1、Contrastive Analysis,Group Member:.,Outline,What is Contrastive Analysis/ Study/ Linguistics? What is the psychological basis of CA? What procedures should we adopt while conducting CA? What do we contrast / compare?,Definition,An inductive investigative approach based on the distinctive elements in
2、 a language .It involves the comparison of two or more languages or subsystems of language in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them . It could also be done within one language.CA can be both theoretical and applied according to varied purpose.,kinds,Intralingual Cross
3、-linguistic/Interlingual Phonological interference Syntactic interference Contrastive pragmatics,Kinds,Intralingual-Analysis of contrastive phonemes.-Feature analysis of morph syntactic categories. -Analysis of morphemes having grammatical meaning-Analysis of word order,Kinds,Cross-linguistic/Interl
4、ingual-Comparative analysis of morph syntactic systems.-Comparative analysis of lexical semantics-Analysis of translational equivalence-Study of interference in foreign language learning,kinds,Phonological interference-Those who cannot distinguish /n/and /l/ sound in Chinese cannot distinguish the t
5、wo sounds in English , either,Kinds,Contrastive pragmatics-Analysis needs to consider not only linguistic contrasts but also pragmatic contrasts such as the similarities and differences in the stylistic uses , cultures , and other communicative networks.,Theoretical bases,Heavily influenced by Struc
6、turalism and Behaviorism. The focus on CA is on the surface structure, including the phonology , morphology , syntax and discourse. Following behaviorism , CA emphasizes on transfer in language learning,Basis assumptions,L2 learning involves overcoming difficulties in the linguistic systems of the t
7、arget language. The main difficulties in learning a L2 are caused by interference from the L1. CA can predict , or at least account for , difficulties in L2 learning. Teaching materials based on contrastive analysis can reduce the effects of interference and difficulties , and facilitate L2 learning
8、.,Two types of transfer,Positive transfer : similar structure facilitate learning.L1 habits can successfully be used in the L2. Negative transfer: “interference” from the L1 . L1 habits will cause errors in the L2.,Procedures of conducting CA,The procedures followed involve: 1) description (i.e. a f
9、ormal description of the two languages was made such as distinctive features of each)2) selection (i.e. certain areas or items of the two languages were chosen for detailed comparison such as phonology, syntax and lexicon) The lively chat was punctuated by shouts and laughters. The lively chat was p
10、unctuated by shouts and bursts of laughter. 3) comparison (i.e. the identification of areas of difference and similarity),Differences between Chinese and English:, As for the same thing, Chinese and English give a different name because of their different focus. Generally, black is equivalent to “黑”
11、,and red is to “红”. “青睐” in Chinese means “like” and “favor” while greeneyed in English means “jealous”. “眼红” in Chinese is equivalent to green-eyed in English. Then, what does “red-eyed flight” mean?,Similarities in Chinese and English:,There are some similarities in syntax, look at the following e
12、xamples: 一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳。 Once bitten, twice shy. 眼不见,心不烦。 Out of sight, out of mind.4) prediction (i.e. determining which areas were likely to cause errors) which is always considered as a failure of doing.,What we are going to do next is data collection. There are two types of data: 1) corpus-based da
13、ta 2) introspective data Corpus-based data : a collection of materials that has been made for a particular purpose, such as a set of textbooks which are being analyzed and compared or a sample of sentences or utterances which are being analyzed for their linguistic features. Introspective data: a ki
14、nd of data involving the subject reflecting the kinds of decisions they make and the kinds of strategies they use while carrying out a task, and reporting them as they occur.,Corpus-based data/ Introspective data,Introspective data is based on intuition to make judgment, the judgment of sentimentali
15、ty.Personal judgment may not always be reliable, but this procedure can not be abandoned because it is very convenient. So that is why everybody uses it.You can not mix the two data. You can only use one, either corpus-data or introspective.,What do we contrast or compare?,Can we improve our linguis
16、tic competence without systematically comparing our mother tongue and the target language? First, we must understand the meaning of a word while learning a foreign language. Second, we must learn its grammar while learning a foreign language. Third, we should also be familiar with other aspects of l
17、anguage, such as semantics and pragmatics. Finally, we should know the target culture while learning a foreign language.,Contrastive analysis on lexical level,As Swedish linguist Ferdinand de Saussure says, “Language is a system of mutually dependent lexical item, whose value can only be acquired fr
18、om other lexical items. For example, the value of the word “bachelor” can only be generated from spinster, woman, and husband.” There are some collocations that are taken for granted. Now take “salary” as an example: a big / high salary / fat salary a comfortable salary / a handsome salary low salar
19、ies / a small salary a modest salary,Contrastive Analysis on Syntactic Level,Humboldt, a German linguist, says that any sentence in any language has two levels: one is logic and the other is grammar. Chinese language has much more coincidence in logic and grammar and it is more based on logic. There
20、 are many differences between Chinese and English in syntax. They are as follows:hypotactic(主从的) vs. paratactic(并列的), grammatical principle vs. semantic principlesubordination vs. coordinationgrammatical word order vs. pragmatic word ordernon-pro-drop vs. pro-drop (主语脱落),Take pro-drop and non-pro-dr
21、op as an example, Question: 开门了吗?Answer: 开了 。发现了错误,一定要改正。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.看树看果实,看人看作为。A tree is known by its fruit, and a man is known by his action.,Since English is a sort of analytical and grammatical language, it is more strict, stringent and definite even in agen
22、tless passive sentences. However, Chinese is quite different from English. It is vague, and depends heavily on context and semantics rather than on grammar.Since Chinese has no morphology, it is necessary for English learners of L2 Chinese to have the knowledge of pragmatics when understanding Chine
23、se grammar. Otherwise, it will cause ambiguity or misunderstanding in meaning.,Contrastive Analysis on Macroscopic Level,The difference between microscopic CA and macroscopic CA is that microscopic CA focuses on phonology, lexis, grammar, etc. while macroscopic CA focuses on text, and discourse.What
24、 is text?Text is not limited by its form; it can be spoken or written or even a prose or poem. In a word, text is a semantic unit of expressing ideas.,Example:In summary, there are two differences in the component of connection in English discourse and Chinese discourse:one is visible and invisible
25、connection, and the other is the way of making pauses in sentences(断句).There were few earthly things more beautiful than a university, said Masefield. He did not refer to spires and towers, campus greens and ivied walls. He admired the splendid beauty of the university, because it was a place where
26、those who hate ignorance may strive to learn, and those who know the truth may strive to make others see.世间没有什么事物比大学更美好的,梅斯菲尔德写道。他不是指高耸的塔尖、巍峨的高楼,也不是指绿树成荫的校园和爬满了常春藤的围墙。他赞美大学辉煌的美是因为那是痛恨愚昧的人孜孜求知之所,领悟真理的人诲人不倦之处。,Generally, English and Chinese appear to have the logical characteristics of direct structur
27、e and spiral structure respectively. This is because English focuses on analytical way of thinking while Chinese on synthetic one. In conclusion, contrastive analysis plays an important role in foreign language teaching, because by analyzing the differences between English and Chinese can help students learn foreign language better, and there are other aspects we can contrast, such as differences on rhetoric and pragmatic level.,