1、Unit 5,2014.10,Business English: A Reading Course,Background information,有人说:你不理财,财不理你。 如何理财?有人投资停车场、农场牲畜、金币:价值可能降低,但较稳妥保险; 专业人士建议,考虑“钱生钱”:购买债券、债券型基金和货币市场基金、黄金、艺术品、房地产、纪念币和邮票等,要善于管理,确保它们产出利润;关注私人不动产抵押贷款和汽车保险,以避免不必要的损失;善于利用打折信息,减少货币支出;网上购物等。,Warm-up Questions,1. At the time of the worldwide economic
2、recession, financial management becomes more necessary than ever before. Have you ever thought of how to keep more cash when we are losing money every day? 2. With the gyrations in the financial markets, what can investors do to seek refuge from the financial storm?,Business English: A Reading Cours
3、e,Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Business English Reading,Basic reading skills:1) Skimming 略读: 2) Skipping 跳读:skimming_and_scanning.doc3) Guessing the new words 猜测生词:,Business English: A Reading Course,Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Business English Read
4、ing,Questions:1. What is word formation?2. What are the word formations we often use? Unit 5: Affixation; Compounding; Unit 6: Conversion; Blending; Shortening; Unit 7: Onomatopoeia; Back formation; Formation of nonce words; Loan word; Coinage,Business English: A Reading Course,Reading Skills: Intro
5、duce the Basic Information about Business English Reading,1. Affixation:前缀法Prefixation: 加前缀Suffixation: 加后缀2. Compounding: 合成法Compound Nouns: 复合名词Compound Adjectives: 复合形容词Compound Verbs: 复合动词Compound Adverbs: 复合副词Compound Pronouns: 复合代词,Business English: A Reading Course,Unit 5,Reading Skills: Intr
6、oduce the Basic Information about Business English Reading,3. Conversion: 转化法/ Zero derivation零位派生e.g. doctor 医生n. to doctor伪造v. 4. Blending: 混合法/拼缀法1)前词首部+后词尾部: telecast=television + broadcast 电视广播2)前词全部+后词尾部: workaholic=work + alcoholic 工作狂3)前词首部+后词全部: heliport=helicopter + port首都机场4)前词首部+后词首部: in
7、terpol=international + police国际警察 5. Shortening: 缩略法1) clipped words 缩略词a. front clipping 截头telephone phoneb. back clipping 去尾 corporation corpc. front 2) acronym 首字母缩略词WHO World Health Organization,Business English: A Reading Course,Unit 6,Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Busin
8、ess English Reading,6. Onomatopoeia拟声词构词法: 1) 直接: 音与义基本吻合,能直接产生音义之间的互相联想,使用频率高。 A.模仿动物的声音: grunt猪; croak青蛙; hiss蛇 B.模仿物体的声音: rustle树叶沙沙声; hubble-bubble冒泡声沸腾声 C.模仿人的声音: giggle咯咯地笑; sneeze打喷嚏; snigger吃吃地笑 2) 间接: 非直接模拟事物的发声,但它们特别适合表达某种意义,能象征某种概念或意境,引起人们联想。如m是低沉的鼻音,它象征任何低沉声,如murmur, mutter, mumble都表示嘟哝声
9、; hum表示蜜蜂的嗡嗡声, moan表示哀吟。 7. Back formation逆向构词法: 去掉名词后缀构成动词,如:typewrite typewriter; sightsee sightseeing; televise television,Business English: A Reading Course,Unit 7,Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Business English Reading,8. Formation of nonce words: 杜撰式构词法杜撰词,又称臆造词、临时语,是为了特
10、定场合的需要而临时造的词。1) 变形法:利用谐音来改变词的书写形式,达到以错字引人注意的效果。如: Car Care Kar Care (汽车保养);Cream Clean Kream Klean (洗洁膏) 2) 增字法:增添字母或词缀,使词义延伸或变更。如:Good Goooooood (太好了);Literature Litterature (垃圾文学)。3) 减字法:保留原词的发音,舍去不发音的字母或字母组合;语音拼写词。如:Day Have a nice trip, bye-bye! Have a nice trip, buy-buy! 6) 仿化法:仿照原有的同类词而创造出对应词或
11、近似词。如:Watergate Oilgate, Debategate, Monicagate;landscape cityscape, riverscape, moonscape等。,Business English: A Reading Course,Unit 7,Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Business English Reading,9. Loan word外来词构词法: 如:karoshi (日语) :过劳死;westpolitik(德语) :东欧国家的西方政策等。 10. Coinage创新式构词法
12、 : 如:1) 政治领域:Ground Zero世贸废墟, the global coalition against terror全球反恐联盟 political pluralism政治多元化, bushism布什执行的强硬政策等。2) 经济领域:G-7 nations 7国集团, cyclic/bubble economy循环经济, bubble economy泡沫经济, kick-start重新振兴3) 科学领域:domain name域名, remote log-in远程录入, netiquette网络礼仪, virtual community虚拟社区, roaming漫游, pater
13、nity test,亲子鉴定 liposuction脂肪抽吸术等。4) 文化生活领域:Multiculturalism多元文化, headhunter猎头公司, internot逃网一族等。,Business English: A Reading Course,Unit 7,Text A: Ways to Keep More Cash,Notes on the Text:1. Bureau of the Public Debt: 公共债务局, 成立于1940年6月30日,其主要职责是筹措联邦政府所需的款项,核算公共债务,发行和回购国库券,执行债务管理政策。比如:出售国库券和债券、向投资者支付利
14、息、归还贷款、赎回投资者的证券等。此外,它还通过行政资源中心向各联邦政府实体提供无偿的行政、财务管理和信息技术等服务。 2. Series EE Bonds: 一种固定利率的系列电子储蓄债券。该债券没有对通货膨胀的调节。 3. Series I Bonds: 一种低风险、具有对通货膨胀的调节的储蓄产品。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text A,Notes on the Text: 4. payroll deduction: 从雇员薪水中扣缴。 5. Vanguard: 美国先锋基金管理公司,于1974年约翰鲍格尔(John Bogle)创立,其前身威
15、灵顿基金则早在1929年就诞生了。在不长的时间里面公司已经在基金行业里占有突出的地位,是世界上第二大基金管理公司。 6. eBay: 亿贝电子商务公司的门户网站,世界上最大的网上交易平台。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B: When Stocks Tank, Some Investors Stampede to Alpacas,Questions1. What are Mr. Boykins opinions on real-estate investment and fund investment? 2. According to the
16、text, what are alternative investments?3. What does “Holding them in your hand is like no other feeling” mean?,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on the Text: 1. Andy Pick, a 49-year-old stay-at-home father at Atlanta, recently bypassed the stock market for liquid assets $120,000 in cha
17、mpagnes. 现年49岁、家住亚特兰大的家庭主夫安迪皮克最近避开股市,转向流动资产在香槟酒上投资了12万美元。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on the Text: 2. Its sure beats looking at a Merrill Lynch monthly statement,” he says, adding, “The worst thing that could happen is that I drink all of it.” 他还说:“这笔投资肯定比看美林证券的月度报告要好,可能发生的最糟糕的情况
18、就是我要把这些酒喝光。” Merrill Lynch:美林证券,成立于1885年,总部位于美国纽约市,是世界知名投资银行,主要从事为各类企业、政府机构及个人投资者提供投资、融资、咨询及财务顾问的服务,在2008年被收购。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on the Text: 3. Investors have long turned to hard assets in market downturns, the idea being that if you invest in something real, it wont d
19、isappear, even if its value declines. 市场不景气的时候,投资者们常常会转而投资硬资产,因为如果你投资看得见、摸得着的实物,就算其价值下滑,东西也不会消失。hard assets:硬资产是指切实存在的、具有一定耐久性的、不易消灭的、受自然周期或经济周期影响较少的资产种类。硬资产这个概念是与软资产(Soft Assets)和纸面资产(Paper Assets)相对的,软资产一般耐久性比较弱,而纸面资产一般指证券或现金,是虚拟资产,并不切实存在。 目前,投资界一般认为以下资产属于硬资产:贵金属;基本金属(包括黑色金属和有色金属);能源(主要是指化石能源);房地产
20、;森林产品(主要是指木材)。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on the Text: 4. IRAs: Individual Retirement Accounts, 个人退休金账户。它是美国商业银行1974年为没有参加“职工退休计划”的工人创设的一种新型储蓄存款账户。按照规定,只要工资收入者每年在银行存入2000美元,其存款利率就可以不受Q字条例的限制,且可暂时享受免税优惠,直到存户退休以后,再按其支取的金额计算所得税。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on th
21、e Text: 5. Last month, a record 14,000 bidders17% more than the previous highturned out for a coin-and-currency auction in Long Beach, Calif., that generated $35 million in sales. 上个月,14000名竞标者参加了加州长滩的一个钱币拍卖会,这一人数较此前记录多出了17%; 此次拍卖会销售金额高达3500万美元。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text B,Notes on the
22、 Text: 6. “Theres kind of a buying frenzy” in vintage comic books, he says. 他说,老漫画书也遭遇了“收购狂热”。,Business English: A Reading Course,Keys to Exercises,I. F F T T T II. A D B A C III. 1. 私人不动产抵押贷款保险 2. 首期付款 3. 估定价值 4. 私家旧货出售 5. 夫妻共同申报所得税的申报书 6. 你银行账户里的钱是不是消耗得比以前更快了?甚至财务报表都感觉到了压力。 7. 市政债券的利息免缴联邦所得税,并且经常在
23、所发行的州内免缴州所得税。 8. 在你工作或寻找工作时,如果你雇人照顾13岁以下的孩子,或者生活不能自理的人,如年迈的父母等,则符合税收抵免的条件。,Business English: A Reading Course,Text A,Text B,I. Discuss 1. Mr. Boykin is very confident in real estate investment. He believes real estate investment can bring more profits. 2. Alternative investments refer to investment
24、in real estate, parking space, exotic livestock, etc. instead of stocks and bonds. 3. The feeling of having gold coins is exhilarating beyond description.,Business English: A Reading Course,Keys to Exercises,Text B,II. 1. nest egg 2. is indicative of 3. turn to 4. rent out 5. in great demand 6. on t
25、rack,Business English: A Reading Course,Keys to Exercises,Text B,III. Translation 1. 考虑到金融市场的动荡,一些投资者开始摒弃股票和债券,转而在另类投资中寻求避风港,比如停车位或秘鲁的公寓。 2. 但是分析师说,这次的低迷不同于以往之处在于:房地产最传统的安全避风港也下滑了。据S&P/Case-Shiller 20城市综合房价指数,2006年7月至今年7月之间,房价跌了19.5%。 3. 金币也面临着巨大需求。由于需求飙升导致供不应求,上周美国造币局停止销售24K“美国水牛”金币。,Business Engli
26、sh: A Reading Course,Keys to Exercises,1. Try to remember new words and expressions in Unit 5; 2. Make a summary for Part IV Supplementary Reading with no more than 50 words; 3. Finish Part V Test Yourself on P61, five minutes for each passage. 4. Preview new words and expressions in Unit 6.,Business English: A Reading Course,Assignment,