1、,What can we learn about other cultures from their humor.,Do you have any grandchildren? No, all my children are just ordinary. What does Bill Gates do when he locks himself out? Uses his WINDOWS,How do you know when Asians are moving into your neighborhood?When the Mexicans start getting car insura
2、nce.,British more subtle with a dark or sarcastic undertone Irony,American More obvious More forward More slapstick,culture,Britain,Gentleman Ladies Regal Aristocrats,Constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制),National character of Britain,Gentle and reserved Courteous,American,Free Bold Direct,How to make a sparrow quiet?Pressure him, because in perfect silence怎样使麻雀安静下来? 答案:压它一下。 原因:鸦雀无声(压雀无声),Chinese joke,