1、(1)ThalidomideAngel or Demon(2)生命是如此神奇,从一个小到肉眼看不到的细胞,发育到一个充满活力的婴儿。生命的奇迹,每天都在上演。Life is such a wonderful thing. From a individual cell to a cute baby. Miracles happen every moments. (3)然而,这些奇迹都来自于母亲的子宫,每一个伟大的母亲都曾经受过妊娠带来的巨大痛苦。头晕乏力、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐等对于妊娠期妇女来说稀松平常。关于对策,人类似乎是聪明的,用于缓解妊娠反应的药物在上世纪 50 年代进入人们的视野。How
2、ever, each miracle comes from mothers wombs. And mother are the great and blest, But no one can escape the painful process when you are pregnant with a baby. Dizzy, acratia, nausea, vomiting and so on. And it seems that human is such a clever animal, they find the strategy to overcome the pain from
3、pregnancy in the early 1950s. (4)1953 年,一个名为 Ciba 的瑞士制药公司第一次合成了名为反应停的药物。反应停也叫沙利度胺,主要成分是 -苯酞茂二酰亚。它最初是作为一种治疗感染的抗生素而被研发的,合成后发现它并无抗生素活性,却有镇静作用。但是,科学家们在研究它的时候,却忽视了那些可怕的副作用。In the year of 1953, a Swiss pharmaceutical factory called CIBA synthesis a drug named Thalidomide at the first time. Thalidomide was
4、 firstly synthesized as an kind of anti-infected antibiotics. As a result, it has no use in anti-infection but sedation. However, when scientists were working on it, they overlooked the fearsome side effects caused by the drug. And thus, the tragedy started. (5)1957 年,反应停作为镇静催眠剂上市。厂商吹嘘它没有任何副作用,不会上瘾,
5、胜过了市场上所有安眠药。同时由于能够有效地阻止女性怀孕早期的呕吐,一度受到广大怀孕妇女的欢迎。 “孕妇的理想选择”这句广告语便是当年反应停的写照。 In 1957, thalidomide was recommended to the pregnant mothers. By the company and launched in Canada and European countries like Germany, England. At that time regnant women often use it to relief dizziness and vomiting in the
6、morning. (供参考 Because it was announced without addictions and can effectively relief nausea and vomiting. Thalidomide became the most popular drug and an ideal choice for pregnant women.) (6)不久, “反应停”便风靡欧洲、亚洲、非洲、南美洲,广泛用于缓解妊娠带来的呕吐。No long after that, Thalidomide became the ideal choice of pregnant wo
7、men and was widely used in Europe , Asia , Africa , Australia and even South America. (7)在有些国家,购买反应停甚至不需要持有医师开据的处方。到 1969 年,仅仅在联邦德国就有超过 100 万人服用过反应停。此药的月销量一度达到 1 吨。In 1969, nearly one million people had used Thalidomide in Federal Republic of Germany. The drug sold out at the speed of 1 ton per mont
8、h. In some states of the country, patients could easily purchase it without prescription.(8)然而,辉煌的背后却藏有一只残酷的黑手。1959 年 12 月,西德儿科医生 Weidenbach首先报告了一例女婴的罕见畸形。1961 年 10 月,在原西德妇科学术会议上,有三名医生分别报告发现很多婴儿有类似的畸形。这些畸形婴儿没有臂和腿,手和脚直接连在身体上,很像海豹的肢体,故称为“海豹肢畸形儿“及“海豹胎“。此后,畸形胎在欧洲的的出现率迅速攀升,并与反应停这种药的销量成正比。造成海豹胎的罪魁祸首也正是反应停
9、。澳大利亚产科医生威廉麦克布里德在英国柳叶刀杂志上首次报告了“反应停”能导致婴儿畸形。刹时,反应停由宠儿变成了弃儿,药店纷纷停止销售,此药于 1962 年被迫撤出市场。However, great always accompany with shadows. In the December of 1959, a west Germany doctor reported a rare deformed baby. Then, in 1961, on an academic conference, any other doctors also reported this special defor
10、med babies named phocomelus. And the increasing number of phocomelus was correlated to the sales volume of Thalidomide. Suddenly, Thalidomide fells from heaven to hell. This star drugs career was ended in 1962.(9)从 1956 年进入市场至 1962 年停止出售,在反应停销售的 6 年内,超过过 30 个国家和地区累计报道了 10000 例以上的畸形儿。其中,在西德造成至少 6000
11、例畸形儿,在英国为 5000 例,日本也有 1000 例以上。甚至在我国台湾地区也报道了 69 例畸形儿。During 1956 to 1962, more than 30 countries and areas reported over 10,000 phocomelus at all. The drug caused at least 6,000 teratogenics babies. In West Germany, 5,500 phocomelus were born in England, 1,000 in Japan. Taiwan also got at least 69 p
12、hocomelus.(10)最终,这家瑞士制药公司为此付出了惨痛的代价。但是,全世界仍然有许多人在使用反应停。Finally, the pharmaceutical factory paid heavily, but many people still used Thalidomide.(11)反应停对人类和动物本体的毒性微乎其微,14 克的剂量也不会导致人的死亡。但是,它对胚胎的毒性作用极强,表现为 50-80%的致畸率。资料表明在妊娠期第 3-8 周使用此药的致畸率是惊人的 100%。此外,该药的致畸剂量为 1 毫克/千克。General toxicity of Thalidomide t
13、o humans and animals was at a low level, even taking 14 grams people will not die. But embryos are much sensitive with a high teratogenic rate of 50% to 80%. Use it during the 3rd week to the 8th week of pregnancy will inevitably cause teratogenic. The teratogenic dose to human embryos is 1 mg(milli
14、gram) per kg(kilogram).(12)就在“反应停”声名狼藉之际,一名以色列医生偶然发现“反应停”对麻风结节性红斑有很好的疗效。经过 34 年的慎重研究之后,1998 年,FDA 批准“反应停”作为治疗麻风结节性红斑的药物在美国上市。But the world is round, everything has two sides. A Israel doctor occasionally found that Thalidomide had great effect in treating Nodular erythema. After 34 years burdensome
15、thinking, Thalidomide was approval to back to the shelf for treating Nodular erythema by FDA in America.(13)英国科学家还发现反应停可能在治疗肺癌的领域中有较好的效果。早期的临床试验结果表明此药可以控制肿瘤血管的生长并给予肿瘤细胞免疫刺激。现在“反应停”已卷土重来,90被用于治疗癌症病人,在美国的销售额每年约两亿美元。卷土重来English scientists also find that it maybe effective to the treat of lung cancer. E
16、arly stage experiments for Thalidomide to treat Small cell lung cancer. Experts demonstrated that it can control the growth of tumors vessels and has immune stimulation to tumor cells. Now Thalidomide bounce back and was mianly used for cancer patients accompany with 200 million dollar per year.最后思考部分我没有翻译,枭你自己来吧!Anything flashed in your mind?