1、商务英语121302 宋迎迎 赵文婷 陈继乾 孙佳敏 陈浩,Welcome,Contents,Background Introduction Characters Context,创作背景,当William Denby Hanna和Joseph Roland Barbera制作出这一对活宝的时候,他们大概没有想到他们的贡献有多大。这一对天生的冤家从诞生开始就注定了他们是给世界带来欢笑的。假如你是早晨九点钟就爬起来等待收看动画片的那一代人,那么你必定对我所说的话产生深深的共鸣。假如你不是,那也没有关系,因为Tom和Jerry是不会随着时间而褪色的。相反,他们在时间长河里浸泡越久,他们也会显得越有
2、魅力,你也越会被感动。比起现在那些所谓有深度有意义的动画来说,Tom And Jerry的10分钟片断与其相比倒显得更具光辉。 猫和老鼠之父,是好莱坞动画界的“传奇人物”William Hanna(威廉汉纳:2001年3月22日去世,享年90岁),他曾与Joseph Barbera共同创作了猫和老鼠、摩登原始人、猎犬哈克利伯利、瑜珈熊等著名的卡通形象。 威廉汉纳原是华纳动画部门中的上色作家,写过许多歌和笑话。纳瑟芬芭芭拉从纽约来。1945年,MGM成立了动画部门,威廉汉纳和芭芭拉出任总裁。1955年,由于制作动画费用上升等因素,MGM公司决定不再办动画。威廉汉纳和芭芭拉自己创办公司,叫Hann
3、aBarbera,他们成为汉纳-芭芭拉工作室(Hanna Barbara Studios)的创始人和领导者。威廉汉纳的故事好,芭芭拉画得好,画的表情尤其到位。当时创作的猫和老鼠中,猫叫Jasper,老鼠叫Jinx。就是今天见到的汤姆和杰瑞。汉纳-芭芭拉工作室在米高梅公司制作的卡通猫和老鼠,1940年播出第一集,以后迅速受到欢迎,曾经每周播出11小时,使他们的名气达到顶峰。,Introduction,The first series of Tom and Jerry pictures, directed by Hanna and Barbera for MGM, 1940 -1957, were
4、 absolute masterpieces of animation. Beautifully drawn, very fast paced action all the way and lovable, likable characters. Tom nearly always came off the worst in any encounter with cute little Jerry mouse. The cat would often be gullible enough to accept a lighted stick of dynamite from the rodent
5、, stand there admiring it until it exploded, leaving him nothing but a black smudge with a pair of blinking, disbelieving eyes. Hilariously impossible things happened in these early T&J shorts, the duo would hit each other with anything they could lay their hands on, push each other of off buildings
6、, shoot each other and commit every conceivable (and inconceivable) act of violence to their opponent. All this with never a drop of blood, or long term harm! Wonderful supporting characters appeared in the early Tom and Jerry cartoons. Spike the Bulldog was a formidable adversary to Tom, who would
7、often beat up on the cat egged on by the crafty little mouse.,中文介绍,猫和老鼠(英语:Tom and Jerry,台湾电视公司在70年代播出时曾经译作“妙妙妙”,华纳家庭娱乐在台湾发行的DVD译作“汤姆猫与杰米鼠”,中国大陆各省市电视台80年代播出时曾译作“托姆和小杰瑞”)是由汤姆猫和杰利老鼠搭档出演的一部成功的短篇动画剧集。 该系列动画的编剧和导演分别由威廉翰纳和约瑟巴贝拉(后以翰纳-巴贝拉闻名)担任。从1940年到1958年,直到米高梅公司的动画部门被关闭,该系列动画都是由该公司所出品。米高梅于1960年将猫和老鼠的制作外包给
8、了东欧的伦布兰特电影公司(由吉恩代彻所领导),但因内容不受欢迎,因此只播出了13集。1963年,猫和老鼠又返回了米高梅,由查克琼斯的 Sib-Tower 12出品担纲制作;该系列动画一直播放到了1967年。后来猫和老鼠又重新回到了屏幕,分别由翰纳-巴贝拉(1975年1977年,1990年1993年)和飞美逊工作室(1980年1982年)制作。到了2004年,华纳兄弟娱乐公司亦做了现代版的猫和老鼠(汤姆杰利小故事),以三个小故事为一集。,Tom and Jerry outside the United states Tom and Jerry have long been popular in
9、Germany. However, the cartoons are overdubbed with rhyming German language verse that describes what is happening onscreen, sometimes adding or revising information. The different episodes are usually embedded in the episode Jerrys Diary (1949), in which Tom reads about past adventures. In India, So
10、uth East Asia, Armenia, the Middle East, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, other Latin American countries, and in eastern European countries (such as Romania), Cartoon Network still airs Tom and Jerry cartoons every day. In Russia, local cha
11、nnels also air the show in their daytime programming slot. Tom and Jerry was one of the few cartoons of western origin broadcast in Czechoslovakia (1988) and Romania (until 1989) before the fall of Communism in 1989.,The black housekeeper, often referred to as “Mammy Two Shoes“, ruled the roost in t
12、he household. Mammy was only ever shown from the waist down, she gave a raucous cry of “Tomassss“ whenever she discovered Toms wrong doings. In todays world, of course, Mammy Two Shoes is considered to be a racist character and so her voice has been dubbed over and, in some reissue prints, she has i
13、ncredibly been replaced by a white maid. Hanna and Barbera said goodbye to MGM in 1957 when they left to open their own studio. There was no more Tom and Jerry cartoons produced by MGM until 1961 when the studio commissioned a short series from Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, this run of animated sho
14、rts lacked the finesse, humor and magic of the original series and was never as popular. In 1975 a new series of Tom and Jerry was made by the Hanna Barbera Studio, who had been able to buy their cat and mouse characters from MGM. This was a made for television run of cartoons and therefor was produ
15、ced on a very low budget, and it showed. Far too little action, way too much dialogue and a shortage of violence meant that these 48 TV cartoons bore little resemblance to the early series made for theatrical release. The original T&J cartoons have been criticized by some for their barbarous content
16、 and the effect that they may have had on children. It is doubtful whether many kids got the impression that it was OK to act in the way the characters did in these cat and mouse chase adventures.,Characters,“Tom“ Cat,A large gray cat eyes are always shining light of opportunism, hunched to one side
17、 waiting for an opportunity to attack.,灰色的大猫,眼里总是闪着机会主义的光芒,弓着腰在一旁等待机会出击。,“Tom“ Cat.,A small brown mouse, is always flirting with eyes to see you, and often inadvertently playing only during the big gray cat.,棕色的小老鼠,总是用挑逗的眼神看你,并且常常在不经意期间玩弄这只大灰猫。,Jerry “Mouse“.,斯派克(Speike) 一只凶猛的斗牛犬,汤姆总招惹他 (不管是有意拿他寻开心还
18、是捉杰 瑞时不小心的), 因此总是爆打汤姆。他生有一个儿 子名叫Tyke,布奇(Butch) 一只肮脏的流浪猫,总想捉到杰瑞,因此有时会与汤姆合作。 但更多时侯汤姆为敌(特别是成为情敌)。,Their names are called Tom and Jerry, the worlds most famous cat and mouse, is also the oldest pair of - they have already survived a full 67 years.,他们的名字就叫做Tom和Jerry,世界上最有名的猫和老鼠,也是最长寿的一对他们已经整整存活了67年。,Tom
19、was a common house cat, it has a strong desire to always want to seize and it shared a room with Jerry the mouse is difficult to grasp, it continued efforts to drive away those pesky tenants, but always failed . In fact it is obtained in the pursuit of pleasure is far more than he caught, even if oc
20、casionally caught Jerry, do not know what the results how to dispose of the mouse!,汤姆是一只常见的家猫,它有一种强烈的欲望,总想抓住与它同居一室却难以抓住的老鼠杰瑞,它不断地努力驱赶这些讨厌的房客,但总是遭到失败。而实际上它在追逐中得到的乐趣远远超过了捉住老鼠,即使偶尔捉住了杰瑞,结果也不知究竟该怎么处置这只老鼠!,“Tom and Jerry“ a cat and mouse with the prototype, their mischief is very interesting, no matter h
21、ow intense the game tight, Jerry knows it will not be any real harm, and Tom was always bound to be suffering some skin. This clever mouse and Ben Maos story tells us that animals do not bully the cruel world, only two neighbors, and disputes between the daily chores, such as the little mouse Jerry
22、eating cheese Tom, Tom the traps placed Jerry entrance hole and so on, punctuated by numerous pranks and humor pieces, people feel the long lost innocence Delightful.,猫和老鼠采用了猫与鼠的原型,他们的恶作剧非常有趣,不论游戏多么激烈紧张,杰瑞都知道它不会受到任何真正的伤害,而汤姆则总是难免受些皮肉之苦。这个机灵老鼠与笨猫的故事,告诉我们动物世界中没有恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了汤姆的奶酪
23、,汤姆把捕鼠器放到了杰瑞的洞门口等等,中间穿插的无数恶作剧和幽默片断,让人感受到久违的天真快意。,The relationship between them often change in an instant - your enemy or antagonistic: when an enemy brains, with each side; for the Friends of the time, as close as brothers, who do not hold a grudge.,它们之间的关系常在一瞬间发生变化化敌为友或势不两立:为敌时绞尽脑汁,互不相让;为友时,亲如兄弟,谁也不记仇。,I hope we can like them solidarily and harmony!,Thank You,