1、苏州,苏州地处长江下游,气候温和,土地肥沃,再加上湖泊密布、水道纵横,自唐朝以来就有“鱼米之乡”的美称。历史记载表明,早在两千多年前的春秋战国时期,这一带的渔业和农业就已经相当发达。 苏州还是一个多水多桥、引人入胜的风光城市。居民住房前有街、后门临桥,水道、街坊相交处都建有桥梁。现存的宋代石刻“平江图”上注明的就有304座桥。,苏州地处长江下游,气候温和,土地肥沃,再加上湖泊密布、水道纵横,自唐朝以来就有“鱼米之乡”的美称。,Situated in the lower reaches of Yangtze River and blessed with a mild climate, ferti
2、le soil, and numerous lakes and waterways across the region, Suzhou has enjoyed a reputation as “a land of milk and honey” ever since the Tang Dynasty.,历史记载表明,早在两千多年前的春秋战国时期,这一带的渔业和农业就已经相当发达。,Historical records show that the region was fairly advanced in fishery and farming in the Spring and Autumn
3、Period and the Warring States Period over 2000 years ago.,苏州还是一个多水多桥、引人入胜的风光城市。,Suzhou is a fascinating city of tourist attractions, dotted with bridges and waterways .,居民住房前有街、后门临桥,水道、街坊相交处都建有桥梁。,The houses of local residents face streets in the front and bridges at the backdoors. Bridges are built
4、 wherever waterways and streets cross.,The Map of Pingjiang District, a well-preserved city map from the Song Dynasty carved on a stone plate, indicated that during that period there were 304 bridges.,现存的宋代石刻“平江图”上注明的就有304座桥。,故宫(The Imperial Palace),故宫是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿,建于1406年,历时14年建造完成。故宫的建筑分为“外朝”和“
5、内廷”两大部分 ,外朝是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方,内廷是帝王与后妃居住之所。红色和黄色作为宫殿墙壁的主色调是一种象征。红色代表快乐、好运气和财富。 黄色是中国人的起源地黄土高原(Loess Plateau)大地的颜色。在唐朝黄色成为了代表帝王的颜色。仅有少数皇室成员可以穿它,并且也将黄色用于建筑。,故宫是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿,建于1406年,历时14年建造完成。,The Imperial Palace is the largest and best-preserved palace in China, the construction of which began in 1406
6、 and took 14 years.,故宫的建筑分为“外朝”和“内廷”两大部分 ,外朝是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方,内廷是帝王与后妃居住之所。,The Imperial Palace is divided into the “outer court” and the “inner court”. The former is where the emperor held meetings and exercise power while the latter is where the emperor and his concubines lived.,红色和黄色作为宫殿墙壁的主色调是一种象征
7、。,As the main color on the palace walls, red and yellow have symbolic meanings.,红色代表快乐、好运气和财富。,Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.,Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people.,黄色是中国人的起源地黄土高原(Loess Plateau)大地的颜色。,Yellow became an imper
8、ial color during the Tang Dynasty.,在唐朝黄色成为了代表帝王的颜色。,Only few members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.,仅有少数皇室成员可以穿它,并且也将黄色用于建筑。,北京,北京是中华人民共和国的首都,也是全国政治和文化中心。大约70万年前,北京人(Peking man)出现在北京西南48公里的周口店地区 。十世纪初期,北京成了辽代的第二个都城。从那时起,北京先后成为金、元、明、清四朝首都,直至1911年。1949年10
9、月1日,毛主席在北京向全世界宣布了中华人民共和国的成立。北京人口超过了2000万,大约1000万人住在城里,其他人住在郊区。,北京是中华人民共和国的首都,也是全国政治和文化中心。,Beijing, the capital of the Peoples Republic of China, is the nations political and cultural center.,大约70万年前,北京人出现在北京西南48公里的周口店地区 。,Some 700,000 years ago, Peking man appeared at Zhoukoudian, 48 kilometres sout
10、hwest of Beijing.,十世纪初期,北京成了辽代的第二个都城。,At the beginning of the 10th century, it became the second capital of the Liao Dynasty.,从那时起,北京先后成为金、元、明、清四朝首都,直至1911年。(时态?),From then on, Beijing had been the capital of the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties until 1911.,On October 1st, 1949, Chairman Mao procl
11、aimed to the whole world the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in Beijing.,1949年10月1日,毛主席在北京向全世界宣布了中华人民共和国的成立。,Beijing has a population of over 20 million; about 10 million live in the city proper and the rest on the suburbs.,北京人口超过了2000万,大约1000万人住在城里,其他人住在郊区。,鼓浪屿,鼓浪屿是位于厦门西南隅的一个小岛。面积仅1.78平方千
12、米,素以“海上花园”的美称享誉海外 。它四面环海,绿色葱茏,环境优美,风光秀丽。它还是全国独一无二的“步行岛”,岛上空气清新,没有车马的喧嚣,却时闻琴声悠扬。岛上居民多喜爱钢琴和小提琴,很多中国著名的音乐家出生于此,故此岛又有“音乐之岛”的雅称。,鼓浪屿是位于厦门西南隅的一个小岛。 面积仅1.78平方千米,素以“海上花园”的美称享誉海外 。,Gulangyu Island, a small island in southwestern Xiamen covering an area of 1.78 square kilometers, is always known at home and a
13、broad as “the Garden on the Sea”.,它四面环海,绿色葱茏,环境优美,风光秀丽。,Surrounded by the sea and covered by green trees and grass, it has a beautiful environment and enchanting landscape.,它还是全国独一无二的“步行岛”,岛上空气清新,没有车马的喧嚣,却时闻琴声悠扬。,It is also the only “pedestrian island” in China, with fresh air all around the island
14、no vehicles, but beautiful music always.,岛上居民多喜爱钢琴和小提琴,很多中国著名的音乐家出生于此,故此岛又有“音乐之岛”的雅称。,Many residents on the island are fans of the piano and violin, and many famous Chinese musicians were born here, thus giving the island its nickname “the Island of Music” .,九寨沟,九寨沟位于四川省北部南屏县境内,是一条纵深40余千米的山沟谷地,因周围有9
15、个藏族村寨而得名。九寨沟面积约620平方千米,其间有翡翠般的湖泊,美妙绝伦,有迭起的瀑布,有五彩斑斓的森林,还有雪山和藏族村寨,浑然一体 。沟中地僻人稀,景物特意,富于原始自然风貌,有“通话世界”之誉。河谷地带有大小湖泊100多处,清澈见底,纯净天然,其中的“五花海”,湖底为沉积石,色彩斑斓,在阳光照射下,呈现出缤纷色彩。,南方私家花园 South Private Garden,南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山、亭,小巧玲珑,充满自然美,让人觉得赏心悦目。园内小溪虽占地不多,却同小桥与假山相得益彰。 走廊是中国园林的另一大特色,让游客可以观赏园内的各处景观。走廊上有形态各异的窗户,许多窗户的图案也都
16、非常美丽,让游客可以透过窗户将园内的佳境尽收眼底。 隐藏在鲜花和树木中的白墙,与灰瓦褐窗形成强烈的反差,让园中的游客,在这室外桃园里享受片刻的安宁。,南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山、亭,小巧玲珑,充满自然美,让人觉得赏心悦目。,Small and delicate, with natural beauty, the streams, bridges, rockeries and pavilion of a south private garden are pleasing to the eye.,园内小溪虽占地不多,却同小桥与假山相得益彰。,Steams in these gardens do n
17、ot cover a large area, but fit in well with bridges and rockeries.,走廊是中国园林的另一大特色,让游客可以观赏园内的各处景观。,Corridors form another feature of Chinese gardens, along which visitors can appreciate the garden from different views.,走廊上有形态各异的窗户,许多窗户的图案也都非常美丽,让游客可以透过窗户将园内的佳境尽收眼底。,Corridors are dotted by windows of v
18、arious shapes arranged in beautiful patterns, through which tourists can have an excellent view of the garden.,隐藏在鲜花和树木中的白墙,与灰瓦褐窗形成强烈的反差,让园中的游客,在这室外桃园里享受片刻的安宁。,Hidden among the flowers and trees are the white walls, which stand in sharp contrast to the gray tiles and brown windows. Visitors to the g
19、ardens can enjoy a moment of peace in such a paradise.,豫园,豫园是上海著名的古典园林,已有400多年的历史。花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术风格。 园内共有40余景,景色自然迷人,亭台楼阁、假山池塘和谐对称、协调均衡,其布局之精致自古闻名江南。豫园原为明代一位大官的私家花园,始建于1559年,知道20年后才建成。 此后曾几次变迁,屡遭摧残。所幸的是,1949年上海解放时,园内的主要景点尚保存完好无损。从1956年开始,豫园经过多次修缮重现其昔日光彩。,豫园是上海著名的古典园林,已有400多年的历史。,Yuyuan Garden i
20、s a renowned classical garden in Shanghai with over 400 years of history.,花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术风格。,Unique in design, the garden illustrates the architectural styles of south China during the Ming and Qing dynasties .,园内共有40余景,景色自然迷人,亭台楼阁、假山池塘和谐对称、协调均衡,其布局之精致自古闻名江南。,Boasting over 40 enchanting scenic
21、spots, the garden has long been known in south China for its delicate and elegant layout, with pavilions, pagodas, ponds and rockeries in harmonious symmetry and coordinating balance.,豫园原为明代一位大官的私家花园,始建于1559年,直到20年后才建成。,The garden, originally a private garden of a governor in the Ming Dynasty, was i
22、nitiated in 1559 and not complete until two decades later.,此后曾几次变迁,屡遭摧残。,The garden experienced several vicissitudes and was repeatedly destroyed over the years.,所幸的是,1949年上海解放时,园内的主要景点尚保存完好无损。,Fortunately, its major scenic spots remained intact in 1949 when Shanghai was liberated.,从1956年开始,豫园经过多次修缮重现其昔日光彩,The garden regained all its former splendor after several renovations, the first of which began in 1956.,