1、MILK-TOUFU奶豆腐,Its made of milk. Some taste a little bit sour and some taste kind of steet.,Milk-toufu,also called “Huruda胡乳达” in Mongolia.,BEAN CURD,TOUFU,BY: SUNNY,be interviewed by Liu An, the king of Huainan state #Liu An: the writer of 资治通鉴.,historical,good for our health,Toufu mixed with choppe
2、d green onion小葱拌豆腐,Uncongealed Toufu豆腐脑,Frozen Toufu冻豆腐,Janpanese Toufu,MAO-TOUFU毛豆腐,Mao-toufu is one of traditional Anhui dishes. With be fermented fment发酵 , it will be covered with white fluff 绒毛. Its a kind of popular snacks in Anhui,so you can find it easily.,MA-TOUFU麻豆腐,A kind of famous home cookings for old Beijingers. Material: mungs绿豆 White and a little grey and green Be made by the residuerezdju渣 of toufu which has been fermented fment发酵 .,YONG TOUFU酿豆腐,One of famous Guangzhou Hakka cuisinekwzin 客家菜. Smooth and delicous Material: meat and bean,Thank you.,