1、,牛郎织女,the Cowboy and the Weaver Girl,相传天上有个织女星,还有一个牵牛星。织女和牵牛情投意合,心心相印。可是,天条律令是不允许男欢女爱、私自相恋的。织女是玉帝与瑶姬的女儿,王母便将牵牛贬下凡尘了,令织女不停地织云锦以作惩罚。 Since the morning glory was demoted after weaver, often in tears, bend the brows Miss morning glory. She sat near the loomstop weave beautiful brocade with a view to win
2、 the great compassion, let the morning glory early return to heaven.,They can barely live from hand to mouth. But, except for the dumb ox and outside, deserted house only when a person, live a quite lonely.,一两年后,他们营造成一个小小的家,勉强可以糊口度日。 可是,除了那只不会说话的老牛而外,冷清清的家只有牛郎一个人,日子过得相当寂寞。 牛郎并不知道,那条老牛原是天上的金牛星。,She s
3、aw the scene, also a little for the faithful love touched, theyagreed to let the Cowherd and the children left in the sky, every July 7th, let them meet again. Cowboy Weaver meet in July 7th, numerous groups of magpies flying bridge for them. On thebridge, the reunion! Vega and Altair is relative, cuddled their children, there are countless words to say, there are endless love to talk to!,Thank you!,