1、5. 称谓与比喻1, , u1Z, X, YM , 6B Y 1VC Yb1,A s, Hqb s :B ,$1 Y,So8p;B T1YC,So8pb Hq :B88 ,s; 6B W M b y1, V P 37 , P 8ab , J,1BJ1b ,J:Pig,Swine;Honey, Sweet_ piebl uY ,v 3 CatherineCatb Vn,t1BJ1bq“ 09b ,a;Ja a Ra al bN Vn,q1BJb6. 称谓与借代, 4N, Y ,7 M1 Y ( )b h A/ 0:(1)oB MBQ?pQ0b( 3uv) 0oQ0p x“Q0 bl X5 o H
2、 % , ?QZB pb(2) B M, ? 3,?/ ,?CB =l0 M UV llol0p HJ * v6ii *V f,s v6I pBt *a b( u fv) 0, Bo =0 M p, ol0p * M b9 H,AiB,i V, P 8a7 bqB“,94NTb STEcG ( F.Scott Fitzger-ald) u G1v, G1 9v b vJ,S1 H,? b, # Y B p Mr MumblebB 3 VXB V ,y z B hT,# Y z Owl_eyedbFG1 ,yG1 ;VOxfordv, Oxford man. ,FingersB8Q bFinge
3、rs9thiefbi,“,7 b Bt1J mE, ,Bt J,BB b8 , V“ :T“d1Fs,E1,9J1bVJ, )BC,; il, LNb VJ,7 OF J M,V7r P,4VrrTb I “ :uJIv, 2 ,1984S:oq)p,uv,1992.4 V:uJv,y,1983:uqJv,1983SJsI:uJv,1983 :o)p,uv,1988.438Braun Friedricke: Terms of A ddress. Berlin,1988 1997 M1 (966 )南非英语概述黄秀兰*16 WXStZ 2dZ,v? SM 7 S1820 M,S S 1652 M
4、y o 7 p(the Cape)b H,940005000 n S 2d /bN -,V x M b1899- 1902 M 2d:(Boer War)S 5 2d b1910 MSFo 2d p,TSo1 5pbS dB1961 M 2d | ,o 2d Spb B Ny, 2d(Afrikaans) HT 2d2Zb5 2d $ g10%( 40%) , 6 ,1 .Nb . 2dKY=,$“vT =Y(lingua france) Pb 2d z+M8; 2d T , 2d T=(Afrikaans English), 2d (Cape Coloured English), 2d #
5、2d b 2d(South African English)“ 2d T b S 2daZ vY,2dS SS+ uYb 2d gaM EZ Bt+,7t+51By 2d Y, 2d * M 2d9BYbBa+ 2d , gK A+sM y? bc, t 6, t$ b,;PV V MY b 2d us, Th ul r, u g Ab9 , s %y b/ 2d? 1+b1.?p,t,k H RP(S?) ,Y M8?thb2.r?O(rolled)b3.Sav a M8B“, 2d 6B -rMr ?, sword(t)sawed(sawV T),7 a : vs u M? uY,Br B
6、r , 2dcar r9 ?b 2d .B7hMrM,Mr9?, , fouror fiveBMFYTf:r:faiv,7 2dr5?b4. 2dr 8,9 2d Y,Bt$( 7h“)+ b: b p, z s, David dieftb5.Ftjdj 2dY?td, tuneduneP tu:ndu:n.396.a: : t _,Pparpaw,cartcaughtMslM, PbarboreM V usb7.aisY a: e, tightP Start,7tartQV 5 Staught,barelyP belly, You cant drive thereB Mdr:v eb8.v
7、# B“, 2d ?_ e H| 6,sY ei, batS P bet,7bet5bitb ?i,+Y di H5b ,i? ,( schwa), bitTbt,villagesvillagersMslMb7 H ii: , kissbigTki:sbi: g,sorrycandyii: ,yNcandiedP candidM,7RP M? 4 uYb9.yesBMeTiib=aM+2d M8s1 VCMZ b M8B“, 2d“ Q 2dr;aaa 3Z T+M, dorp(h ) , erf(Bl vr), kloof( 2d,!),kopje(l ) ,rand(H),vlei( 0)
8、,rondavel( ), stoep( - , ),nartjie( 2d),aardvark(r,dJV u) , aardwolf (r ), snoek(i),springbok(K 0),wildebeest( d 0),biltong( H), boerewors(FP P), braaivleis( K 7), lekker( , V),b tM M8 (M,tX SM, apartheid(B), Boer(: ), commandeer() ,commando(l ), laager( J “ H), scoff( J, ),spoor(,) ,trek( d j),veld
9、(),b 2d, MK1 2d (Afrikaans), 2d+M“nartjieBM :7 1 2d b= td, bonsel-la(l ),donga() ,impala(0),gnu( d 0, ), indaba( 2dr Wp)m( Bantu languages) ,dagga(v ), gogga( ), quagga( )1 SH (Khoisan languages)b6 : B , Mbabotie( 4R ), sosatie(B1 4R )sjambok(Y G); =(Indian languages), Mtandoori( !E),masala(P ),samo
10、osa( ),biriani(FP ); $, mealie( ), pic-canin( lY), bredie(B J) ,pawpaw(I !()b2d+MtM VYrV rM( loantranslations )rM( half _translations), outspan()“sr12d uitspan,stinkwood( ! i0!)“r1 2d stinkhout,poegeyed(J)“r1 peoechaib2d H SM7SM, (potato) chips(IrH)7potato crisps,freeway( )7motorway,pantihose( p)7ti
11、ghts,station wagon( Z)7estate car,traffic circle()7roundabout,SM1, SY b40 2d Y gM V? P b2d bioscope, lwireless. globeo p,BEv 9 Es RbrobotBio p7 2do spo1Y|p, cookieBoCfp7 2d5op,coloured(s)Yo p7 2d5o pbBtM$ Ml, passbookref-erence book Vo( &zp,loca-tion Vo up,mason Vo pb 6t E9, justnowMin a little whil
12、e( ), so longMin the meantime(N W,NH),to wait onMto wait for(),tocome thereV Uarrive(r), check youT gMIll meet you( ), Check you at Stuttafords at 12( E=Stuttaford n )bK “9 man,shameno M+ yEb gmanTz, V 3,9 V o:You should have seen me, man! ( F Anb)You women always take so long to getreadyicant you h
13、urry up, man? ( F o 9 HW ?!z, ? yBt?)shameBM$W V U fH:He broke his leg, shame! ( BHy, V !)mIve just had a tooth out.nmShamen(m B Rbnm Vn)mLook at my beautiful baby.nmAh,shame. (m A A lbnm, V!n)no VTM, H VV U,7 V U:mHow are you feeling?nmN o, Im verywell, thanks. (m F $8“?nmz,!n)mAre you feeling bett
14、er?nmN o,Im real-ly fine,thanks.(m F $zt ?nm , $z,bn)N,YV UoplendBM 2d H V9borrow( ):Can I lend that book,please?( V* ?)aE+EZ 2dS+.s,8E t ,7 OtCd T b1.MwithC 0 , ?MBM:Do you want it with?Are you coming with?E V ? s 2d Y, S9 Eb Vs 8 meus Mb2. also .too:Hes going to do that also.3. h p ,SS T, 2d5 T:Wont you do me a favour?4.Is it?B T gW P, TMSmreally?nmShe turns 22 in May.nmIs it? mOranges are going up in price.nmIs it?5. 8 C H n:But has he got(any)?She lectrues(to)me in history.Im going to the baker(s) shop.Be careful of the barb(ed)wire.a?Z t_ 2d“BBSE PB lb ,+Y 1948 M 2d. LB , 2d B 2d d, 41