1、西南政法大学2012年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:1001英语(100分) 共9页考生注意:请在答题纸上答题,在试题上答题不给分。试题和答题纸同时交回,否则成绩无效。PartIVocabulary(10points)Beneath each sentencethere are fourwordsorphrases markedA,B, CandD. Chooseonewordorphrasethatbestcompletesthesentence.1.You must bevery careful. Thework _ precision.A. retails B. repel
2、s C. retains D. entails2.His _words reached theeffect hewanted and peoplegave money to help him.A. elegant B. eloquent C. evil D. Excessive3.The farmers received a_from thegovernment to grow hiscrop.A. subsidy B. subsidiary C. subordinate D. successor4.To_therisk of theft, install agood alarm system
3、.A. decrease B. minimize C. limit D. eliminate5.Idonot have thekey, soI haveto use _to openthislocked door.A. strength B. vigor C. energy D. force6.The scene is sobeautiful that it_my power ofdescription.A. ascends B. descends C. transcends D. overtakes7.Ive heard that you are going to_the bosss job
4、when sheretires.A. put upwith B. put infor C. put outto D. put in on8.The _wind inthis area isfrom thenortheast.A. prevailing B. controlling C. reigning D. persisting9.Working far away from his home, hehad to_from Oxford toLondon every day.A. commute B. wander C. ramble D. motion10.Lacking _politica
5、lgoals,thetwo parties quarreled.A. intricate B. coherent C. intrinsic D. distinct11. The mental commodity most in demand will be practical wisdom rather than specialized_.A. experiment B. expertise C. witness D. cleverness12.If you get into abath full ofwater, someof thewater will _ontothe floor.A.
6、overlap B. overflow C. flourish D. flutter.13.If she_her efforts, shewillsucceed.A. goes on B. retains C. holds into D. maintains14.Whether theirfootball team will win isa matterof_to me.A. indifference B. discrimination C. deviation D. interests15. This article opens and closes with descriptions of
7、 two news reports, each making onemajorpoint _theother.A. in honorof B. in accordance withC. incontrast with D. in agreement with16.Imust leave now. _ ifyou want that bookIwillbring ittomorrow.A. Occasionally B. AccidentallyC. Incidentally D. Subsequently17.Myson always likes toplay inthe _oftreein
8、summer.A. shadow B. shade C. darkness D. obscurity18.The _inindustry resulted ina lotof unemployment.A. recipe B. recession C. prosperity D. recognition19.Her speech was _and caused alot ofangry commentA. prospective B. prone C.provocative D. promising20.Father gave us_consent to taketheapples forhe
9、 smiled when he sawus doit.A. explicit B. implicit C. ambiguous D. negativePartIIReadingComprehension(20points)In this part, there are five passages followed by twenty questions or unfinishedstatements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the onethatyouthinkisthebestanswer.
10、Passage1For tens of thousands of profoundly deaf adults and children worldwide, cochleaimplants have provided a useful substitute for natural hearing. These devices electricallystimulate the auditory nerve within the cochlea, enabling many users to carry on aconversationwithoutvisualcues,suchasovert
11、hetelephone.Butforthepatientswhosenerveendings have degenerated or whose auditory nerves have been destroyed, the only hope forrestoring hearing is to access later stages of the auditory system. Now California researchersare gearing up to do just that, going beyond cochlea implants with a device tha
12、t will plugdirectly intothebrain.At the Huntington Medical Research Institutes (HMRI) in Pasadena, Calif., neuro-physiologist Douglas McCreey shows off a cat that is already using the new device. Like acochlea implant, it consists of an external speech processor and a receiver implanted underthescal
13、p. But thewires from thereceiverbypass thecochlea andinstead travel all theway tothe brain stem. They end in an array of six iridium microelectrodes that penetrate the ventralcochleanucleus,oneoftheauditorycentersthatnormallyreceiveinputfromthecochlea.Theimplant is not meant to enable McCreeys cat t
14、o hear _ its natural hearing is in fact stillintact. Rather McCreey records the neural signals the implant produces and finds that thesignalsconveythefrequencycodedinformationsppropriateforthecomprehensionofspeech.In its current form the brain stem implant features an array of eight flat electricalc
15、ontacts that are simply placed against the surface of the brain stem near the ventral cochleanucleus. The recipients of these devices-about 150 people globally-get enough auditoryinformationtoimprovetheirlip-readingskillsandtoperceiveenvironmentalsounds,buttheyrarely attain good speech comprehension
16、 in theabsence ofvisual cues.21.What does thepassage mainly discuss?A. Cochlea implants. B. Reasons ofdeaf.C. Anew auditory remedy. D. Structure ofthe auditorysystem.22.Whats thegoal of Californiaresearchers mentioned in thefirst paragraph?A. To find a newmethod of cochlear implant.B. To stimulateth
17、eauditory nerve withinthe cochlear.C. To studycats cochlea.D. To access laterstages oftheauditory system.23.Whydoes Douglas McCreery showoff a cat?A.Toadvocate peopleto protect animals.B.To cure thecatShearing loss.C.To carryout cochlearimplant onthecat.D. Togive adisplay ofthe newdevice.Passage2How
18、 fast is your personal computer? When people ask this question, they are typicallyreferring to the frequency of a minuscule clock inside the computer, a crystal oscillator thatsets the basic rhythm used throughout the machine. In a computer with a speed of onegigahertz (千兆赫), for example, the crysta
19、l “ticks” a billion times a second. Every action ofthe computer takes place in tiny steps, each a billionth of a second long. A simple transfer ofdata may take only one step; complex calculations may take many steps. All operations,however,mustbegin and end according to theclocks timingsignals.Becau
20、semostmoderncomputersuseasinglerhythm,wecallthemsynchronous.Insidethe computers microprocessor chip, a clock distribution system delivers the timing signalsfrom the crystal oscillator to the various circuits, just as sound in air delivers the beat of adrum to soldiers to set their marching pace. Bec
21、ause all parts of the chip share the samerhythm, the output of any circuit from one step can serve as the input to any other circuit forthenextstep.Thesynchronizationprovidedbytheclockhelpschipdesignersplansequencesofactions forthecomputer.The use of a cental clock also creates problems. As speeds h
22、ave increased, distributingthe timing signals has become more and more difficult. Present-day transistors can processdatasoquicklythattheycanaccomplishseveralstepsinthetimethatittakesawiretocarryasignal from one side of the chip to the other. Keeping the rhythm identical in all parts of alarge chip
23、requires careful design and a great deal of electrical power. Wouldnt it be nice tohave an alternative?Our research group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories seeks such alternatives. Alongwithseveralothergroupsworldwide, weareinvestigatingways todesigncomputingsystemsinwhicheachpartcanproceedatitsownpa
24、ceinsteadofdependingontherhythmofacentralclock. Wecallsuch systems asynchronous. Each part ofan asynchronous system mayextendorshorten thetimingof itssteps when walking across rough terrain.24.What determines therhythm ofthepersonal computer?A. An alarming clock. B.Acrystal oscillator.C. Complex cal
25、culations. D. The clocks timing signals.25.Whydoes theauthormention sound in airin thesecondparagraph?A. To illustratethetimingsignals are delivered ina similarway sound travels in air.B. To showus that timing signalsspeed can be as fast as that ofsound.C. Because thewave oftimingsignals is similar
26、tothe sound wave.D. Because sound is delivered bytimingsignals.26.WhichofthefollowingisNOTmentionedasadisadvantageoftheuseofacentralclock?A. Distributing thetiming signalsis moredifficult when speeds are higher.B. It has to take awireto carry asignal from one sideofthechip to theother.C. Careful des
27、ign isnecessaryto keep the rhythm identical in all parts ofa largechip.D. Agreat deal ofelectrical poweris required to awhole chip synchronous.27.The word “alternative” means _.A. method B. substitute C. answer D.machine28.Wecan infer from thearticle that _.A.thestructureofanasynchronoussystemisdiff
28、erentfromthatofasynchronoussystemB. thecentral clock sets the rhythm ofparts ofan asynchronous systemC. each part of anasynchronous system can change therhythm ofthecentral clockD. searching for a better replacement for the synchronous system is an internationalProblemPassage3A snowfall consists of
29、myriads of minute ice crystals that fall to the ground in the formof frozen precipitation. The formation of snow begins with these ice crystals in thesubfreezing strata of the middle and upper atmosphere when there is an adequate supply ofmoisture present. At the core of every ice crystal is a minus
30、cule nucleus, a solid particle ofmatter around which moisture condenses and freezes. Liquid water droplets floating in theupper atmosphere and free ice crystals cannot coexist within the same cloud, since the vaporpressureoficeislessthanthatofwater.Thisenablestheicecrystalstorobtheliquiddropletsof t
31、heir moisture and grow continuously. The process can be very rapid, quickly creatingsizableice crystals, someof which adhere to each other to create a cluster of ice crystals or asnowflake. Simple flakes possess a variety of beautiful forms, usually hexagonal, though thesymmetrical shapes reproduced
32、 in most microscope photography of snowflakes are notusuallyfoundinactualsnowfalls.Typically,snowflakesinactualsnowfallsconsistofbrokenfragments and clusters ofadhering ice crystals.For a snowfall to continue, once it starts, there must be a constant inflow of moisture tosupply the nuclei. This mois
33、ture is supplied by the passage of an airstream over a watersurface and its subsequent lifting to higher regions of the atmosphere. The Pacific Ocean isthe source of moisture for most snowfalls west of the Rocky Mountains, while the Gulf ofMexico and the Atlantic Ocean feed water vapor into the air
34、currents over the central andeastern sections of the United States. Other geographical features also can be the source ofmoisture for some snowstorms. For example, areas adjacent to the Great Lakes experiencetheir own unique lake-effect storm, employing a variation of the process on a local scale. I
35、naddition, mountainous sections or rising terrain can initiate snowfalls by the geographicallifting ofamoist airstream.29.What isat thecenter ofan icecrystal?A. Asmall snowflake B. Anucleus.C. Adrop of water D. A hexagon.30.Which ofthefollowing statements is NOT true?A. Aminuscule nucleus is akind o
36、fsolid particleof matter.B. Thefree icecrystals can grow continuously.C.Inactualsnowfalls,wecanusuallyfindthatsimpleflakespossesssymmetricalshapes.D. For a snowstorm,there must bean adequate source ofmoisture.31.If asnowfall continues sometimesince it begins, wecan conclude that _.A. there is plenty
37、 ofmoistureB. theremust be asource ofwater nearby and thetemperature will fallC. thesnowflake consistsof broken fragments and clusters of adhering ice crystalsD. there are airstreams motions from over water surface tohigher regions32.How dolake-effect snowstorms form?A. Watertemperatures drop below
38、freezing.B. Moisturerises from alakeinto airstreams.C.Large quantities ofwet air come-offa nearby mountain.D. Millionsof icecrystals form onthesurface ofa large lake.Passage4If you want to see the future of broadband communications, look to the stars. Theheavens could soon be filled with more than 4
39、00 satellites providing internet users with lowcost, direct-to-the-home connections that are hundreds of times faster than todays dial-upmoderns.Withunobstructedviewsofvirtuallytheentireworld,satellitesarepoisedtodeliverinteractive broadband services in ways even advanced ground-based networks will
40、behard-pressed to match.Thenewbreedofsatelliteswillactaspowerfulsignalrepeatersinthesky, receivingandresending radio transmissionsfrom ground-based antennas. Costing far less perunit capacitythan most satellites now in service, they will employ new digital technologies that willimprovethecapacity, r
41、eliabilityandsecurityofdatacommunications.Moreover,becausethesystems will operate at extremely high radio frequencies, they will use narrow radio beamscapable of communicating with ultra small antennas that can be easily mounted on mosthomes.Two types of satellite systems have been proposed. Geostat
42、ionary satellites will orbit36,000 kilometers (22, 000miles) above the equator at the same speed as the earths rotationand thus appear from the ground to be stationary. They will communicate with fixedorientationdishantennasattachedtocustomers,homesanduseadvancedsignalprocessingtocompensate for tran
43、smission delays caused by the great distances their radio signals musttravel. Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, in contrast, will circle the globe once every twohours at altitudes under 1,500 kilometers, reducing the time needed to beam signals to andfrom the earths surface. But they will require so
44、phisticated subscriber antennas able to trackand communicatewith thefast-moving LEOsatellites.Both types of satellites will avoid many of the complications that plague ground-basednetworks. Specific advantages includethefollowing.The dirty little secret of broadband is that the technical limitations
45、 of ground-basednetworks will severely restrict availability. Digital subscriber line (DSL) signals decay onlongtelephonelinesoronthoseofpoorquality.Localmultipointdistributionservice(LMDS)signals cannot penetrate leafy trees, buildings or other obstructions. Cable performancedeteriorates if too man
46、y households in a neighborhood log on at the same time.Fiber-to-the-homeissocostlyasaretrofitthatisusuallyconsideredeconomicallyviableonlyfor new housing construction. For up to one third of the population in the U. S. and an evengreater portion worldwide, satellite technology will not simply be d c
47、hoice, it will be thechoice.33.Which ofthefollowing is nottrue according to thepassage?A. Satellites willmake theaccess tothe Internet cheaper and moreconvenient.B. Satellitescost less than todayS dial-up modems.C. Satellites will be superior to ground-based networks to deliver interactive broad-ban
48、dservices.D. Ground, based antennas can send radio transmissions.34. All Of the following is mentioned as the new type of satellites is described EXCEPT_.C. thesystems ofthem willwork at extremely high radio frequenciesD. their signals can beeasily mounted onmosthomes35.Whydoes ageostationary satell
49、iteappearto beimmobile?A. Because it is fixed all thetime.B. Because itsorbit speed is thesameas theearths rotation.C. Because itspositionis above theequator.D. Because it can communicate withfixed-orientation dish antennas.36.What advantage does thelast paragraph intend to focus on?A. Satellites can improvetheavailability oftheInternet.B. To transmit theDSLsignals without delay.C.theirsignals can penet