1、翻译技巧句子结构的转换等,英汉翻译技巧句子结构的转换,在翻译较复杂的长句时我们要用到多种翻译技巧,有时通过词的引申、词性的转换或句子成分的转换还是不能确切表达原文的含义,这时就要突破原文的形式,改变句子的整个结构,使之既忠实于原文的意义又符合汉语的表达习惯。 一、成分分译法即把原文中较长的句子成分,或不易安排的句子成分分出来另作处理,一般译为汉语短语或独立句。如:,The very short wavelengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves can do. 超声波的波长极短,其功能与普
2、通声波相比大不相同。(主语分译) It is common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth. 众所周知,重量是地球作用在物体上的引力。 A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar came in. 进来一个瘸腿乞丐,他身材短小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,满脸短髭。(定语分译) Illogically, she had expected some kind of miracle solution. 她期待着会有某些奇迹般的解决方法,这是不合情理的事。(状
3、语分译),二、句子变换法,主要包括几下几种方法: (1) 把原文中的两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单句,如:His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨做小生意。 (2) 把原文中的主从复合句( complex sentence)译成单句。如:One must study hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 必须勤学苦练
4、,才能精通一种外国语。,(3)把定语从句译成状语从句。如:The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wished especially to talk to or to hear from. 大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特地想和这些人谈谈,听听他们的意见。(表原因) He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for. 他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。(表让步) There was something original, independ
5、ent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them 这方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有气势,所以他们都很喜欢。(表结果),A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night. 因为猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜里能看得很清楚。 The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an
6、 electronic brain. 由于电子计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常称作电脑。 They have come desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families. 人们极其迫切地要求工作,不管什么工作,只要它能维持一家人的生活就行。 One will surely succeed who perseveres to the end. 只要坚持到底,就必定获得成功。,汉英翻译技巧-主从结构中的译者主体性,英汉语言之间的差异突出地表现在表达形式上。英语重形合( hypotaxis)
7、,汉语重意合( parataxis);可把汉语句子比作线性的竹式结构,并列结构居多;还可把英语句子比作树式结构,主从结构很多。由于汉语依靠意合,句子之间往往不是靠连接词,而是通过语义逻辑关系相连,这样就留下了一定的未定性或空白点,不同的译者可能会对原文的逻辑关系有不同的阐释,在翻译时会发挥各自的主体性,从而做出各种不同的选择。,【例1】中国执行改革开放政策,争取在50到70年间内发展起来。 译文1: China pursues a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, striving to become developed wi
8、thin a 50-70 year period. 译文2: China is carrying out the policies of reform and will strive to become developed in 50-70 years. 译文3: By pursuing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed within a 50-70 year period. 原中文的两个分句之间无连接词,形式上看似处于并列地位。译者可发挥其主体性
9、对原文进行阐释:如果译者认为“执行改革开放政策”是重点,可采用译文1的办法将其置于主句中;如译者认为“争取发展起来”是重点,可采用译文3的办法将其置于主句中;如译者认为前后两者同样重要,也可采用译文2的并列句办法。鉴于汉语本身的模糊性,这三种处理办法都是可取的。,【例2】(我们要靠自己摆脱贫困)主要靠自己,同时不要闭关自守。 译文1: We should mainly rely on our own efforts while we should not close our doors to international exchanges. 译文2: While relying on our
10、efforts, we should not close our doors.原汉语的两个分句从结构上看是并列的,因此译文l可使用并列结构。添加的连接词while相当于whereas,是并列连接词,与原中文结构合拍。译文2的连接词while相当于when,是主从连接词,于是语义重心便落在we should not close our doors上了。从下文的语义上来看,说话人想传递的主要信息有可能是“不要闭关自守”,因此译文2也有其道理。,【例3】这项工作要加强规划和政策引导,尊重农民意愿。This work requires good planning and sensible guidan
11、ce of the farmers with our policies, though their wishes should also be respected. “尊重农民意愿”与前面一句在形式上是并列的,现译者主观地认为加强规划和政策引导是主要的,尊重农民意愿是第二位的,两者之间有主次关系,因此在英译中使用连接词though来体现这种主次关系。但如译者认为两者应该并列,也可改用and来连接。,【例4】二十多年来,我们大胆探索,勇于实践,不断推进经济体制改革、政治体制改革和其他方面的改革,极大地解放和发展了我国社会生产力,推动我国经济发展和社会进步发生了巨大变化。 译文1: Over th
12、e past twenty-plus years, we have made bold explorations and practice and pushed forward the reforms in economic and political structures and other areas and greatly released and developed the countrys social productive forces, bringing about tremendous changes in the national economic development a
13、nd social progress. 译文2: Over the past twenty-plus years, we have, through bold explorations and practice, pushed forward reforms in the economic and political structures and other areas, which has greatly released and developed the countrys social productive forces, bringing about tremendous change
14、s in the national economic development and social progress.,译文1认为“大胆探索,勇于实践,不断推进经济体制改革、政治体制改革和其他方面的改革,”和“极大地解放和发展了我国社会生产力”是并列关系,用and连接并列谓语来处理。译文2认为“大胆探索,勇于实践,不断推进经济体制改革、政治体制改革和其他方面的改革,”和“极大地解放和发展了我国社会生产力”是因果关系,故处理为从句来体现层次的不同。两种译文都可接受。不过,译文2避免了译文1 中出现的过多的and(7个),似乎更顺畅。,虽然译者可以发挥一定的主体性,但也受到很大的局限性。有时根据上
15、下文,使用某一种句型更好,这时译者应主动顺应上下文的要求使用这种句型,而不应过度发挥自己的主体性。请看以下几例: 【例5】我们完全有决心、有能力最终解决台湾问题。With full determination, We are capable of finding a final solution to the Taiwan question.“有决心”、“有能力”处于并列地位,通常可译为We have the determination and the ability to.。但真正令对方忧虑的不是我们的决心,而是我们的能力。所以译文将are capable of置于主干结构,将with fu
16、ll determination置于从属修饰的地位,在结构上更突显了are capable of。,【例6】只有这样,才会明了发展问题既是发展中国家自己的责任,也是发达国家的责任。 译文1: Only thus will we recognize that the issue of development is the responsibility of developed countries and developing countries. 译文2: Only thus will we recognize that the issue of development is the respo
17、nsibility of developed countries as well as developing countries.从形式上看“发展中国家自己的责任”与“发达国家的责任”这两个词组似乎是并列的,但从语义上看,重点在后者,意在批评发达国家没有对全球的发展做出应有的贡献。译文1使用并列连接词and,难以达到预期效果。译文2采用 as well as重点突出developed countries,成功地传递了原文的语义。另一种突出developed countries的译法是:Only thus will we recognize that it is the responsibili
18、ty not just of the developing countries but also of the developed countries.,【例7】1997年粮食产量达到49250万吨,比五年前增加5000万吨,粮食生产上了一个新的台阶。 译文 1: In 1997 Chinas total grain output reached 492. 5 million tons; this is an increase of 50 million tons over that of 1992, and it represents a new stage in grain product
19、ion. 译文2: In 1997 Chinas total grain output reached 492.5 million tons, an increase of 50 million tons over that of 1992,representing a new stage in grain production.原中文由三个形式并列的分句组成,译文1也采用三个并列分句,显得太呆板。译文2将第一句处理为主句,随即用同位结构与分词结构加以补充说明,句型显得灵活多变。,替代与重复,(1)替代与重复英语与汉语的一个重要差异是:英语中除了修辞需要外,很少重复同一个词或结构,而在汉语中重
20、复现象比比皆是。英语中往往使用代词、同义词、近义词以及代替句型等来替代前文出现过的词语和结构,而汉语则倾向于使用相同的词语或结构呼应前文出现过的词语或结构。句子层面如此,段落层面同样如此。因此,在英汉互译时必须特别注意这一点。英语中的替代结构主要有代词,替代代词so,替代动词do等。英语往往用代词来替代前文刚出现过的名词,而汉语则更习惯于重复名词。英语中的代动词及代动词词组,如do,do so, do it等,往往用重复法译成汉语的动词。另外,英语中的替代句型,如if so, so+ do+主语等,也通常用重复法译成汉语。例如:,1) He hated failure; he had conq
21、uered it all his life, risen above it,despised it in others.他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。 2) Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。 3) Despite the economic importance of livestock operations to Canada, relatively few studies have examined how they could be impacted by climate c
22、hange.家畜业对加拿大经济举足轻重,但是,有关气候变化对家畜业影响的研究却相对不足。 4) We all know that dogs and cats do not have histories, while human beings do众所周知,狗和猫没有历史,而人类则有。,5) “by the way,” he added, “have you any free time this afternoon? If so, why dont you have tea in the lighthouse?” “顺便问一下,”他接着说道,“你今天下午有空吗?如果有空,为什么不去灯塔里喝杯茶呢
23、?” 6) For example, large numbers of chicken deaths are commonly reported in the United States during heat waves. Heat stress also adversely affects milk production, meat quality and dairy cow reproduction. 例如,热浪来袭时,美国经常有大批小鸡死亡的报道。热浪对牛奶生产、肉制品质量以及奶牛繁殖也很不利。英语出现了“heat wave”和“heat stress”两种表达方法,但译成汉语则都使用
24、“热浪”一词。,反之,汉语的句子各语篇中重复的词语和结构译成英语时则往往需要用代词等其他词语或结构来替代。例如:7)独自享乐是一种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快。Happiness enjoyed alone is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted privately.8)钢琴呢?钢琴怎么不见了?抓小偷!有人把钢琴给偷走了。三弦兄,是不是有人把钢琴给偷走了?Where is the piano? How come its gone? Stop thief! The piano has been stolen. Sanxian, has it been stolen?,
25、10)五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,又是反封建主义的运动。五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态,这就是彻底地不妥协地反帝国主义和彻底地不妥协地反封建主义。五四运动之所以有这种性质,是在当时中国的资本主义经济已有进一步的发展,因而发生了中国民族解放的希望。五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。五四运动是当时无产阶级革命的一部分。译文:The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well as an anti-feudal movement. Its outstanding hist
26、orical significance is to be seen in a feature which was absent from the Revolution of 1911, namely, its thorough and uncompromising opposition to imperialism as well as to feudalism. The May 4th Movement possessed this quality because capitalism had developed a step further in China. and because ne
27、w hopes had risen for the liberation of the Chinese nation. The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution and of Lenin. It was part of the world proletarian revolution of the time.,说明:汉语原文中“五四运动”重复了五遍,而英语译文中只用了三次,其余两次分别用Its和it所替代;第一句中重复的“运动”和第二句中重复的“彻底地不妥协地”两个词语均为as well as所替代;而第四句的后两个“号召之下”则干脆省略了。本例较典型地反映了汉英语篇的这个差异。,