop a careful and strict laws and regulations, the conditions of the purchaser, purchase procedures, housing subsidies Dengjun to make strict rules, in accordance with the principles of fair and reasonable dist

34、ribution. Government to formulate a housing residents with different income levels access policy, and improvement of living standards as adjusted income cap. In the 70s of last century, provide that only 1 500 Singapore dollars in monthly income can apply for purchase of HDB flats below; 80 to 2,500

35、 Singapore dollars, and then to 3,500 Singapore dollars, the current relaxed to 8,000 Singapore dollars, to accommodate more people purchase. This base This ensures more than 80% of middle-income families to buy cheap flat. In addition, based on income level buyers distinguish between the economic l

36、evel, in strict accordance with family income to determine the level of subsidies to housing security, the first payment and the repayment amount and repayment are different ways to design a high-income earners less housing benefit, housing benefit low-income people more than the distribution of the

37、 program, reflecting the national wealth, the people can share the benefits of the concept. 5. Passed laws strictly limit the speculation in HDB, HDB to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy. Singapore in the 60s last century, the development and implementation of the “Singapore Housing and

38、 Development Act“, also issued a “HDB Law“ and “Special Products“ and other, thus gradually improve the housing legal system. The Government adopted a series of measures to strictly limit the behavior of speculative HDB. Housing and Development Boards policy orientation is “occupied mainly“ to restr

39、ict the number of residents to purchase HDB flats. Provisions in the purchase of new HDB flats may not be resold within 5 years, can not be used for commercial operations. If you really need to sell within 5 years, must be registered to government agencies and shall not be sold in the market. A fami

40、ly can only have a HDB flat, if you buy a new HDB flat again, the old HDB must exit to prevent much of the speculation, but is not allowed to buy a house for investment purposes. All people applying for public rental HDB flats required to hold a valid work permit or within the relevant visa in Singa

41、pore; and so on. Because of the strict implementation of these measures, the Singapore government has effectively curbed, “real estate“, to ensure that the HDB building healthy and orderly manner. Housing and Development Board in the subscription rate of only 70%, only the construction of the flat.

42、Singapore Government focus a great deal of manpower, material and financial resources, through long-term unremitting efforts, and finally to the housing problem to be solved. The HDB building has undergone a development process to solve the housing difficulties to increase the housing area, to impro

43、ve housing quality and stage of development, across the “have room to live“, began to enter “live better“ stage. According to the latest statistics, from 1960 since the Housing and Development Board HDB 990,320 units were built. There are about 82% of Singapores population live in HDB flats, the HDB

44、 policy really be “inclusive nature of the policy“, powerfully enhanced multi-ethnic live in peace and harmony, and promote the social construction, played in maintaining social stability active role. Moreover, the growing prosperity of the real estate industry in Singapore has become an important p

45、illar of the national economy and strong growth, also led to a virtuous cycle of the entire national economy. Second, Singapores housing security system Lessons 1. Strengthen the governments macro-control functions, and improve the government as the main body of the housing security system. The succ

46、ess of Singapores HDB policies reflected in the government-led, intervention and intervention, and firmly grasp the initiative in the real estate market, the full mobilization of resources through rational organization to effectively solve the housing problems of low-income citizens. It brings the e

47、xperience of enlightenment: the governments macro-economy as a regulator, charged with the promotion of social development and protection of basic rights of all citizens to achieve the functions, and establish and improve housing security system is the Government to fulfill its responsibilities of p

48、ublic administration and public services an important embodiment, the Government should be the main building housing security system. Housing is a special commodity, its value high, and many families, especially low-income families through the market alone can not solve their housing problems. There

49、fore, a comprehensive solution to the housing problem can not be totally dependent on the market, government should step in and give full play the functions of the governments macro-control to manage the supervisors and participants in the dual role of direct intervention in the housing market, control over land development, curb the excessive growth of commodity prices, regulation by the government to compensate for market failure. 2. Further improve the housing accumulation fund system, and effectively improve the effectiveness of the housing provident


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