1、吴忠市扁担沟中心学校第一届中外文化交流及英语教学周活动安排 2010 年 10 月时间 活动安排10 月 17 日学校派人到银川火车站接待外教。1、8:559:25 全体师生举行升旗仪式,在旗下活动中介绍外教,宣布本次英语周活动开始。2、9:3511:10 安排外教上课。3、11:1012:00 英语教师陪同外教中午到学校餐厅就餐。4、14:1014:50 本校老师上课,外教听课。10 月 18 日5、15:3016:50 英语角活动。1、9:3511:10 安排外教上课。2、11:2014:00 英语教师和外教到沟湾园林就餐,体验自然风景,采摘果实。3、14:1014:50 本校老师上课,外
2、教听课。10 月 19 日4、15:3016:50 外教及师生联谊会。1、9:3511:10 安排外教上课。2、11:1012:00 英语教师陪同外教中午到学校餐厅就餐。3、14:1014:50 本校老师上课,外教听课。10 月 20 日3、15:3016:50 全体英语教师和外教的教学经验交流会议。1、 9:3511:10 安排外教上课。2、11:1012:00 英语教师陪同外教中午到学校餐厅就餐。10 月 21 日3、14:1016:50 英语教师陪同外教观看吴忠风光。1、9:3510:15 安排外教上课。2、10:3011:10 总结本次英语教学周活动,合影留念。10 月 22 日3、1
3、1:1012:00 全体英语教师陪同外教中午到学校餐厅就餐。欢送外教。The Agenda for the first cultural communication 9:35-11:10, Foreign teacher giving classes;11:10-12:00, Foreign teacher having lunch in schools restaurant together with English teachers;14:10-14:50, Foreign teacher having the lessons of other English teachers and g
4、iving comments on them.15:30-16:50, English Corner. Oct. 19th: 9:35-11:10, Foreign teacher giving classes;11:20-14:00, Having lunch in Gouwan Garden as well as picking fruits to experience the charm of nature;14:10-14:50, Foreign teacher having the lessons of other English teachers and giving commen
5、ts on them.15:30-16:50, Foreign teacher students get-together;Oct. 20th: 9:35-11:10, Foreign teacher giving classes;11:10-12:00, Foreign teacher having lunch in schools restaurant together with English teachers;14:10-14:50, Foreign teacher having the lessons of other English teachers and giving comments on them.15:30-16:50, Exchange meeting of foreign teacher and native English teachers together;Oct. 21th : 9:35-11:10, Foreign teacher giving classes;10:30-11:10, Summary 11:10-12:00, All the English teachers, together with Foreign teacher, having farewell lunch in schools restaurant;