1、 UED 073 | 07 | 201374天津西站TIANjIN wEST rAILwAY STATION项目名称 _ 天津西站 项目地点 _ 中国 天 津 设计者 _ 曼哈德 冯 格康和斯特凡 胥茨以及斯特凡 雷沃勒 项目负责人 _ 斯特凡 雷沃勒,姜琳琳 委托人 _ 天津铁路局 总建筑面积 _179 000m2建设时间 _ 20092011 年 摄影师 _Christian GahlprOjEcT NAmE_ Tianjin West Railway Station LOcATION_ Tanjin, China DESIGNEr_ Meinhard von Gerkan and Ste
2、phan Schtz with Stephan Rewolle prOjEcT mANAGErS_ Stephan Rewolle, Jiang Lin Lin cLIENT_ Tianjin Ministry of Railway GrOSS fLOOr ArEA _ 179 000m2cONSTrUcTION TImE_ 2009 -2011 phOTOGrAphY_ Christian Gahl总平面图a large scaled, sequential, free space大尺度的连续性自由空间HNQ JOEE PEOPLE 人物 gmp75HNQ JOEE UED 073 | 07
3、 | 201376HNQ JOEE PEOPLE 人物 gmp77天津西站位于北京西南约130km处,是京沪高铁线上的新枢纽,同时也是城际交通网与城市地铁网的交会点。天津市拥有人口1 200万,西站的落成在城市结构上通过站轨、河流和一条公路将南部的老城区与北部的商务新区连为一体。一座高 57m、跨度约 400m 的拱形屋顶覆盖在主站房上方,象征着沟通两个城区的桥梁。巨大的券拱传达了城市大门的意象,而其下的长形大厅则寓意着古典式的通廊。两座高20m的C形柱廊建筑对称围合于主站房的东西两侧,构成建筑体的基座。一座迤长的站前广场坐落于车站南侧,形成一个大尺度连续性的城市自由空间,体现了火车站的宏伟规
5、的建筑语汇,重新诠释了近代铁路运输鼎盛时期的经典车站建筑。HNQ JOEE UED 073 | 07 | 201378HNQ JOEE PEOPLE 人物 gmp79The Tianjin West Railway Station, which is located about 130 kilometers south-west of Beijing, serves as a stop on the high-speed line between the Chinese capital and Shanghai, as well as connecting the various region
6、al lines and linking these to the underground network. The local urban design function of the railway station is to connect a commercial area to the north with the old city center to the south, bridging tracks, a river and a road in this city of 12 million residents.The architects have highlighted t
7、he bridge function between the city quarters with a 57 meter high and nearly 400 meter long barrel vault roof above the terminal concourse. Its curved roof is reminiscent of a large scale city gate and the long, stretched out concourse beneath of a classic place of transit. The portals of the easter
8、n and western sides of the curved hall are symmetrically framed by arcades. To the south of the building a large and open station forecourt covers a wide area which gives credence to the importance and dimension of this railway station.Passengers enter the new Tianjin West Railway Station through th
9、e main entrances on the north and south sides. Arched cantilevers above the entrances and tall window fronts convey an initial impression of the space passengers encounter in the concourse, which is flooded with daylight, providing a highquality atmosphere and clear orientation for travellers. Dayli
10、ght reaches the concourse through the diamondshaped steel and glass roof construction, and while the lower part is nearly transparent and admits a great deal of light, the upper part serves as protection against direct solar radiation. The barrel vault roof conveys a dynamic impression, not least be
11、cause its steel elements vary in width and depth from the bottom to the top, and are woven together. Escalators and lifts are available for passengers and visitors to descend to the platforms. This technically and structurally sustainable railway station illustrates a contemporary interpretation of the cathedrals of traffic from the heydays of railway travel.HNQ JOEE