1、供应链模拟游戏,模拟一个四层的啤酒供应链中各层的订货决策顾客每天的需求是随机的,用筹码代表啤酒,贴纸传递订单信息 每层独立地做出订货决策,在满足需求的同时,尽可能控制库存水平。 每一天结束后,成本=0.5 *库存量+1.0*延期交货量(负库存) 游戏大约运行40天,结束后,总的成本最小,每天四个步骤(以批发商为例),Step A: Move Beer-Chips (移动筹码),1: Deliver Beer-Chips in Truck to Delivery Square of Retailer.(卡车-零售商库存) 2: Move Beer-Chips in Loading Dock to
2、 Truck.(转运站-卡车),To Retailer,1,2,转运站,卡车,Retailer Inventory (零售商库存),Step B: Move Information (移动订单信息),1: Deliver Order-Postit in Post Office to Distributors Demand Square. 2: Move Order-Postit in Mailroom to Post Office.,To Distributor,1,2,转运站,邮局,邮箱,来自批发商的 订单,Step C: Meet Demand & Manage Inventory(满足需
3、求),0: Combine Delivered Beer-Chips with rest of Inventory. (将运到的和已有库存合并) 1: Move Beer-Chips in Inventory to Loading Dock. Amount = Demand + backlogs. (根据需求发送筹码到转运站:发货量=当前需求+已发生的延期交货量) (If not enough Beer-Chips in inventory, move them all and record backlogs on a postit.) 2: Record Inventory or backlogs (-) in “net inventory” column of data sheet. (记录库存量),1,库存,Step D: Choose Order Quantity (选择订货量),邮箱,1: 填写当天的订单放到邮箱. 2: 记录订货数量,