1、3-2 投资意向词汇预习Share my thoughts with you Foreign firmInvestment destination翻了两番投资热 全面对外开放沿海城市内地有利可图Im all ears to最大限度发挥有关双方的优势幅员辽阔税收 消费者市场 基础设施诱人的投资政策资金管理知识研究资料合资独资企业资金EnlighteningConsultant课文口译:您好,罗伯茨先生:Hi, Miss Chen. I have been thinking about something lately and Id like to share my thoughts with y
2、ou.A: 好呀,请说我很高兴能为您做些什么:In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into Chine, and the Pudong Area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destination. Today it is not a matter of
3、whether to go east, but when and how.: 你说的完全对海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多种缘由除了中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一这个原因外,中国政府和地方政府很重视全面对外开放,不仅开放沿海城市也开放内地,尽可能吸引外资另外,许多海外机构与个人投资者认为,在中国直接投资比中国公司做生意更有利可图:Im not sure if I understand the logic behind this preference. Im all ears to your explanation.A: 好的,基本情况是这样的,外国
4、直接在华投资可以最大限度地发挥有关双方的优势中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善,当然咯,我们还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策这些优势难以再其他国家找到而来自发达国家和地区的外国投资者则有充足的资金、先进的即使和管理知识与做进出口贸易生意相比,在华夏直接投资则有更高的经济回报B: Youre right . I have friends who are interested in direct investment in China . Do you have any idea about the best place in whic
5、h to invest?A:就我个人来说,我希望你们在上海的浦东地区投资。这倒不是因为浦东是我的家乡,而是因为浦东的确是投资者的理想场所。如果你或你的朋友有兴趣,我可以向你们提供许多研究资料。我也听说过许多关于在中国内地其他沿海城市进行投资而获得极大成功的例子。真的很难说哪一个地方为最佳。也许应该说某一时期的某一地点进行投资更好。B:My next question concerns the forms of investment that are allowed in China currently.A:投资方式很多,你可以同中方合资办企业,也可以独资办公司。B:What is the di
6、fference?A:投资兴办合资企业时,通常外方提供资金、机械设备、先进技术和管理方法,而中方则提供土地、劳动力以及部分用于基础设施建设的资金。至于独资企业嘛,外商提高所有资金,赚取所有利润,同时承担所有风险。你可以选择自己喜欢的方式经营独资公司,当然不可超越中国法律。B;Your explanation are very enlightening . If we should decide to invest in Shanghai, were like you to be our Chinese consultant. I hope you wont refuse our offer t
7、hen .A: 我深感荣幸。希望早日为您的投资尽力。参考译文:A:Hi, MrRoberts.B:您好,陈小姐。进来我一直思考一件事情,我想告诉你我的想法。A:Id like to hear them . And Ill be very happy if I can help you with anything .B:现在西方人都在谈论去东方投资。显然,越来越多的外国公司纷纷涌入中国而上海的浦东地区使人们投资的首选目的地之一,现在的问题不在于是否要去东方投资,而在于何时去投资为好,如何去投资为好。A:You are absolutely right . Overseas investment
8、in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years . There are many reasons for this rising investment boom . Apart from the fact that China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world , the Chinese central government and local governments focus a lot of their attention on
9、 opening the whole country up to the outside world , both the coastal cities and the countrys interior areas . They are doing all they can to attract foreign investment . On the other hand , many institutional and individual investors overseas find it more profitable to invest directly in China than
10、 just to do trade with Chinese companies.B:这种片爱的原因何在,我不太明白。请你解释一下,我愿闻其详。A:OK.Basically, direct foreign investment in China maximizes the strengths of both parties concerned . China has maissive land, abundant natural resources , huge cheap labor , low taxation , a growing consumer market , improving
11、 infrastructure and of course , a stable social and political environment with attractive investment policies . All these are rarely found elsewhere in the world . On the other hand , foreign investors from developed countries or areas have sufficient funds , advanced technology and managerial exper
12、ties . Direct investment in China will yield higher economic returns than import and export tradc .B:你说的有道理。我有些朋友有意在中国直接投资。 至于投资的最佳地点,你有何高见?A:Perdonally , I like you to invest in the Pudong Area of Shanghai . Not because its my hometown , but it really is an ideal place for investment . If you or yo
13、ur friends are interested , I have a lot of investment literature for you to study . I have slso heard of many very successful stories of foreign investment in Chinas inland areas and other coastal cities . Theres reslly no the best place . Its matter of a better place at a given time . B:接下来的一个问题是,
14、目前有哪些许可的投资形式?A:Among others you can invest in a joint venture with a Chinese partner, or establish a business independently , that is , set up a company solely funded and owned by a foreign investor .两者有何不同?B:With a joint venture , a foreign partner usually brings into the enterprise or business cap
15、ital funds , machinery , advanced technology and management , while the Chinese partner supplies land, labor and a portion of the funds for the infrastructure . The bushiness is then jointly run by both parties . As for the solely foreign-funded business , you provide all the funds and take all the
16、benefits , as well as all the funds and take all the benefits , as well as all the risks. You can run the company in whatever way you prefer , within the boundary of Chinese laws , of course.B:你的解释是我茅塞顿开。 如果我们决定在上海投资,我们想请你担任我们的中方顾问。希望你不要推辞。A:It is my honor. And I am looking forward to my early service .