1、新英汉翻译教程第 16 章长句翻译课堂互动及综合练习答案(全)课堂互动 1: 用顺译法翻译下列句子(仅供参考)1.By the verdict of the court he is found guilty and has to pay the plaintiff the damages, set at 750 pounds. Charles Dickens: The Pickwik Papers)经过法院的判决,他被发现有罪,必须支付 750 英镑的赔款。2. The rich soil of river-made plains favoured the growth of a thickl
2、y settled farming population, and this farming population had been united into a highly civilized kingdom.肥沃的河流冲积平原使定居的农业人口不断增长,他们已经联合成一个高度文明的过度。3. How these two thingsenergy and matterbehave, how they interact one with the other, and how people control them to serve themselves make up the substance
3、 of two basic physical science, physics and chemistry.能和物质这两种东西如何起作用,它们如何相互影响, 人们如何控制它们使之为自己服务, 这些问题构成两门基础自然科学-物理和化学的主要内容。4. I believe we are now moving into a period similar to that after the last war, where there is a general acceptance of the need for a mixed economy, that is, a capitalist econom
4、y combined with a substantial degree of government intervention.我想我们正在步入一个酷似二战战后的一段时间,人们普遍认为要建立一种混合经济,是资本主义经济与一定程度的政府干预经济结合起来。5. And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue
5、grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.6. As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desirefor them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.至于那些不幸的人,他
6、们拥有自己想要的一切东西,他们的任何奇想都能得到满足,并能得到他们渴望弄到手的每一件东西 - 对他们来说,新的乐趣、新的刺激只不过是再一次厌腻 。7.The development of industrial technology largely strengthened human physical capabilities, enabling people to harness more energy, process and shape materials more easily, travel faster, and so on while the development of mic
7、roelectronics extends mental capabilities, enabling electric “intelligence” to be closely related to a wide range of products and processes.工业技术的发展大大增强了人的体力,使人们能更广泛地利用能源,更方便第对材料进行加工和成型,更快地进行旅游等等,而微电子的发展则增强了人的智力,使电子“智能”用于各种各样的产品和过程8. There are various categories of bag ladies: those who live on the s
8、treets, claiming they enjoy the freedom from constraints of society; those who became homeless because a relative died or because they couldnt keep up rent payments, and they didnt know where to go or how to apply for relief; and quasi bag ladies who have an anchor pointa sister or brother whom they
9、 can visit once in a while to take a bath. (bag ladies=shopping bag ladies,指挎着购物袋在城市里到处流浪的女人)流浪女有各种各样:有的栖身街头,说她们喜欢自由自在,不受社会的约束;有的因亲属去世,或因无力继续支付房租而变得无家可归,又不知道到哪里去申请救济,或如何申请救济;也有些是准流浪女,她们那有个落脚点 - 有个兄弟或姐妹,偶尔可以前去洗洗澡。课堂互动 2:用逆译法翻译下列句子 1. Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean
10、 as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.各种机器零件无论多么脏,形状多么不规则,当它们用超声波处理后,可以被洗得非常干净,甚至干净得像新零件一样2. And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been a
11、ble to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way.由于受到顽强抵抗阻挡,吹嘘能在几小时内就占领战略要地的敌人甚至没有能占领外围地带,这一事实使我增强了信心。3. This dual (double) quality of being sensitive to, and curious about, small accidental occurrences, and of possessing a frame of reference capable of sug
12、gesting their true significance, is probably what Pasteur meant when he said “chance benefits only the prepared mind.“巴斯德曾说过:“机遇只对有准备的人有益。 ”这很可能就意味着这种双重性:对一些微小的偶发事件敏感和好奇;又能识别这些偶发事件的真正意义。4. Just as a space satellite, once it has got away from the pull of the earths atmosphere, continues to circle rou
13、nd and round the earth for ever, so an electric current circling a frozen ring of mercury should continue to flow for ever, if the temperature is kept below the essential four degrees above absolute zero.如果温度保持在绝对零度以、上四度以下的时候,电流也会永远围绕冻结的水银环持续的流动,和人造卫星一样,一旦脱离了地球大气层的引力,它将永远围绕地球一圈又一圈的旋转下去。课堂互动 31. With
14、 his failures in life came the fears for the future.他因生活屡遭失意,所以对前途忧心忡忡。2. I wanted to laugh at their harmlessness.他们无法作恶,我正想放声大笑。3 It is with emotion that I write of Song Ching Ling for China Reconstructs, the magazine which she founded and which became so much a part of her rich and varied life.4 .
15、The trouble with the digital revolution is that computers may have speeded up many of the processes of modern life, but they still remain relatively difficult to use.麻省理工学院媒体实验室主任尼尔格申菲尔德在他的著作当事物开始思考一书中写道,数字革命的困扰在于计算机可能加快了现代生活多方面的进程,但它们仍然相当难以使用。5. (When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon anot
16、her, such injury that death results, we call the deed man-slaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder.) But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevi-tably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one whi
17、ch is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot liveforces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevi
18、table consequenceknows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because n
19、o man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. (But murder it remains.)(如果一个人伤害了另一个人的身体,而且这种伤害致被一种谋杀,和个人进行的谋杀完全一样,只不过这是一种隐蔽的恶毒的谋杀,没有人能够防御,而且看起来伤害人于死,我们把这叫做杀人;如果杀人者事先知道这种伤害会致人于死,那么就把他的行为叫做谋杀。 )但是,如果社会把千百个无产者置
20、于这种境地,使他们不可避免地遭到过早的非自然死亡,如同被刀剑或枪弹所惨杀一样;如果社会剥夺了成千上万人的生活必需品把他们置于不能生存的境地,利用法律的铁腕强迫他们处于这种境地,直到不可避免的结局死亡的来临,而且社会也知道这成千上万的人一定会死去,但有听任这种情况存在下去;那么这也是又不像谋杀,因为这种谋杀是一种不作为,而不是一种作为,谁也看不到谋杀者,被杀者看起来好像是自然地死去的。 (但这仍然是谋杀。 )课堂互动 4 1. It follows that the thickness of pavement material required to lower the stress from
21、that applied by the wheel to the upper surface of the pavement, to that allowable at the under surface, depends upon the spreading ability of the pavement materials.铺垫材料的厚度要求把车轮施予路面的压力降低到地基能够承受的程度:而这个厚度则取决于该材料的铺散能力。2. Thats why in America marketing and public relations are so pervasive-because Ameri
22、cans believe that language can be used to change the way people think, and that language is used to express oneself.这就是为什么在美国的营销和公共关系是如此普遍,因为美国人认为,语言可以用来改变人们的思维方式,而语言是用来表达自己3. Look through reviews of the famous 1939 film adaptation of Margaret Mitchells classic Civil War novel of romance and souther
23、n ways, Gone With the Wind, and its hard to believe the critics were writing about the same thing.飘是马格利特米切尔描写美国内战时期爱情故事及南方生活的经典之作,该书于 1939 年被改编成著名电影。看一看对这部电影的评论,人吗很难相信,这些评论家所写的竟是同一个事实。4. Have they forgotten that we all belong to an Organization the very first words of whose Charter proclaim that it
24、speaks for peoples, and the very first article of whose Chapter, as well as Article 55, asserts that fulfillment of the purposes of the United Nations demands “respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples” ?翻译:我们皆属于这个组织,其宪章一开头就宣告它是各国人民的喉舌,其宪章第一条以及第 55 条都声称联合国各项宗旨之实施都要求
25、“尊重权利之平等民族自决”的原则,对此难道他们都忘记了吗?5. But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labour, and recognizing the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the
26、 original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labour, however well applied; could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, or a Beethoven.但是,在很大程度上承认劳动的了不起的成就,承认最出类拔萃的天才人物是最不知疲倦的工作者这一事实的同时,无论怎样都必然十分明显的是,假如没有心灵和头脑的固有天赋,无论多么大量的老动,应用的多么恰当也创造不出一位莎士比亚牛顿和贝多芬。综合练习答案【译文】温泉胜地 A Watering Place 华立克夏的埃文河在此
27、处流入塞纹河,两河沿岸若干英里水草丰美,前所未见。草地上牛羊成群,沿途不断。看着这景色、这牛羊,心想这些好肉可作多少用途,不禁感到神奇。但是再向前骑八九英里,这神奇之感就破灭了;原来我们已到达一个毒瘤似的害人地方,名叫却尔特能,所谓温泉胜地是也。这地方充满了东印度的劫掠者,西印度的奴隶主,英国的税吏、吃客、酒鬼、淫棍,各色各样,男女俱全。他们听了一些窃窃暗笑的江湖郎中的鬼话,以为在做了多少丑事之后,一身孽障,可以到此一洗而净!我每次进入这等地方,总想用手指捏住自己鼻子。当然这话没有道理,但我一看见这儿任何一个两腿畜生向我走来,实在觉得他们肮脏不堪,像是一有机会就要将他们的毒疮传染给我似的!来这地方的都是最恶劣、最愚蠢、最下流的人:赌鬼、小偷、娼妓,一心想娶有钱的丑老婆子的年轻男子,一心想嫁有钱的满脸皱纹、半身入土的老头子的年轻女人,这些少夫幼妻为了便于承继产业,不惜一切手段,坚决要为这些老妇衰翁生男育女!这等丑事,尽人皆知。然而威廉司各特爵士在 1802年演讲时明确表示牧师不必定居教区,而应携眷到温泉游览,据说这样反而能得到他们教区子民的尊敬云云。查此人作此语时,官任代表牛津城的国会议员! (cold 译)