1、1,Chapter Four,英汉翻译之拆分译法,2,试译,1. I tried vainly to put the pieces together. 2. 他像大海捞针一样在茫茫黑夜里寻找金色的梦。 1.我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来 2. He searched for his golden dream in the pitch dark of the night. It was just like fishing for a needle in the ocean.,3,原因:英语与汉语存在句式上的差异:,英语:形合语言,修饰性词语形态明显,语法呈显性,句子长,句式结构严谨。,汉语
2、:意合语言,注重语义的粘合,修饰性词语无形态变化,语法呈隐性,句子短,句式结构松散。,4,英译汉时,不能照样克隆复制,需要根据汉语语法的特点,灵活处理。,5,6,1 分译单词,单词拆译是把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个句子。 英语中,由于有些单词在搭配及词义等方面的特点,直译会使句子生硬晦涩,翻译腔十足,而把单词拆译出来形成一个汉语的分句,使整个句子通顺,且不损伤原意 。,7,1.1 分译名词,The price limits its mass production.由于价格原因,它不能大量生产。At present people have a tendency to choose the saf
3、ety of the middle-ground reply.现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全,不招风险。, but this love is comparable to the beginning of a long road up a mountain with many ups and downs., 但这样的爱,相当于刚开始爬山,而这漫长的爬山之路充满着起起落落。,9,1.2 分译动词,Radio waves have been considered radiant energy.人们已经认识到,无线电波是一种辐射能。The maximum demand fo
4、r electricity is expected to double within a decade.可以预料,对电的最大需要在十年内可望增加一倍。,10,1.3 分译形容词,Mr. Buckly was in a clear minority.巴克利先生属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。He made resultless efforts to reform one metal into another.他企图把一种金属转变成另一种金属,这是徒劳无功的。,11,1.3 分译形容词,That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 那地区是个
5、麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来的。The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is incredible - about one in four. 大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。,12,1.4 分译副词,Jerry quickly ordered everyone to put on life jackets, and tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire.杰瑞立即叫大家穿上救生衣,并且奋力扑火,但却无济于事。 The Chi
6、nese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.中国人似乎为他们在经济建设上取得的巨大成就感到自豪,这是合乎情理的。,13,1.4 分译副词,We recognize that Chinas long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。,14,2 分译短语,分译短语是把原文中的一个短语拆译成一个句子,保持译文
7、顺畅。,15,2.1 分译介词短语,A pay rise only leads to short-term satisfaction before the rut sets in again, according to a new study.最新研究显示,加薪给人带来的满足感非常短暂,不久就一切如旧了。 The old woman shuddered at the thought of her bitter past.想起了辛酸往事,这位老妇人便不寒而栗。,2.1 分译介词短语,But we should also be keenly aware that Asia still faces
8、many difficulties and challenges in boosting both its own development and joint development with other regions. 当然,我们也清醒地看到,亚洲要谋求更大发展、更好推动本地区和世界其他地区共同发展,依然面临不少困难和挑战。,17,2.2 分译分词短语,Built more than 2,300 years ago, the ancient project, known as Dujiangyan, has brought blessings to the people of Sichua
9、n for thousands of years.这项历史悠久的工程就是建成于2300年前的都江堰,它为四川人民带来的福祉绵延千年。,18,Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadow.阳光射入了他所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。He had to quit the position and went into exile, having been deprived of his power.他被剥夺了权利之后,只好辞职,流落他乡。,19,2.3 分译名词短语
10、,He wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before.他头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。Energy can neither be created or destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能创造也不能被消灭,这是一条普遍公认的规律。,20,2.3 分译名词短语,My hometown Shaanxi,one of the cradles of ancient civilization in China, has a long history
11、.我的家乡陕西,是中国古代文明的发祥地之一,有悠久的历史。The university has been already spreading a fame for its diligent students.这所大学的学生勤奋用功,这点已远近闻名了。,21,3. 分译句子,把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。,22,3.1 分译简单句,英语受句法的限制,将具有一定逻辑含义的语段通过动词连接起来,构成SVO的“三分”结构。有时SVO中的动词并不是动作,只起到形式逻辑的衔接作用。 汉语受辩证思维逻辑制约,表现在语言上通常是话题与说明的结合,背景与活动的结合,在句子结构上通常分为“话题”
12、和“说明”两个部分,即所谓的 “二分” 。 翻译时,把握这种特征可以大大提升语言的通畅性。通常采取的办法: 在主谓连接处拆译。,3. 分译句子,汉语强调意合,结构较松散,简单句较多;英语强调形合,结构较严密,长句较多。 英译汉时,常用拆句法,即常在原句的关系代词、关系副词、主谓连接处、并列或转折连接处、后续成分与主体的连接处,以及意群结束处将长句切断,译成汉语分句。,24,3.1 分译简单句,Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。His absence
13、of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。,25,3.1 分译简单句,His wealth enables him to do everything.他有钱,什么事都能干。His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.(因为)他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。,26,3.2 分译并列句,分译由并列连词连接的两个或多个简单句,and、but、or、so、for It is ver
14、y easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job.从书店和图书馆带一些书回来是轻而易举的。然而,从书中学得知识并把这些知识运用到实践中去就不是那么简单的事情。,27,3.2 分译并列句,With a pay rise comes a re-evaluation of status and you soon begin
15、to start comparing your levels of pay to colleagues again. 加薪之后,你会重新评估自己的状态,不久就又开始和同事比较薪酬了。,Food manufacturers are flooded the UK market with new products in response to rising demand from a population hungry for “something different”.英国人极想“尝鲜”,要求与日俱增。针对这种情况,食品生产厂商一个劲地向英国市场大量投放各种新产品。,29,3.3.分译主从复合句,
16、英汉思维的差异,表现在语言上就是就是句子安排的语序不同。 汉语的语序结构与思维顺序合拍,语义内容按时间顺序与逻辑顺序展开:先发生先说,后发生后说;先说明,后概括;先交代细节,后进行总结;先说明原因,后说明结果;先说明假设条件,后交代推论。 英语一般则采取相反的语序:先表明自己对事物的感受、观点和态度,然后再叙述它的来龙去脉。 翻译时,应根据英汉语言的表象特征安排语序。,30,3.3.1 分译主从复合句-顺译,Because the young man frequently came to the ladys house, he was regarded as the mistresss lov
17、er.这个小伙子经常来到太太家。因此,别人都以为他是这女主人的情人。,31,3.3.1 分译主从复合句-顺译,The Peoples Republic of China must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future; who believe in man and his glorious man-made destiny.中华人民共和国必须用我们大家的鲜血和劳动来缔造。我们这些人相信未来,相信人们,相信人们能够掌握自己的命运光辉灿烂的命运。,32,3.3.1 分译主从复合句-顺译
18、,I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻名世界的。,33,3.3.2 分译主从复合句-倒置译,倒置译法在英译汉中很常用, 即对英语句子按照汉语的习惯表达法进行前后调换,按意群逻辑进行倒置,原则是使汉语译句安排符合现代汉语论理叙事的一般逻辑顺序。The government is determined to keep up the p
19、ressure whatever the cost it will pay in the end.不论最终将付出什么代价,政府决心继续施加压力。,34,3.3.2 分译主从复合句-倒置译,The librarians have compiled a card-index catalogue so that they can afford facilities for reference.为了便于参考,图书馆馆员们编制了索引目录卡。The old hydraulic elevator to the top could not be used in winter for fear that the
20、 water would freeze.因为怕水结冰,所以通往塔顶的老式液压升降机在冬天不能使用。,35,3.3.2 分译主从复合句-倒置译,I believe strongly that it is in the interest of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.我坚信,英国应该依然是欧共体中的一个积极的和充满活力的成员,这是符合我国人民利益的。,36,3.4 分译复杂结构,有些长句的翻译得根据具体情况、意群的分布等进行灵活
21、处理,合理进行切分,使译文层次分明,观点明确。 This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.这个地方现在已经成了冬夏两季的休假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;而从前,精疲力竭的旅游者只能到此止步。,37,3.4 分译复杂结构,Plastics are made from water which is a natural inexhaustible and availab
22、le everywhere, coal which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime which can be obtained from the calcination(煅烧)of limestone widely present in nature.,38,3.4 分译复杂结构,Plastics are made from water which is a natural inexhaustible and available everywhere, coal whic
23、h can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime which can be obtained from the calcination of limestone widely present in nature.,39,3.4 分译复杂结构,塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。水是取之不尽到处可以获得的天然资源;煤是用自动化和机械化的方法开采的,成本较低;石灰是通过煅烧自然界中广泛存在的石灰石得来的。,40,课后作业,一. 使用分译法翻译下列句子 1.The surprise is not t
24、hat we have lost him, but that we never had him at all. 2.Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of “self-reliance”. 3.They, not unexpectedly, did not respond. 4.The foreign visitors watched in a fascinated manner the tournament held in Beijing.,41,5.He arrived in Was
25、hington at a ripe moment internationally. 6.He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject. 7. She retired only at her early forties, her health having been impaired by years of overwork. 8. The station chief would have to be close to the director, a member of the inner circle. 9.Th
26、e disappearance of a schoolgirl worried all the teachers. 10. My assistant, who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment, could not obtain satisfactory results, because he followed them mechanically.,二、利用合译法翻译下列句子,1.他十分可靠,这是大家公认的。 2.她满以为会有某种奇迹般的解决办法,这显然不合情理。 3.人类最后必将解开
27、不明飞行物之谜。这一点是肯定的。 4.极地和热带温度平衡一旦改变,会严重扰乱世界的气候和天气变化模式。 5.中国有数以百计的岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。 6.她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子, 以她坚强的毅力写出了一部部催人奋进的小说。 7.他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法是你一路顺利舒适。,8.为了挽回他的生命,医疗专家已进行了长时间的奋力施救。 9.全班同学都盯着他瞧,他更感到不自在了。 10.他们患得患失,拒绝接受分配给他们的任务。 三、翻译段落亚洲是当今世界最具发展活力和潜力的地区之一,亚洲发展同其他各大洲发展息息相关。亚洲国家积极探索适合本国情况的发展道路,在实现自身发展的同时有力促进了世界发
28、展。亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰,合作应对国际金融危机,成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎,近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%,给世界带来了信心。亚洲同世界其他地区的区域次区域合作展现出勃勃生机和美好前景。,44,4. 汉语长句的分译,汉语的长句由许多小句组成,含有多层意思,小句往往本身就可以表示一个完整的意义。汉译英时可以依据汉语小句间的逻辑关系相互搭配构成句子。这种处理方法可称为“拆分译法”。 通常,可以采用分译的汉语句式有:,45,46,4.1 分译反问句、感叹句,应当承认, 每个民族都有它的长处,不然,它为什么能存在? 为什么能发展? It must be admitted th
29、at every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?,47,既异想天开,又实事求是,这是科学工作者特有的风格,/ 让我们在无穷的宇宙长河中去探索无穷的真理吧! Lending wings to the imaginations and doing things in a down-to-earth manner is the style typical of scientific workersSo let us explore never ending truth in
30、the boundless universe,48,4.2 分译比方句,拿我们这些人来说,很多人每年都有一些进步。Take those of us present here for example. Many of us make some progress each year.又比如城市青年,或者进学校,或者到农村去, 或者到工厂去,总有个安排。Lets take the urban youth for another example. Arrangements must be made for them in one way or another- they can go to schoo
31、l or work on a farm, in a factory.,4.3 分译对立句,和平犹如空气和阳光,受益而不觉,失之则难存。 Peace, like air and sunshine, is hardly noticed when people are benefiting from it. But none of us can live without it.,50,4.3 分译对立句,你们的酒质量很好,但包装较差,瓶子易碎,纸盒太薄,对我们今后的订货,请每瓶套一只泡沫塑料套,并装在较厚的纸盒内,否则我们只能放弃这个业务。,你们的酒质量很好,但包装较差,The quality of
32、 your Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. 瓶子易碎,纸盒太薄,The paper boxes are so thin that bottles are subject to breakage.,对我们今后的订货,请每瓶套一只泡沫塑料套,并装在较厚的纸盒内,In our future orders, please put each bottle in a foamed plastic bag before placing it into the cardboard box. 否则我们只能放弃这个业务。Otherwise, we wil
33、l have to give up this business.,4.4 分译概括句,要解决问题, 还需做系统而周密的调查研究, 这就是分析的过程。 In order to solve the problem , it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation. This is the process of analysis.,54,4.4 分译概括句,另一种态度, 学习的时候用脑筋想一想,学那些和我国情况适合的东西, 即吸取对我们有益的经验, 我们需要的是这样一种态度。 The other attitude is
34、 to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions , that is , to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. That is the attitude we should adopt .,55,4.5 分译阐述句,农民的生活水平不断提高,大部分农民已解 决了温饱问题,不少农民已过上小康生活。 The living standard of farmers has been continuously improving. The majority of th
35、em have solved the problem of ample food and clothing and quite a few have already been moderately better off.,56,4.5 分译阐述句,传统中国画有两个最受青睐的主题,一是家庭生活的各种幸福场景,画中往往有老人在下棋饮茶,男人在耕耘收割,妇女在织布缝衣,小孩在户外玩耍。 There are two most popular themes in traditional Chinese paintings. One is various scenes of happy family li
36、fe. In the painting, the elderly are drinking teas and playing chess, men are plowing and harvesting, women sewing and weaving, and children playing outdoors.,There are two most popular themes in traditional Chinese paintings. One is various scenes of happy family life, with the elderly drinking tea
37、s and playing chess, men plowing and harvesting, women sewing and weaving, and children playing outdoors.,58,4.6 分译多层语义句,我们工厂引进了最先进的工艺和设备来提高印花行业的技术,我们倡导高科技和高生产力,产品质量稳定,花样美观,另外我们还坚持高产低耗的原则。Our factory has enhanced the printing technology by bringing in the most advanced workmanship and equipment.,我们倡
38、导高科技和高生产力,We advocate sophisticated technology and high productivity. 产品质量稳定,花样美观,Our products enjoy stable quality and beautiful patterns. 另外我们还坚持高产低耗的原则。In addition, we adhere to the principle of low cost and high output.,Our factory has enhanced the printing technology by bringing in the most adv
39、anced workmanship and equipment. We advocate sophisticated technology and high productivity. Our products enjoy stable quality and beautiful patterns. In addition, we adhere to the principle of low cost and high output.,4.6 分译多层语义句,亚洲稳定面临着新的挑战,热点问题此起彼伏,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁都有所表现,实现本地区长治久安需要地区国家增强互信、携手努力。 S
40、tability in Asia now faces new challenges.,热点问题此起彼伏,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁都有所表现,Hotspot issues keep emerging, and both traditional and non-traditional security threats exist. 实现本地区长治久安需要地区国家增强互信、携手努力。The Asian countries need to increase mutual trust and work together to ensure durable peace and stability in
41、 our region.,Stability in Asia now faces new challenges, as hotspot issues keep emerging, and both traditional and non-traditional security threats exist. The Asian countries need to increase mutual trust and work together to ensure durable peace and stability in our region.,课后翻译,我想,其实谁都有一个小小花园,这便是我们的内心世界。人的智力需要开发,人的内心世界也是需要开发的。人和动物的区别,除了众所周知的诸多方面,恐怕还在于人有内心世界,心不过是人的一个重要脏器,而内心世界是一种景观,它是由外部世界不断地作用于内心渐渐形成的。每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。但并非每个人都关注自己及至亲至爱之人的内心世界的明暗。,